Minutes of NAV Splinter Meeting on October 13, 2004 in Munich


J. Folliard (CNES)

R. Kiehling (DLR/GSOC)

M. Kirschner (DLR/GSOC)

T. Martin-Mur (JPL)

S. Pallaschke (ESA/ESOC)

Minutes: R. Kiehling

1. Poster of NAV WG on 18th ISSFD
Tomas Martin-Mur reported that there was a big interest for the Poster presented at the symposium.
2. Attitude Data Message (ADM)
JF will send an update of ADM prior to November Meeting (by end of October). / JF: Delivery of update of ADM (End 10/2004)
3. Tracking Data Message (TDM)
3.1. General
It was discussed how to handle
-  different Az/El definitions;
-  different X/Y angle definitions;
-  antenna intersection point definition;
-  Station coordinates;
-  etc.
These items should be addressed in the ICD. The scope of ICDs should be recommended in the TDM BB. / NAV WG: Define scope of ICD (Due Date: tbd)
3.2. Questions in Annex D
-  q1: Decided to go to the participant scheme.
-  q2: We need an exact definition of participants and signal paths for each measurement type and scenarios (1-way, 2-way, etc.). David is asked to prepare a proposal until Nov.
-  q3: Include description of DELTA_XXX.
-  q4: clock bias is given in the data, data are not corrected wrt. clock bias (Def. into GB)
-  q5: Decide which types will be tested by us (Toulouse) / DB: update TDM
DB: update TDM
DB: update TDM
WG: update GB
3.3. Review of TDM Issue 1.6
-  Introduce keys which corrections are applied (e.g. delays, Ionosphere, Troposphere etc.)
-  Use of polynomials for applied corrections ? (TBD in Toulouse)
-  GPS (PVT): Remove it in this version (reference to RINEX/SP3), incl. keywords REF_FRAME, CENTER_NAME .
-  Time: Indication of used time tags are missing (transmission, received, mid of interval, etc…): Time Tag convention to Metadata
-  Investigate Keyword representation for TDM (Semi-colon ?)
-  One meta-block defines only one set of participant.
-  VLBI: resolve ambiguity problem
-  Merge A_RANGE with RANGE (introd. keyword MODULO)
-  units of range (km, m, sec, range unit)
-  (speed of light defined unit ?)
-  Remove accelerometer data type
-  incl. in 3.4.19: count time
-  Remove TELESCOPE (RA, DEC to angles incl. Def.)
-  incl. PHASE_AMBIGUITY keyword in 3.4.21
-  Siegmar: Provide Table (Overview which keywords are relevant for which Tracking Data Type) / DB
4. XML-Doc
4.1. Questions Annex C
-  q1 (XML Requirements):
o  The XML implementation shall allow for the representation of all the fields available in the ODM, TDM and ADM.
o  The names of XML fields shall be the same as that of the corresponding fields in the ODM, TDM or ADM.
o  Some requirement about XML style (attributes vs. additional fields)
-  q2: PVT removed (no problem any longer)
-  q3: keep open
-  q4: No enforcing of time system
-  q5: Yes
-  q6: OPM: delta_V, APM Torques !
-  q7: (tbd)
-  q8: No
-  q9: No
-  q10: Yes
-  q11: No (for both APM and OPM ?) (tbd, discussion in Toulouse) / WG
4.2. General (XML Doc.)
-  Agenda for Toulouse: Reserve slot for XML (invite Francisco Martinez).
-  Review XML Doc., provide comments / FF
5. Green Book (Questions in Annex C)
-  q1: Yes (and replace P1J by NAV WG)
-  q2: under investigation
-  q3: under investigation
-  q4: YES
-  q5: TELESCOPE removed in TDM / WG