Minutes Of The Kildare Area Committee Meeting Held On 26th February, 1999 At St. Mary’s, Naas

Members Present:Councillor S. O’Fearghail (Chairman); Councillors M. McWey, J. Keane, and J. Dardis

Apologies:Councillor J. O’Loughlin

Officials Present:S. Stokes, Acting County Secretary, M. Kenny, A/Senior Executive Planner, D. Brennan, A/Senior Staff Officer, C. O’Donnell, Assistant Staff Officer, C. Dillon, Clerical Officer, G. Halton, Senior Resident Engineer, A. Aspell, A/Staff Officer, B. Swan, Senior Executive Architect, P. Jones, Senior Executive Planner and C.O’Grady, A/Staff Officer.


KL1/299 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the 29th January, 1999 were adopted on the proposal of Councillor Keane, seconded by Councillor Dardis and

Agreed: By the committee.

KL2/299 Matters Arising from the Minutes

(a)Piping of Surface Water - Kildare Town

Cllr. O’Fearghail raised this issue and asked why it was not included in the Progress Report. S. Stokes, Acting County Secretary, confirmed that he has been informed that while it would be possible to include surface water drainage for new developments, because of the difficulty in separating foul water and surface water in the existing town water system it is not possible to pipe the town water into the system that has been designed as part of Kildare By-Pass.

The members asked that the County Engineer would prepare a report on this matter and that the County Engineer would attend the next meeting of the Kildare Area Committee to discuss the situation.

(b)Mr. Kennedy’s Land at Newtown, Rathangan

D. O’Connor, Senior Executive Engineer, confirmed that L. Shine, Area Engineer could not make contact with Mr. Kennedy and that Roads Section will write to him in relation to the purchase/transfer of this land and report to the next meeting.

(c)Kildare By-Pass

In relation to the Oghill/Grangebeg Road a report was read to the meeting confirming that road repair work had been carried out. Cllr. O’Fearghail stated it was necessary for substantial repairs to be carried out on this and other roads. He asked when this would occur. Cllr. McWey raised the issue of the Kill/Monasterevin Road beside Mr. L. Kenny’s farm. This road was in need of repair also. Mr. D. O’Connor, Senior Executive Engineer, undertook to look at this matter and also to arrange a meeting with P. Thorne and a contractor to make arrangements for substantial road repairs on roads that had been damaged as a result of the works being carried out on Kildare By-Pass.

In relation to the Tully Road, Gerry Halton, Senior Resident Engineer, confirmed that an estimate had been received for the road widening and the Council are currently awaiting written approval from the N.R.A. to proceed with this work. In relation to the Tully Road Cemetery, he confirmed that the National Stud have control of the entrance to the Cemetery. There is a plan for a new entrance, however, the National Stud have to give their agreement. As soon as this is obtained, the work will proceed rapidly.

(d)Cherryville Junction

Cllr. O’Fearghail thanked Gerry Halton for the work that had been carried out at Cherryville Junction.

(e)Recent Traffic Accident at Hybla

It was confirmed that Mr. P. Thorne, Project Engineer, reported that he became aware of a problem on 3rd January, 1999 and cleared the flooding from the road. He reported that, in his opinion, works currently undertaken on the Kildare By-Pass Project were in no way responsible for the flooding. His report indicated that the existing drainage system at the location required repairs and a copy of this report and recommendations had been forwarded to the Area Engineer for implementation. The members noted the report.

(f)Travellers at Weighbridge, Kildare.

D. Brennan, A/Senior Staff Officer, circulated a report to the members in relation to this matter. It was confirmed that the Litter Warden will serve notices in relation to the accumulation of litter in the location. It had been alleged that travellers are encroaching on private property however, this is a matter for the individual landowners to deal with. It is considered that the present site is not suitable and the Council is endeavouring to locate an alternative site or alternative accommodation which could facilitate the family in question.

(g)Closing of Church Lane, Kildare and Heffernan’s Lane, Kildare

The members were informed that a letter had been written to the Gardai in Kildare informing them that the Kildare Committee has agreed to proceed with the installation of bollards at the above locations and asking for their response.

(h)Stokes Family

G. Halton, Senior Resident Engineer, Kildare By-Pass confirmed that they are actively looking at a long-term solution and an alternative site for the accommodation of this family. He outlined proposals that were being considered at the moment. This matter will be referred back to the area committee at a later stage.

KL3/299 Traffic Technical Items

Garda Michael Keevans from Naas Garda Station attended along with Mr. Pat Cleary, Draughtsman/Technician, to deal with these items. There were two matters outstanding; one was in relation to Athgarvan Village and the other in relation to the Grandstand area on the Curragh.

The members

Agreed: That the speed limits should be extended past the Grandstand on the Curragh to the Pollardstown Junction. It was

Also agreed: That in relation to Athgarvan Village the speed limits should be extended.

Cllr. Dardis asked that the white lines at Athgarvan Cross be re-painted as they had faded and it was quite a dangerous situation.

KL4/299 Planning Files

(a)98/1646 David Kearney

This application for a house in Eaglehill, Suncroft, was refused on 19th January, 1999 for planning reasons. Ml. Kenny, Senior Executive Planner, stated that this person has no relationship with the landowner and no sterilisation was on offer from the landowner. Cllr. Keane confirmed that since this refusal the landowner has agreed to sterilisation. Mr. Kearney and his wife are setting up business which will be carried out from their home. Ml. Kenny confirmed that the Council has designated rural development areas, but that this is not one of them. The members recommended that permission be granted when re-submitted.

