Vickery Development, Inc.

Employee Handbook


Welcome to Vickery Development, Inc.

We consider our employees to be the most valuable part of our Company, and we take a personal interest in both their accomplishments and their concerns.

This handbook is designed to acquaint you with Vickery Development and provide you with information about working conditions, employee benefits, and some of the policies affecting your employment. You should read, understand, and comply with all provisions of this handbook. It describes many of your responsibilities as an employee and outlines the programs developed by Vickery Development to benefit our employees.

We have tried to cover most of the information in which you will be interested, however, no employees handbook can reasonably include all items and conditions of employment. If you have a question about a particular provision, or about the Company’s policy on any situation not mentioned in this handbook, you should discuss it with your supervisor. Your supervisor will be responsible for guiding you in your job and is eager to help you improve your job proficiency.

The information contained in this handbook is current and up to date at the time of publication, however, management reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or portion of the handbook from time to time as it deems appropriate, in its sole and absolute discretion. The only exception to any changes is our employment-at-will policy permitting you or the Company to end our relationship for any reason at any time.

We hope you will find your job stimulating and rewarding so that our association will be mutually profitable and enjoyable. As a matter of employee relations, the Company pledges to make every effort consistent with business conditions to:

  • Pay equal, or better, than the prevailing rates of pay in the community for comparable work and skill requirements.
  • Give all employees equal opportunity for advancement.
  • Maintain reasonable hours of work and safe working conditions.
  • Provide each employee with the opportunity to consult with management on any matters concerning his or her welfare or the welfare of the Company.
  • Make every effort toward providing steady employment, consistent with business conditions.
  • Generate a friendly and cooperative atmosphere in which to work.

With this pledge on our part, and reasonable effort on your part, we can and will pull together to make our Company a friendly, safe, and profitable place to work.


  • Absences…………………………………………………………………..…13
  • Bereavement Leave…………………………………………………………..28
  • Changes in Pertinent Information……………………………………………..6
  • Company Philosophy……………………………………………………….…4
  • Computer/Email Usage; Workplace Monitoring……………………….……29
  • Discharge…………………………………………………………………….20
  • Emergency Closing…………………………………………………………..22
  • Employee Complaint Procedure……………………………………………..19
  • Employee Responsibility…………………………………………………….10
  • Employment of Relatives…………………………………………………….12
  • Equal Employment Opportunity……………………………………………....4
  • Equipment Furnished by Company……………………………………….…11
  • Exit Interviews……………………………………………………………….20
  • Family and Medical Leave Act………………………………………………17
  • General Work Rules………………………………………………………….21
  • Holidays…………………………………………………………………...…27
  • Jury Duty……………………………………………………………………..28
  • Leaves of Absence………………………………………………………...…14
  • Length of Service…………………………..………………………………….6
  • Military Leave of Absence…………………………………………………...16
  • Management Policy Statement on Ethical Standards of Business Practice….30
  • Non-Disclosure Policy………………………………………………………...5
  • Off Duty Employee Rules……………………………………………………12
  • Overtime Practices………………………………………………………….…7
  • Pay Periods…………………………………………………………………….6
  • Performance Reviews & Pay Increases……………………………………….9
  • Personal Appearance & Attire……………………………………………….11
  • Probationary Period…………………………………………………….……..5
  • Progressive Disciplinary Policy………………………………………….…..18
  • Promotions………………………………………………………………….…8
  • Schedules for Work Hours…………………………………………………….7
  • Sexual Harassment & Interpersonal Relations Policy……………………….23
  • Suggestions…………………………………………………………………..10
  • Tardiness……………………………………………………………………..12
  • Time Records….………………………………………………………………6
  • Transfers………………………………………………………………………7
  • Vacations……………………………………………………………………..26
  • Workplace Violence Policy………………………………………………….25
  • Your Supervisor…………………………………………………………...…10


The Company believes that all persons are entitled to equal employment opportunities. Vickery Development does not discriminate against its employees or applicants for employment based on race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, marital status, pregnancy, sexual preference or disability. This policy of nondiscrimination includes, but is not limited to: recruitment, employment, compensation, promotion, transfer, training and termination.

Vickery Development asks all managers and supervisors to encourage their employees to fully support this policy. Managers and supervisors are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the success of this policy through initiative, personal leadership, and example. Any employee who breaches this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination of employment.


  • Vickery Development’s commitment is a “Higher Standard of Trust”. Employees shall at all times exercise the utmost client loyalty and shall not engage in any activity which could be reasonably construed as contrary to the best interest of its clients.
  • We are a service oriented Company.
  • All we have to sell is our service.
  • Our employees are our most valuable resource, and the development and safety of our employees always comes first.
  • All revenues to pay wages and salaries come from our clients and tenants.
  • We must always provide fast, efficient, and courteous service.
  • We must, at all times, be conscious of our public image, as we are a high visibility business.
  • We must always serve our clients and tenants with professionalism as our number one priority.


