Vancouver, BC, Canada

Tel: +1 250 891 8235 • •


  • 2017 MBA graduatewith focus on sustainability,cross-cultural management,data analytics, strategy, finance and operations;
  • Research design, data collection, synthesis and analysis;
  • Team member for the completion of Health/Social/Cultural Impact Assessments;
  • Experience working with Indigenous communities, governments, international financial institutions, and the private sector in developing and developed nations;
  • Effective written communication skills as a result of writing academic publications, reports,and proposals for various projects;
  • Broad knowledge of various cultures resulting from travelling to over 30 countries;and
  • Working knowledge of Spanish and Italian.


Masters of Business Administration June. 2017

BeedieSchool of Business, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC

  • VP Social Committee, Graduate Business Student’s Association
  • Captain of the 2016 MBA Games
  • BeedieSchool of Business Student Ambassador

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)Apr. 2012

Geography, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC

  • Director at Large of Students of Geography (SOGS)


Works Manager Jan 2015 - Present

Arrowsmith Gold Incorporated – Parksville, BC

Arrowsmith Gold Inc. is a small consulting firm focused on community health and safety related to industrial development.

Arrowsmith Gold Inc. main areas of focus include: extractive industry development, special economic zones (SEZs), community health and safety management, worker health, influx risk management, health impact/risk assessment, health risks to Aboriginal/Indigenous People, and research and development.

My role focuses on:

  • Developing and supportingbusiness partnerships;
  • Formulating short and long-term business strategies for the company;
  • Collaboratingwith the company’s director to conduct health assessments related to risk, impacts and opportunities associated with large-scale development projects in both Canada and internationally;
  • Supporting the company’s director in the development and completion of various baseline community health and socio-economic studies,surveillance and response programs, due diligence and independent project assessment,and corporate plans and documentations.
  • Providing support to thecompany’s director in the management ofthe firm’s finances and accounts payable.

Notable projects I have been involved in include:

  • Developing a Health Impact Assessment Framework for the Greater Mekong Subregion (Thailand, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam) to provide enhanced guidance for identifying, mitigating and managing health risks and impacts related to industrial and economic development within Special Economic Zones (SEZs) for the Asian Development Bank(2017 to present)
  • Health Impact Assessment (scoping phase) for a First Nation directly impacted by a marine diesel spill (2017 to present)
  • Cultural Impact Assessment of the Mount Polley Tailings Dam failure on a directly impacted First Nation (2016 to 2017)
  • Health Impact Assessment for 17 First Nations associated with the Mount Polley Tailings Dam failure for the First Nations Health Authority (2015 to 2016)
  • Health (social, cultural and economic) risk and opportunity assessment for Gitxaala Nation in relation to LNG and other developments (2016 - present)

SubcontractorOct 2016 - Present

Monkey Forest Consulting – Hong Kong, HK

Monkey Forest Consulting is an independent consulting company whose teams work globally with enterprises to research and develop insights into building social acceptance, aligning company business objectives with community values and preparing communities for complex change.
My role as a subcontractor primarily consists of collaborating with senior staff to support the development of impact assessments and research analysis.

Notable projects I have been involved in include:

  • Participated in the development of a social impact assessment for a multi million-dollar petrochemical refinery expansion upgrade in Kuwait. This project involved completing an area of influence, researching and analyzing primary and secondary data, and developing a research document outlining key findings used to move the project forward;
  • Assisted in the completion of a relocation assessment for a village adjacent to $9 billion Refinery and Petrochemical Project in Vietnam (Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical). In addition, I also assisted in the development and completion of a livelihood midline assessment for the resettled populations; and
  • Conducted research on how commercial banks are integrating the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights into their activities.
  • Formulated a report on how the world’s largest mining companies are integrating/embedding sustainability into their business practices. In addition, I drafted a formal letter on behalf of a major mining company in response to a sustainability audit they received. This process involved reviewing various documents including the mining company’s most recent sustainability annual report and citing omissions related to the audit.

SubcontractorAug 2017 - Present

Intelligent Social Investment – Bogota, CO

Intelligent Social Investment is a medium sized consulting firm that specializes in project management, training, structuring and implementing corporate management portfolios with a special focus on risk management, corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and shared value creation.

My role as a subcontractor primarily consists of collaborating with the company's directors to provide support in project management, and research and data analysis.

Notable projects I have been involved in include:

  • Collaborated with one of the company’s directors to formulate an infographic for the World Bank on Colombia’s proposed care economy.

Telephone Automobile Insurance Adjuster Jan 2013 – Dec 2014

Wawanesa Mutual Insurance – Calgary, AB

  • Ensured equitable settlements for clients by thoroughly investigating losses by ordering appropriate reports from appraisers, third party adjusters, and obtaining statements from clients, witnesses, and police to determine liability;
  • Increased referrals by building a professional rapport with clients by continually maintaining open communication throughout the claims process, and prompt handling of complex claim scenarios; and
  • Educated clients on insurance policy by interpreting policy wordings and policy coverages while adhering to Insurance Act of Alberta, the Traffic Safety Act and the Inter-Company Settlement Agreement.


Beedie School of Business Student AmbassadorJanuary 2016 – September 2016

Simon Fraser University

  • Planned, organized and executed various events and activities for potential MBA admits;
  • Contributed to student engagement by mentoring new admits;
  • Planned and organized the 2016-2017 MBA Orientation Social; and
  • Collaborated with recruitment staff during the admissions interview process for the 2016-2017 SFU MBA candidates.

Working Group Member Oct 2013 – Dec 2014

Calgary Can(

  • Participated in various visioning and planning exercises including: facilitating monthly meetings, grant applications, data collection and research, connecting with our clients and educating the local community;
  • Developed Calgary Can’s Safety Policy and ethics standards;
  • Helped formulate and implement the organization’s communication and business strategies; and
  • Planned, organized, and executed numerous fundraising activities and events to raise money for the organization.

Director at LargeSep 2009 – Apr 2012

Students of Geography (SOGS), University of Victoria

  • Planned, organized and executed several faculty and student gatherings including: annual general meetings, field school information gatherings and graduate school information sessions;
  • Linked with the geography community to secure speakers and workshop presenters, including professors, undergraduate/master’s/PhD students, and working professionals;
  • Organized various fundraising activities to help subsidize admission, transportation and accommodation fees for students interested in attending the annual Western Division, Canadian Association of Geographers (WDCAG) conference; and
  • Presented undergraduate honours research at the 2012 WDCAG conference.


  • Excellent research and writing skills

-September, 2017: Research accepted for publishing in the International Journal of Indigenous health

Shandro, J., Jokinen, L., Stockwell, A., Mazzei, F., & Winkler, M. S. (2017). Risks and Impacts to First Nation Health and the Mount Polley Mine Tailings Dam Failure. International Journal of Indigenous Health. 12(2).

-June, 2014: Undergraduate honours thesiswas published in American Journal of Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias

Mazzei, F., Gillan, R., & Cloutier, D. (2014). Exploring the Influence of Environment on the Spatial Behavior of Older Adults in a Purpose-Built Acute Care Dementia Unit. American Journal of Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias. 29(4): 311-319.

  • Completed Sustainability Training from the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group)
  • Completed Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Training Course from the Asia Development Bank in Hue, Vietnam (April 2017).
  • Awards for customer service and academic achievement