19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL
Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email shequality @
Honorary Secretary
Raymond Lloyd
European Bank (EBRD) 14th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors Belgrade 22-23 May 2005
This is my ninth paper for a European Bank annual meeting and, like the previous eight, is downloadable from the Shequality website, by clicking on Conference Papers. In this new paper I provide my regular survey of Women's Advancement, Political Rights and Civil Liberties, based essentially on the work of Freedom House, downloadable from the website . Freedom House gives each country a rating of 1 to 7 for both Political Rights (PR) and Civil Liberties (CL), where 1 represents the highest level of freedom, and 7 the lowest, to which, since 1989, I have provided similar ratings for Women's Advancement (WA). Here I have extracted the 2004/2005 ratings for the 28 EBRD operational countries, and 5 disputed territories.
The past year has seen advances in civil liberties in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Tajikistan, and advances in political rights in Georgia and, after the tabulation was prepared, in Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine, but declines in Armenia, Belarus, Lithuania, Romania, and Russia. Russia has also fallen from the Partly Free category to that of Not Free:
Country WA PR CL Country WA PR CL Country WA PR CL Country WA PR CL Country WA PR CL
Albania 4 3 3 Croatia 4 2 2 Kyrgyzstan 4 6 5 Poland 3 1 1+ Slovakia 3 1 1+
Armenia 6 5- 4 Czech Rep 3 1 1+ Latvia 3 1 2 Romania 4 3- 2 Slovenia 3 1 1
Nagorno K 6 5 5 Estonia 3 1 1+ Lithuania 4 2- 2 Russia 5 6- 5 Tajikistan 5 6 5+
Azerbaijan 6 6 5 Georgia 4+ 3+ 4 Moldova 4 3 4 Chechnya 7 7 7 Turkmenistan 7 7 7
Belarus 5 7- 6 Abkhazia 6 6 5 Transnistria 5 6 6 Serbia & M 5 3 2 Ukraine 5 4 4
Bosnia H 6 4 3+ Hungary 4 1 1+ Mongolia 4 2 2 Kosova 5 5 5 Uzbekistan 6 7 6
Bulgaria 4 1 2 Kazakstan 6 6 5 Macedonia 4 3 3
It is a matter of fine political judgment on where to hold the EBRD Annual Meetings, whether the they serve to further democracy, or to legitimate authoritarianism. The meetings in Budapest, Sofia, Kiev, Riga and Bucharest may have had a positive effect: those in St Petersburg and Tashkent have not. If the non-handing over of war criminals has led to the suspension of EU accession negotiations with Croatia, then the 2005 Annual Meetings of the EBRD might not have been held in Belgrade. The EBRD has a constitutional obligation to promote democracy: the IBRD (World Bank) does not, so has held three of its last four meetings in authoritarian countries, in Hong Kong (China) in 1997, in Dubai in 2003, and in Singapore in 2006. It remains to be seen what will be the influence of the new World Bank President, Paul Wolfowitz, a principal protagonist of ousting the brutal Saddam Hussein. Meanwhile two of the countries where the EBRD has held its annual meetings, Bulgaria and Romania, will join the European Union in January 2007. Here I list 40 anniversaries in 2005, which may be considered as further target dates for enhancing freedom in central and eastern Europe (A).
On women's advancement I have, over the past ten years, circularized the names of 125 able European women for EBRD leadership positions. More generally I have circularized the names of nearly 500 able women from 22 democracies in central and eastern Europe for other top UN and European posts. For previous EBRD and other papers I have extracted special lists for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia. Here I do the same for Slovenia (B). The names of all 5000 able women, from 130 democracies, may now be downloaded from the Shequality website, a download of 94 pages and 1.2 MB, to compile which, over 25 years, has cost me some £50 000 in research and travel.