In order that both you and the Company have a fair opportunity to better evaluate one another, the first ninety (90) days of employment is a Probationary Period. During this period, we encourage you to consider completely what Vickery Development has to offer in future opportunities, security, and income. We hope, of course, you will like what you find here. Should you conclude otherwise, we think it is best to make this discovery at an early date. Similarly, we use these ninety days to evaluate your qualifications more closely. Your performance on the job, your attitude and potential abilities are all carefully weighed in determining whether your qualifications are best suited for our particular needs. After satisfactory completion of this probationary period, with the employment-at-will policy remaining in effect, you will become a regular employee with your anniversary date being the original date of hire.


All employees of Vickery Development may be apprised of confidential information, trade secrets, and proprietary business information in the course of their employment. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Corporate books and records
  • Financial information
  • Personnel information
  • Lists of clients and accounts
  • Sales and marketing information
  • Compensation data, concerning yourself and/or other employees
  • Computer programs and codes
  • Pending project and proposals

…and all other information of a proprietary or confidential nature, which is required to be maintained as such to ensure the continued success of the Company.

Except as may be required by Vickery Development in connection with your employment, such information is not to be disclosed, either directly or indirectly, to any other person or entity, or used for the employee’s benefit or the benefit of another in any fashion. Most importantly, such information is not to be disclosed to anyone with whom Vickery Development is in competition, or in a business relationship, including tenants.

Any violation of this policy of confidentiality is grounds for immediate termination from Vickery Development, Inc.


The Company recognizes the principle of seniority. In cases of promotion, filling vacancies, lay-offs, or re-employment after lay-offs, length of service shall be the deciding factor if the qualifications of the employees involved and their ability to fulfill the job requirements are substantially the same.


Each non-exempt employee must complete a time record according to the instructions set forth by your supervisor. Each employee has the responsibility of properly completing his or her time record for regular daily work and any authorized overtime that may be involved.


Employee paychecks are issued on Fridays, bi-weekly. If the scheduled payday falls on a recognized holiday, then payment will be made on Thursday.

The Company takes all reasonable steps to ensure that employees receive the correct amount of pay in each paycheck and that employees are paid promptly on the scheduled payday. In the unlikely event that there is an error in the amount of pay, the employee should promptly bring the matter to the attention of their supervisor so that corrections can be made as soon as possible.


It is particularly important that all employees keep the Company informed regarding any changes in the following:

  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Marital Status
  • Number of dependents
  • Next of kin

Report such changes in writing to your supervisor and personnel as soon as possible.


As our various departments are on different time schedules, your supervisor will advise you as to your hours of work. Vickery Development wants employees who expect a better than average place to work to realize this can only be attained by all employees putting in a better than average work effort. The success of the Company depends on effective work times by all employees.


When operating requirements or other needs cannot be met during regular working hours, employees may be scheduled to work overtime hours. Whenever possible, advance notification of these mandatory assignments will be provided. All overtime work must receive the supervisor’s prior authorization. Overtime assignments will be distributed as equitably as practical to all employees qualified to perform the required work, with volunteers who are most capable of performing the work to be considered first.

Employees who work overtime without receiving prior authorization from their supervisor will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination of employment.


An employee may request a transfer within the Company at any time. Each employee’s request for transfer will be considered equally. These transfers must also serve the Company’s interests. The employee’s supervisor and the Department Head will approve or disapprove each request for transfer on individual merit. A transfer at Vickery Development is considered a privilege, and will only be awarded to employees who have earned them.


The Company policy is to promote from within whenever possible. Advancement is entirely dependent upon each individual’s employment record. Regular attendance, punctuality, ability, attitude, effective production and safe work record are the best means for promotion.

Management will attach considerable weight to the opinions and recommendations of your current supervisor and the supervisor to whom the employee will report. Management will select the most qualified individual for the promotion based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:

  • Skills possessed for the job or opening
  • Education and/or experience
  • Attitude
  • Dependability
  • Growth potential
  • Judgment
  • Relations with and ability to direct others
  • Stability
  • Length of service

The promotion of an employee must be approved in writing by the supervisor he or she reports to, and the supervisor at the next highest level.

If two or more individuals have equal qualifications for a position, the employee with the greatest seniority will be given preference in filling the opening.

It is Company policy to promote from within the corporate organization whenever practical rather than fill a job or position opening from outside sources. However, if there is no one available within the organization with suitable qualifications to fill a job or position opening, then the Company will search the labor market for suitable candidates, evaluate qualified persons and select a candidate to fill the opening.


