Take the Lead

Take the Lead is a program that provides grants to youth to design and run community projects in Ajax and Pickering. These projects are a great way to develop strong leadership and project management skills. This opportunity will be a great experience to include in a future professional portfolio. In past years we have supported and funded talent/art showcases, leadership camps/ conferences, workshops or lessons in different areas of interest such as fitness, cricket and art. We will choose a minimum of 3 projects to fund each session with grants up to $1,000. There will be three deadlines to apply: February 18, May 12 and October 13, 2017 and teams will be advised if their project has been selected within 1 month of the deadline. Ideally, projects will be completed by the end of the school year. You can apply on your own, or in groups of up to 5. Each team will be matched with an adult mentor from a youth-serving agency in Ajax or Pickering. This person will act as a resource and a support for their youth team. You can earn community volunteer hours through your involvement.

Youth Serving Agencies involved:

Ø  John Howard Society of Durham

Ø  YMCA Employment Services

Ø  Town of Ajax

Ø  Carea Community Health Centre

Although there are deadlines for project applications we accept applications throughout the year, however, will only consider projects during the review period. Please submit all project applications via the following:


Mail/ in person: Attn Mitchelle S, Carea Community Health Centre

360 Bayly St West, Unit 5

Ajax ON L1S 1P1

Fax: 905-428-9151

Take the Lead

Criteria and Guidelines

Projects must:

·  Be designed by youth and run by youth (age 13-19)

·  Address real needs of the community, and provide a positive outcome for community members

·  Take place in Ajax or Pickering.

·  Be completed within the funding year (ie if you applied spring 2017 the project must be completed before spring 2018).


·  Must agree to work with an adult mentor (provided by or approved by coalition, with input from applicant).

·  Can earn community volunteer hours through their involvement

·  Must demonstrate a commitment to managing the money wisely by putting together a reasonable budget (mentor can assist with this)

·  Must fill out application and each team member must fill out contact information page. Submit ideas via email , in person or fax (contact information on front of this package)

·  Please ensure that you print clearly, and that all of the information is accurate and complete. Team members will be asked to sign an agreement upon approval of project.

Project Examples:

·  Art/ talent showcases

·  Skill development workshops or conferences (leadership, fitness, computer training)

·  Awareness campaigns (Gossip Free Zones at Pickering High)

Important Notes:

·  Our review team will meet to review applications twice a year (winter, spring and fall). Please submit even if you miss the deadline.

·  We do not provide funding for fundraising projects.

·  Resources for project planning are attached to this application however mentors from the coalition will assist with further development if your project is approved.

·  There is a mentor application also attached if you have an adult mentor from the community who can assist you; they will need to be approved by coalition.

·  If your project is approved, you must agree to attend a Take the Lead training meeting.

Applicant Information

Applicant Information (Each member of the group must fill out this section. Please print/photocopy as many of this page as you need. If e-mailing, more copies of this applicant section are available at the end of the application document).

Applicant Name:
Street Address:
Town: Province: Postal Code:
Email Address: Age:
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Are you currently attending school?: Yes ___ No ___ School:
Where did you find out about Take the Lead?: A website (which one?) ______poster/flyer ___
Teacher/Guidance ____ Youth organization (which one?)______
Other (please explain): ______
Are you involved with any other youth organizations (if yes, which ones?):

Take the Lead Application Form

What is your project idea? (briefly describe your project , what you hope to accomplish, and how it will benefit your community)

Who? (What audience is your project intended for...i.e. grade 7and 8 students, families, seniors; is there a specific team or club)

When? (What is the tentative timeline for this project to be run…is there a specific date or month)

Where? (Do you have a location you would like to run this project or space in the community?)

Cost? (Approximately how much would your project cost to run?)

Do you have an adult mentor for this project? If yes please have them submit Mentor Package

Additional Applicant information pages

Applicant Name:
Street Address:
Town: Province: Postal Code:
Email Address: Age:
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Are you currently attending school?: Yes ___ No ___ School:
Where did you find out about Take the Lead? A website (which one?) ______poster/flyer ___
Teacher/Guidance ____ Youth organization (which one?)______
Other (please explain): ______
Are you involved with any other youth organizations (if yes, which ones?):
Applicant Name:
Street Address:
Town: Province: Postal Code:
Email Address: Age:
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Are you currently attending school?: Yes ___ No ___ School:
Where did you find out about Take the Lead?: A website (which one?) ______poster/flyer ___
Teacher/Guidance ____ Youth organization (which one?)______
Other (please explain): ______
Are you involved with any other youth organizations (if yes, which ones?):