Still on women's advancement, I am trying to have the second series of Euro banknotes portray distinguished women of European history, and to have one or more of each of the new national coins, to be issued in the ten accession countries, to feature their own distinguished women. Here I illustrate the banknotes with women's portraits still circulating in central and eastern Europe (C). Finally I attach the latest, 102nd monthly issue of The Parity Democrat, with its usual list of 50 anniversaries, coming up in June 2005 (D).
A. 40 Anniversaries of Democracy in central and eastern Europe: 2005 1 p
B. 37 Able Slovenian women proposed to head international organizations 3 pp
C. Banknotes portraying distinguished women of history circulating in central and eastern Europe 2 pp
D. The Parity Democrat ISSN 1367 6946: Vol 9 No 6 for June 2005 (pp 1-2) 2 pp
E. 23 May postscript: Questions on Democracy & Women's Advancement asked in Belgrade 2 pp
19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL
Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email shequality @
Honorary Secretary
Raymond Lloyd
Central & Eastern Europe: Target Dates for Consolidating or Enhancing Democracy: 2005
extract from the writer's "2500 Anniversaries of the Democracies 1988-2016"
41 anniversaries 20 May 2005 @ Raymond Lloyd
Anniversaries for Celebration
Day & Date Location Democracy/Grouping Anniversary
Thu 6 Jan Tirana Albania 80 Proclamation of Republic in 1925
Thu 20 Jan Prague Czech Republic 800 Agnes of Bohemia 1205-1282 foundress saint born
Tue 25 Jan Moscow Russia 250 Moscow University founded
Thu 27 Jan Auschwitz Poland / World 60 Liberation
Mon 7 Feb Shimoda Japan 150 Treaty of friendship with Russia
Mon 4 Apr Budapest Hungary 60 Liberation from nazism
Fri 8 Apr Baku Azerbaijan / Britain 100 Manya Benenson Harari 1905-67 publisher translator born
Sat 30 Apr Ravensbrueck Germany 60 Liberation of women's concentration camp
Sat 8 May Europe World 60 Liberation from nazism
Wed 15 Jun Schengen Luxembourg 20 Initial agreement freeing borders in Europe
Wed 22 Jun Genoa Italy 200 Giuseppe Mazzini 1805-1872 independence hero born
Sat 29 Jul Jonkoping/Uppsala Sweden 100 Dag Hammarskjold 1905-61 UN Secretary General born
Mon 1 Aug Helsinki US / Europe 30 Declaration on Security & Human Rights
Wed 10 Aug Ljubljana Slovenia 60 Votes for Women
Wed 31 Aug Gdansk Poland 25 Establishment of Solidarity trade union
Wed 5 Oct Belgrade Serbia 5 Citizens take over parliament and claim democracy
Mon 24 Oct New York United Nations 60 Foundation of United Nations
Wed 26 Oct Vienna Austria 50 State Treaty
Sun 20 Nov Nuremberg US / Allies 60 International War Crimes Tribunal opens
Mon 21 Nov Dayton Ohio US / Balkans 10 Peace accords on Bosnia
Sun 27 Nov Washington Europe 60 CARE - Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe
Sat 10 Dec Vienna Austria 100 Bertha von Suttner awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Athens Greece / World 2500 Pericles c495-429 BC democratic statesman born
Magdeburg Germany 1200 Oldest known mention of city
Koenigsberg Russia 750 City, now Kaliningrad, founded in 1255
Kruge Albania 600 Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg 1405-68 national hero born