Your performance on the job is reviewed routinely after the first ninety (90) days, the normal probationary period, or as per any employment agreement. This performance review shall not result in an increase in your rate of compensation; it determines your advancement from the probationary period to regular employment.

Your next performance review will occur approximately at the time of your one-year anniversary of employment with the Company, and thereafter at the time of each subsequent anniversary. All employees currently observing a January review date shall continue to do so. Your supervisor makes written reports on your progress that serve as a guide for wage and salary reviews and as a tool for evaluation when promotional opportunities exist. Your review is based on your work, your proven ability, and your overall job performance. In addition, your attendance record, cooperativeness, and attitude are given consideration.

An employee’s worth to the Company is based on the employee’s ability to help the Company make a profit. Imagination, good ideas, suggestions, loyalty, and achievement are among the things that increase an employee’s worth to the Company.


Your supervisor has been selected for his or her knowledge of the position to which he is assigned, and for his or her ability to help people reporting to him work effectively and develop their skills.

When you have questions or problems concerning your work, refer them to your supervisor. He or she is the person from whom you will be able to get direction and solutions to any problems that might arise on the job. Your supervisor’s main purpose in being in the department is to assist you in learning how to best perform your particular job duties. Do not hesitate to seek your supervisor’s help.


Here at Vickery Development, we try to give an employee as much responsibility as possible. Supervisors are encouraged to compliment and constructively critique an employee’s performance when they see that such comments are called for. No one likes to see his or her work ignored. The management is always interested in, and aware of, the performance of the employees to help one another by giving proper encouragement and helpful criticisms. Remember to use the words “please” and “thank you” when giving orders or making requests, and especially when communicating with clients or tenants.


The management of this Company does not pretend to know the best answer to every problem. There is always a better way to do each job. We earnestly ask all employees who have ideas or suggestions for the improvement of methods or procedures to feel free to offer them to their supervisor.


Your personal appearance reflects on the judgment of your employers. Dress, grooming, and personal standards of cleanliness contribute to the morale of all employees and affect the business image Vickery Development presents to its tenants, clients, and visitors.

During business hours or whenever you may be representing Vickery Development, you are expected to present a clean, neat, and tasteful appearance. You should dress and groom yourself according to the requirements of your position and accepted social standards. This is particularly true if your job involves dealing with the public in person. Generally, apparel style should be conservative in appearance, and good personal hygiene practice by both male and female employees is essential.

Your supervisor is responsible for establishing a reasonable dress code appropriate to the job you perform. If your supervisor feels your appearance is inappropriate, you may be asked to leave the workplace until you are properly dressed or groomed. Under such circumstances, you will not be compensated for the time away from work. Consult your supervisor if you have question as to what constitutes appropriate attire and appearance.

Without unduly restricting individual tastes, the following personal appearance guidelines should be followed:

  • Tank tops, tube or halter-tops, or shorts may not be worn under any circumstances.
  • Mustaches and beards must be clean, well trimmed, and neat.
  • Hairstyles are expected to be in good taste. Unnaturally colored hair and extreme hairstyles do not present an appropriately professional image.
  • Excessive make-up is not permitted.
  • Perfume, cologne, and aftershave lotion should be used moderately; remember some individuals may be sensitive to strong fragrances.
  • Eyebrow rings, nose rings, lip rings, tongue studs, and other facial jewelry are not professionally appropriate and should not be worn during business hours.
  • Body piercings, excessive tattoos or other body art must be covered during work hours.


All documents, supplies and equipment provided by the Company remain the property of the Company and must be returned upon suspension, lay-off, leave of absence, or termination. Employees are responsible for seeing that all Company property in their possession is returned before receipt of the final paycheck. If any employee loses or damages items provided to them, the Company may deduct the reasonable replacement cost from the employee’s paycheck.


Employees are not to enter or remain in any Company office, or any other work area, for any purpose unless the employee is either on duty or scheduled for work. Employees may remain in or enter Company premises when necessary to conduct business with personnel or supervisors.

Company office is defined as:

  1. Corporate and financial offices located at 920-A Tenison Memorial Drive, Dallas, Texas, 75223.
  2. Offices on-site at projects owned by and/or managed by the Company.


For the purpose of employee records, it is important that the Company document family relationships that exist between personnel. Therefore, applicants for employment must reveal to the Interviewer and Personnel Department any relationship to existing Company personnel of which they are aware. Such relationships that should be reported include:

  • Parent and child
  • Siblings (brothers/sisters)
  • Spouse
  • In-laws
  • Aunt or uncle/niece or nephew
  • First cousins

The existence of such relationships will not hinder or penalize an employee with respect to his or her continued employment, or future promotion and advancement opportunities. However, the Company may employ no relative of any present Vickery Development employee without the prior written consent of the Company’s president. This rule applies equally to all new full-time, part-time, and temporary employees.