Lesson Plans

Unit: Food, Health and Nutrition Lesson 8

Targeted Language Progress Indicators

Students use targeted Spanish vocabulary to communicate about food, healthy lifestyles, and their own habits.

Targeted Wyoming Content Strands for Other Disciplines


5. Students demonstrate an understanding of developmentally appropriate relationships between nutrition and healthy lifestyles, health behaviors, and health risks.

4. ALGEBRA: Students use algebraic methods to investigate, model, and interpret patterns and functions involving numbers, shapes, data, and graphs in a problem-solving situation.

Language Structures to Teach/Review
¿En qué...? / Culture to Teach/Review
√ The Mexican monetary system
√ The metric system

Focus Vocabulary for this Lesson:

El pulso (pulse) las respiraciones por minuto (the respiration per minute)

El peso (weight) la estatura (height)

La edad (age) la salud (health)

Lesson Steps

Warm-up: Begin class with the usual greeting. Choose two or three students to approach and greet with a hand shake. As you greet each student, instruct them to choose two or three other people to greet.

Produce your food log and review what you have written on yours. Ask for volunteers to talk about their food log. If some students comment that they forgot about their log, allow a couple of minutes for the students to fill them in. As the students do this walk around the room and either ask questions or comment on what the children are writing.

Activity 1: Return to the introduction that you used to begin this unit. Remind the students that you or your family has decided that your health is very important and that you have decided to take steps to improve your health. Part of this includes an annual check-up with your doctor where the doctor takes your blood pressure, weight, height (if you are a child), and compares this

information with your age. (See Notes to the Teacher) Give the students some questions to think about as they work through the handout.

* ¿Por qué es importante saber las pulsaciones?

* ¿Por qué es importante saber los pesos con respeto a la edad?

* ¿Por qué es salud buena importante?

* ¿Por qué es importante reunir esta información mientras usted está en la escuela?

* ¿Es esta información importante para usted?

Activity 2: Students will need the handout Gráficas y salud (Grade6-Unit1.Lesson8-Handout1). Read and work through the handout together as a class. Model and give examples when necessary to help the students understand the information and questions. If there is not enough time to complete this activity, continue the activity into Lesson 9.

Activity 3: Students will need the Activity Log (Grade 6-Unit1.Lesson8-Handout2) Explain to the students that they will be tracking physical activities for the next 7 days. Show an example of an activity log, possibly one that you have completed or are working on. Let students know that you will be checking both the food log and activity log daily.

Closure: Close with your usual routine.

Extension Activities: Students will need the handout Cuando no como bien... (G6-1.5-H3). Have the class read this page chorally. Model to the students how you would personalize the information. Pair students together and have them practice reading to each other a personalized version. Ask for volunteers to read their personalized versions.

Notes to the Teacher

*Activity 1: If your school nurse is available, you might ask him/her to come to class with scales (if possible), blood pressure cuff, etc., and give a demonstration on a volunteer.

Unit: Food, Health and Nutrition
