Knights Of Pythias
Domain of Ohio
Lodge Inspection Report
Date of Inspection: ______
Name of Lodge ______LodgeNo.
Lodge Location (Street, City, Zip):
Mailing Address (if different):
Day and Time of Stated Meetings
(example: 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.)
Lodge Officers
Chancellor Commander Telephone ( )
Address, City, Zip
Vice Chancellor Telephone ( )
Address, City, Zip
Secretary Telephone ( )
Address, City, Zip
Lodge Deputy Telephone ( )
Address, City, Zip
Trustee _ Chairman Telephone ( )
Are Lodge officers regularly Elected? Yes No Term(s) Start?
[Retain 1 copy of the report for your DDGC file and provide copies to the Lodge, Grand Secretary, and Grand Chancellor]
Lodge No. ______
Does he keep records up to Date? Yes No Were records made available when requested? Yes No
If not, date records will be made available ______
Does he read Grand Lodge communications? Yes No Is he paid a salary/donation? If Yes, Amount $______
Financial Secretary
Does he keep records up to date? Yes No Were records made available when requested? Yes No
Collect dues promptly? Yes No If not, date records will be made available ______
Is he paid a salary/donation? If Yes, Amount $
Officers Present CC VC PR MW Sec. Treas. Fin. Sec. MA IG OG LD
Did officers open Lodge properly the night of inspection? Yes No If No, Explain
Do the officers regularly open Lodge for their stated meetings? Yes No If No, Explain
Is Lodge room in Good Fair Poor condition? Was rank conferred the night of inspection?
When was the last time the Lodge conferred rank work? When is next rank work planned?
Does the Lodge of adequate paraphernalia for rank work? Yes No If No, Explain
Number of members present tonight Visitors Number of Lodges Represented
Does Lodge have proper outside sign or emblem indicating location of Lodge hall? Yes No
Number of members as of this date Past Chancellors 50 Year Members Duel Members
Does the Lodge have an active Delinquent Dues committee? Yes No
Suspensions since last report Reinstatements since last reportInitiations since last report
What are the Lodge dues? $ What are the Lodge initiation fee and reinstatement Fees? $ & $
Is there an active Pythian Sisters Temple meeting at the Lodge hall? ______
Lodge No. ______
Lodge Financial Information
List type of account or investment (i.e. checking, savings, CD, stocks, money market, etc.) / Balance / Bank / Account Number$
Lodge Property
Does Lodge own its building? Yes No If Yes, value $ If No, annual cost to rent hall $
Does the Lodge own other real estate? Yes No If Yes, value $
Does the Lodge receive rental income on any of its property? Yes No If Yes, annual amt $
Is Lodge property held under any company, corporation, or plan? Yes No
If Yes, give details including name, year established, corporation number (if applicable) and who manages
the company, corporation, or plan:
Is Lodge property Mortgaged? Yes No If Yes, what amount is still owed?
Amount of insurance on LodgeBuilding (if applicable) $ Amount of liability insurance $
Are there any liens against property owned by the Lodge? Yes No If Yes, amount $
Other Comments about the Lodge property:
Lodge No. ______
Lodge Charity
Does the Lodge contribute money to charity? Yes No If Yes, list charities supported:
Does the Lodge support charities by other means than monetary contributions? Yes No If Yes, list examples:
Does the Lodge have any fundraisers or special charity events planned? Yes No If Yes, list with dates:
Lodge Activities
Does the Lodge have social activities? Yes No If Yes, list:
Description of Activity / Were ladies invited? / Kids? / Guests? / Annual Event?Activities Planned for the Coming Year:
Description of Activity / Were ladies invited? / Kids? / Guests? / Date (best guess)Lodge No. ______
Inspecting Officer Comments (Suggestions for improvement and other remarks:
Signature of Inspecting Officer:
Print Name:
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