(b)1785/98 J. Foran - 10 two storey detached houses and associated site development works at Woodlands, Rathangan.

Ml. Kenny, SEP, confirmed that this development is outside the development boundary of Rathangan and that the application is currently on appeal to An Bórd Pleanála. Kildare County Council have made the case that there is undeveloped zoned land near to the town and there is a difficulty in the provision of services to this land. A response from An Bórd Pleanála is awaited.

(c)1657/98 Finian Fitzpatrick - House and Septic Tank at Ballydermot, Rathangan.

It was confirmed that Mr. Fitzpatrick lives in a caravan on the site. He has another house beside the site which he is trying to refurbish. He is disposing of the site to fund the refurbishment of the other house. His family are indigenous to the area. His sister had previously obtained planning permission for this site but the permission had withered, there was once an old mud house on the site. M. Kenny, A/Senior Executive Planner stated that if there was a further application from a person in need of housing, consideration to such an application would be given.

KL5/299 Architectural Plan - Maryville

B. Swan, Senior Executive Architect, confirmed that he would identify sites which would be suitable for sale or lease. He suggested that initially a lease could be offered to the adjoining householders and that the area could be bounded by hedge or fencing as this would be a relatively quick process as opposed to the sale of the land which would take 18 months to 2 years. If the householders then wanted to carry out development work they would have to purchase the property at which stage services which were underground would need to be identified. P. Jones, Senior Executive Planner, advised that standard type fencing should be used and that the necessity for this fencing should be incorporated into the lease.

Cllr. Dardis proposed, and Cllr. Keane seconded, the adoption of a leasing system. This was

Agreed: By the members.

KL6/299 Urban Renewal - Kildare.

P. Jones, SEP, discussed the urban renewal designations which had come down from the Department of the Environment. He said that it was important to note that only one of the sites, site two, can commence on March 1st. The other sites are dependant on the outcome of the commercial designations which will not be announced until later this year. He also confirmed that it was proposed that a townscape scheme would be put into operation by the Department. The towns that did not meet the criteria for the urban renewal may be considered for a townscape improvement scheme to combat areas of dereliction.

KL7/299 Attendance of Iarnrod Eireann

The County Secretary informed the members that Mr. Noel McKenna, District Manager had contacted Kildare County Council to say that he was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting today. The members were anxious to arrange a meeting with Mr. McKenna or officials of Iarnrod Eireann and it was

Agreed: That if Mr. McKenna cannot attend the next meeting of the Kildare Area Committee then alternative arrangements would be made for the members to meet with Iarnrod Eireann at a time and place to be decided by them.

KL8/299 Public Lighting Allocations 1999

Councillor O’Fearghail requested that the request for two additional lights at the junction of the M7 and Clogheen, Monasterevin would be cancelled as these were not required. Councillor Keane requested that the request for additional lighting at New Street, Rathangan would be deleted as this was no longer required. In relation to the provision of two lights between Crockanure and Bishopsland, Kildare the members requested confirmation as to whether development levies were available to carry out this work. In relation to the erection of lights at 3 Melitta Park and The Plains, Kildare the members requested an update as to when this is likely to be put in place. Councillor Keane requested an addition to the public lighting requests for three lights from Cribben’s Lane, Rathangan towards the town. It was

Agreed: To order three lights for Woodlands, Rathangan and to order three lights for outside Kildangan School.

In relation to the quotation of £200 for the erection of one lights on existing pole between Supermarket and Telephone Kiosk on Rathangan Road, Councillor Keane asked that this quotation would be rechecked as a previous quotation has stated that the cost should be £405. Public Lighting Allocations are to be kept on the agenda for the next meeting.

KL9/299 Magee Terrace & Magee Barracks

It was confirmed that the Kildare Area Committee had met with the Department of Defence who are looking at proposals for the land formally occupied by Magee Barracks. The Department will then come back to the Kildare County Council with their proposals. In relation to Magee Terrace, it was confirmed that the taking in charge process could be initiated if money was available for the necessary works. This matter is to be left on the agenda.

KL10/299 Brownstown Community Council

It was confirmed that a report would be made available for the next meeting in relation to the issues raised by the Community Council.

KL11/299 Any Other Business

Councillor Keane raised the issue of flooding at Maddenstown Terrace. He had previously been informed that the Area Engineer would carry out remedial work at this location when the grant works for 1998 were finished but to date, no works had been carried out. He also pointed out that two fire hydrants were covered over by road resurfacing and these need to be uncovered.

Councillor O’Fearghail raised the issue of the leaking soakpit in Maryville and asked for an update on the current position and in relation to the discharge by householders into the surface water system. He requested that the Environment Section would contact the members directly and urgently in relation to this matter.

Councillor O’Fearghail raised the issue of the junction at Rowanville which was realigned using a grant from the National Roads Authority. The junction in his opinion, had been rendered far more dangerous and an accident recently occurred. There is a difficulty for people exiting out of Rowanville Estate onto the Main Road. Des O’Connor, Senior Executive Engineer undertook to examine this and come back to the next meeting with a report.

The next meeting was set for Friday, 26th March, 1999 at 11.00 a.m.

This concluded the business of the Meeting.

Minutes of Kildare Area Committee Meeting - 26th February, 1999