Date:August 21, 2007

Location:Leon County Conference Room, 2284 Miccosukee Road

Members Present: Steve Updike, President; Janice Pursley, Vice President, Don Tobin, Treasurer; Mark Lovell, Secretary; Janet Garrison, Past President, Board MembersDavid Callaway, Bill Spencer,Diana Trahan, Jessie Moseley and Sue Harms

Members Absent: Board Member Clark Rogers

Steve Updike called the meeting to order at 3:34PM

Minutes for the JulyBoard meeting were approved. Mark Lovell thanked Jessie Moseley for filling in while he was in training.

Old Business:

Steve Updikereported that John Cherry contacted him with a suggestion to end monthly meeting meal subsidies and other expenditures. There was no motion on this item.

Florida Governmental Conference and Products Expo –Current count is 67 vendor booths and 131 attendees. There are six unpaid vendors, including some with ad space in the program. Steve will contact these vendors ASAP. The logistics are OK per the Tallahassee-LeonCountyCivicCenter and the program printing is on schedule. The programs should be ready this weekend.

There was a question about parking issues (printed permits versus taking a car-count), but this should not be a major issue. The agenda is finalized, and vendor one-on-one sessions will take place in the Exhibit Hall. These will take place in 15 minute, pre-scheduled blocks, and Bill Spencer will be in charge of this project. There are nine agencies scheduled to participate, and Mark Lovell will follow up with State Purchasing and MyFloridaMarketPlace participation. Renee Randall has been calling agencies to encourage additional participation.

Bill provided a list of volunteers to Steve. Steve and Don agreed that volunteers would primarily be needed in the mornings.

A/V needs –Four LCD projectors are needed. Subtracting the chapter’s projector and Don Tobin’s personal projector leaves two needed. The GSA team is traveling and will need a projector, but the Office of Supplier Diversity will be asked to bring their own equipment. Mark Lovell will follow up with OSD.

NIGP Board Minutes

Page Two

August 21, 2007

Door Prizes – It was agreed to keep last year’s format of $25 Wal-Mart gift cards, raffled-off every half-hour (after the first half-hour). This amounts to 10 cards, and Don will make the purchase. Other donated items will be raffled-off throughout the show.

DMS/State Purchasing survey – Mark was asked about Charles Covington’s request for the TACNIGP membership base e-mail database. This was not apparent, but may be related to recent DMS customer satisfaction surveys. It was agreed that the Board would be consulted in the future before membership information would be released.

DOR member conference refund – Steve explained that due to budget limitations, the Department of Revenue would not be able to provide funding to allow DOR employees to attend the conference. A member of this agency had used his P-card to register, and requested a refund for this registration. The motion for this refund passed unanimously.

Public Records Request for MFMP vendor information – Steve explained to the Board the DMS response to the request for an Excel-format spreadsheet containing the names and street addresses of vendors registered in MyFloridaMarketPlace. Mark followed up with the details. During vendor registration, vendors are advised that their personal information will not be shared with outside parties. When the Chapter asked for this data, Charles Covington offered to print out labels as a hard-copy alternative. On the second request, DMS legal staff said that a Public Records Request would be needed for this to be considered. Steve continued that if the PRR was approved, the Chapter might be required to pay administrative costs for collecting the information. If it was not approved, a lawsuit might be filed by the Chapter against DMS. Karen Walker’s name was suggested as a potential legal representative. Mark asked if this lawsuit would be filed at DOAH, and the answer was yes.

Student Memberships – After the Fall Semester begins, David will coordinate with Dr. Larry Guinipero (College of Business) and Dr. Earl Klay (School of Public Administration) to notify students of this opportunity.

September Board Meeting – Due to the schedule conflict with the Florida Government Technology Conference, the September General Membership Meeting was moved to the third Tuesday of the month (9/18/07). The Board meeting date was discussed, and having this on the same day was approved. (This will keep Jessie off the road!) It would be helpful if this could take place at the after the lunch meeting is concluded, but the CivicCenter will have to approve the time-extension. If not, we will meet at Leon County Purchasing at 3:30 PM, September 18th.

NIGP Board Minutes

Page Three

August 21, 2007

New Business:

Flamingo Badges – These popular “flashing” badges will be sold at the registration desk for $3.00 each. As a “thank you”, volunteers will each receive one at no charge.

Janice announced that Lauren Gaffney, NIGP National advised her that there is no instructor available for September’s Alternative Dispute Resolution LEAP class. This class is cancelled, and Steve would like to try again in February. The other 2007 classes are still a go: October (David Alba) free presentation and November (LEAP – Contracting for Public Sector Services) are on the schedule.

“Speakerman” transportation – Steve Gilliland will need a ride from the airport to his hotel on Sunday evening, hotel to the CivicCenter on Monday morning and CivicCenter to the Airport on Monday afternoon. Don volunteered for the first two shifts and Janet for the third.

Financial Assistance for Certification – Jessie Moseley mentioned a Department of Corrections employee that had asked her to bring up the restoration of the scholarship assistance program for those who wish to achieve their UPPCC certification. She produced an email that had been written byLisa Bassett, DC Purchasing Director and forwarded to her stating that due to budget constraints, their agency will probably not be able to assistwith new certifications. Steve reminded the Board that this matter was discussed earlier in the year. Additional expenditures would be determined by new funds available from the conference. Since we are behind schedule, this cannot be considered at this time. He restated that Chapter funds are for education and training, and not for sponsorships. Another DC employee was mentioned, requesting assistance of how many meeting she had attended so she could prove she was a member “in good standings”for recertification.

Meeting Adjourned at 4:55 PM

Mark Lovell, CPPB – 2007 Secretary

Tallahassee Area Chapter of NIGP