Istanbul Europe 450 Turkey introduces coffee to Europe in 1555
Bucharest Romania 100 Anna Ipatescu 1805-1875 patriot born
Christch/London New Zealand / World 60 Karl Popper's "Open Society and its Enemies"
Occasions for Remembrance, Lustration, Reconciliation or Compensation
Jan - June Germany Russia 60 2 000 000 women raped by soviet army,
the greatest war crime against women in world history
Sun 5 Feb Aldi Grozny Russia 5 Army massacre of 60 Chechen civilians in 2000
Mon 6 Feb Moscow Russia 1 39 subway travellers killed by terrorist bomb
Mon 14 Feb Dresden Germany Britain / US 60 35 000 identified dead in fire bombing
Mon 11 Apr Samashky Russia 10 Massacre of 92 Chechen villagers by Army special forces
Tue 3 May Demmin NE Germany Russia 60 700 women drown themselves before advancing soviet army
Tue 18 May Crimea Russia 60 Expulsion of 500 000 Tatars to Central Asia
Mon 11 Jul Srebenica UN / Nato 10 Abandonment of Safe Area
and Serb murder of 5000 Moslems
Fri 12 Aug Murmansk Russia 5 118 submariners drowned in Kursk
Thu 25 Aug Moscow Russia 1 Chechen women murder 90 passengers on 2 civil airliners
Sat 26 Nov Krakow Poland / World 150 Adam Mickiewicz 1798-1855 poet author died
Bratislava Slovakia 50 Zdenka Schelingova 1916-55 beatified pol prisoner died
19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL
Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email shequality @
Honorary Secretary
Raymond Lloyd
Extract from Lists 1-90 (16.8.1982 - 8.3.2005) naming 5000 able women from 131 democracies
37 names 20 May 2005 @ Raymond Lloyd
Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination
or Administrator as Executive Head of:
(see p 3 for details)
List 90 10 January 2005
Slovenia Zdenka Cerar Minister of Justice ICJ 2009-16
Zdenka Kovac Minister of Regional Development EU 2009-14
Tanya Salecl Director Office for Equal Opportunities UN 2006-11
List 80 25 May 2002
Slovenia Emilija Placer Tusar Secretary of State Transport & Communication UPU 2005-09
Irena Sodin Secretary of State Finance EBRD 2004-08
Stanka Zadravec-Caprirolo Secretary of State Finance EBRD 2004-08
(#) In the past 25 years, in 90 lists sent to foreign ministers and other nominating bodies, lists downloadable from, the writer has proposed some 5000 able women of the calibre to head international agencies with distinction. The women come from the following 131 democracies. National lists exist for the 40 countries marked by an asterisk *, while 51 countries marked # are included in regional lists for Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Pacific or E Europe. The 8 countries between ( ) are no longer considered democracies.
#Albania 15 (Cent Afr Rep 4) Ghana 13 #Kyrgyzstan 15 #Mongolia 11 *Poland 38 #Sri Lanka 23
Andorra 10 Chile 13 *Greece 47 *Latvia 35 Mozambique 3 *Portugal 62 (Sudan 3)
Antigua & B 9 Colombia 72 #Grenada 21 Lesotho 11 #Namibia 15 *Romania 25 Suriname 3
Argentina 38 Costa Rica 46 Guatemala 34 (Liberia 3) #Nauru 1 *Russia 38 *Sweden 127
#Armenia 2 #Croatia 10 Guinea-B 13 Liechtenstein 6 #Nepal 13 #St Kitts-Nevis 3 *Switzerland 34
*Australia 88 Cyprus 5 #Guyana 9 #Lithuania 24 *Netherlands 87 #Saint Lucia 14 Taiwan 2
