Swift School Positive Behavior Plan (revised 8/10/15)

Swift School Cubs will…

Care for ourselves and others

Walk at a safe indoor pace

Walk behind at a safe distance

Play carefully and follow playground rules

Keep hands, feet, lips and objects to yourself

Use restroom appropriately

Follow all bus rules

Use time wisely…

Line up promptly when your class is told to

After using the restroom, return to the classroom

Complete assignments

Stay on task during classroom instruction

Be responsible…

Only go places you have been given permission to go

Clean up after yourself

Only eat your own food

Learn the playground rules

Flush the toilet after using it

Flush used toilet paper and put used paper towels in the trash can

Take care of personal belongings

Leave toys and trinkets at home – if taken up, items will be returned in May

Follow directions of all school staff, complete and turn in homework, and get conduct card signed daily

Complete your own work without cheating

Dress according to the BCBE dress code – refer to the student handbook for consequences

Show respect…

Keep silent while walking or waiting

Give people privacy and do not interrupt

Use a fork and/or a spoon and a napkin while eating breakfast or lunch

Chew with your mouth closed

Be a good audience during assemblies or for guest speakers

Use language appropriate for school

Play fairly

***The above list is a suggested list of school behaviors and is not “all inclusive.”

Major Infractions:Inappropriate Language and/or gestures including kissing and spitting (automatic N)

Profanity (automatic U)

Intentional harming (hit, kick, push, bite) or threatening another student (immediate office referral

Illegal Drugs or Weapons (immediate office referral)

Bullying (counselor referral with documentation in the student’s record)

Stealing and/or property damage (immediate office referral)

Note: Bullying is repeated teasing, name-calling, pushing, kicking, hitting, making threats whether in person or in writing, and other actions that have serious emotional effects.

Behavior Consequences

G = no consequence, all G’s for the month will be rewarded with an out of uniform pass
S = no consequence (We all have a rough day from time-to-time.)
N = note to parent from teacher and 10 minutes out during daily break/free play
***Students not completing homework and/or class work will complete this work during their daily break/free play.
Quarterly awards will be earned for both excellent behavior and excellent school attendance. Refer to the newsletters for details. / 1st U = Phone call to parent and 1 day silent break
2nd U = Parent Conference, 1 day silent lunch, student writes School Motto/Essay during Friday PE
3rd U = Team Teacher Referral, 2 days of silent break and silent lunch, call and note to parent
4th U = Counselor Referral and phone call to parent, 3 days silent lunch, student writes School Motto/Essay during Friday PE
5th U = Counselor Referral with a parent conference to include parent, teacher, and principal to develop a behavior plan, 4 days silent lunch, Student writes School Motto/Essay during Friday PE
6th U = Office Referral, Parent conference to review behavior plan, additional consequences to be determined