*Austria 48 *Czech Rep 38 (Haiti 16) *Luxembourg 17 *New Zealand 59 #St Vincent & G 19 #Thailand 10
#Bahamas 24 *Denmark 87 Honduras 34 #Macedonia 16 Nicaragua 17 #Samoa 3 Timor Leste 7
#Bangladesh 15 Djibouti 1 *Hungary 34 #Madagascar 27 Niger 6 San Marino 14 (#Tonga 9)
#Barbados 13 #Dominica 11 *Iceland 22 #Malawi 12 Nigeria 16 #Sao Tome & Pr 16 #Trinidad & Tob 39
*Belgium 50 Dominican Rep 34 *India 127 #Mali 23 *Norway 106 Seychelles 3 #Tuvalu 2
#Belize 12 Ecuador 33 Indonesia 6 Malta 7 (#Pakistan 21) #Senegal 33 Turkey 41
#Benin 17 El Salvador 26 *Ireland 59 #Marshalls 1 Palau 3 Serbia & Mgro 8 #Ukraine 11
Bolivia 18 *Estonia 23 *Israel 24 #Mauritius 7 (Palestine 2) Sierra Leone 2 *United Kingdom 461
#Botswana 17 #Fiji 17 *Italy 118 *Mexico 32 Panama 25 *Slovakia 20 *United States 435
*Brazil 47 *Finland 105 #Jamaica 31 #Micronesia 3 #Papua N G 10 *SLOVENIA 37 Uruguay 9
*Bulgaria 39 *France 172 *Japan 79 #Moldova 21 Paraguay 12 #Solomons 2 #Vanuatu 3
*Canada 215 #Georgia 12 #Kiribati 7 Monaco 1 Peru 36 *South Africa 53 Venezuela 62
#Cape Verde 17 *Germany 229 #Korea 26 *Philippines 58 *Spain 99 (#Zambia 20)
These lists, and special ones for the *agencies, have named the women to fill some 102 top UN and other posts, as follows:
Caricom 62 IPU 82 *UN 226 ESCWA 4 UNEP 169 Unitar 9 *ICJ:15 384 *ITU 55 WIPO 8 *IBRD 60
CoE 73 *Nato 35 ECA 129 Habitat 141 UNFPA 21 UNRWA 12 *FAO 211 Unesco 476 WMO 2 IFC 113
*EBRD 125 OAS 125 ECE 133 Unctad 7 UNHCR 65 UNU 90 *ICAO 59 *Unido 108 IAEA 18 IDA 15
*EU:25 270 *OECD 21 ECLAC 156 UNDCP 13 *UNHCHR 65 WFP 5 *ILO 248 *UPU 36 WTO 54 *IMF 88
EP 12 PIF 52 ESCAP 135 UNDP 41 Unicef 147 ICC:18 5 *IMO 34 *WHO 273 WTOU 129 *IFAD 24
- 2 -
Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination
or Administrator as Executive Head of:
List 77 14 July 2001
Slovenia Marta Turk President Slovenian Women Entrepreneurs Unido 2005-09
List 76 21 March 2001
Slovenia Dusa Krnel Umec Secretary of State Youth & Sport Unesco 2005-11
Andreja Rihter Minister of Culture EU 2005-09
Lucija Eok Minister of Education, Science & Sport Unesco 2005-11
List 75 22 June 2001
Slovenia Romana Logar Secretary of State Finance EBRD 2004-08
Metka Zevnik Secretary of State Youth & Sport Unesco 2005-11
Tomanic Vidovic Secretary of State Small Business & Tourism WTOU 2001-2005
Margareta Strebotnjak Borsel Secretary of State Environment & Physical Planning UNEP 2002-05
List 74 17 November 2000
Slovenia Aleksandra Forte Secretary of State Labour, Families & Social Affairs ILO 2004-09
Sonja Bukovec Secretary of State Finance EBRD 2004-08
Angelica Likovic Secretary of State Youth & Sport Unesco 2005-11
List 73 18 July 2000
Slovenia Barbara Brezigar Minister of Justice ICJ 2003-13
List 71 21 February 2000
Slovenia Dragoljuba Bencina Ambassador to Finland EU 2004-09
Vojka Ravbar State Secretary Economic Cooperation & Development ECE 2001-04
List 69 25 October 1999
Slovenia Barbara Stular-Zmuc Secretary of State Finance EBRD 2002-06
List 67 22 May 1999
Slovenia Tea Petrin Minister of Economic Affairs EBRD 2002-06
List 59 17 May 1997
Slovenia Mira Puc Director Privatization Agency Unido 2001-05
Dusanka Stricevic Director Ministry of Finance EBRD 1997-2001