/ Gavilan College Academic Senate
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mayock House


In Attendance: N. Andrade, A. Arid, R. Beede, R. Brown, S. Carr, E. Crook, S. Dodd, D. Ellis, S. Kinsella, R. Kreider, D. Klein, J. Lawton-Haehl, F. Lozano, J. Nari, J. Pruitt, K. Rose, J. Stewart, K. Wagman.

I.  Opening Items

a.  Call to order at 3:02 pm by Erin Crook for Debbie Klein.

b.  Welcome and Roll Call

c.  Agenda Adjustments - none

d.  Approval of Minutes from 10/20/09

Corrections: Item III. i. Correct: recently had elections will report at a later date on votes at GCFA. Item V.b. Add: Second sentence: Some committees that are reporting are not listed as standing committees of Senate. Amend: Ali was concerned that DRC students as well as other students on campus would be adversely affected….

MSC (B. Beede/J. Stewart).Vote: unanimous, with corrections above.

II.  Comments from the Public - none.

III.  Reports

a.  ASB - none

b.  President-very quiet at the State, but economy seems to be turning around.

c.  Vice President of Instruction - the first Round Table Discussion on SLOs

went very well. Next one scheduled for December 3rd. Department Chairs

will dedicate time at meetings to discuss Student Success. Accreditation

Committee hopes to have the draft report ready before Thanksgiving.

d.  Vice President of Student Services - New program will upload ASAP

scores into Banner-no more manual inputting. Payment deadlines to be

established, with procedures for notifying students who are in arrears.

Degree Works is expected to launch November 20th - on SSB. Students

can review degrees and certificates, set goals; counselors will have

access; faculty will not have access.

e.  GECA (Gilroy Early College Academy) - none.

f.  Basic Skills Committee - will be attending a meeting November 5-6.

g.  Budget Committee - none.

h.  Curriculum Committee - Jesse gave a PowerPoint presentation on the

Articulation Process. ALC was discussed and remains a discussion item

on the agenda. Curriculum will be on the list of reports at Senate.

i.  Tech Committee - none. Please contact Bob Beede with any issue.

j.  PTCOC (Part-time College of Choice) - will report at a later date on the

vote of inclusion of part-timers.

k.  Learning Outcomes - Round Table was very successful - there was great

dialog. SLO Advisory Committee meets on December 19th.

l.  Distance Ed - no report.

m.  ALC (Accelerated Learning College) -met on October 21st. Committee

members reported; November 11th is the next committee meeting. The

report to Senate will be on November 17th. Senate will vote on

proceeding or abandoning the ALC concept on December 1st. Moodle

website is updated as more information is available.

n.  Senate President - Plenary will be the weekend before Thanksgiving. If

anyone is interested in attending, please contact Debbie Klein.

IV.  Information Items - none.

V.  Discussion Items

a. Senate meeting procedure: discussion time limit, guests, etc. - general

discussion on setting a time limit for discussion items to insure time for

taking care of agenda items. Guests should contact Senate President in

advance if they wish to address the group. We need to establish time

limits (5 - 10 minutes per item?) and observe Roberts Rules of Order,

which allows the chair to set time limits for agenda items. Debbie (or the

chair) will allot time for each item, which may be extended if needed.

b. Accelerated Learning College - Faculty still not in agreement on the ALC

concept. Can we achieve student success without the ALC model? Steve

hopes Faculty will consider the proposal; there are regulations that prevent

us from offering some student assistance from which we could request

relief. This may eventually be legislated; would we be happy under that

model or do we want to create our own? Departments are still discussing.

The Moodle website should be available to all Faculty- contact Sabrina

Lawrence for assistance. About one month remains before the vote on this

proposal; Senators should be prepared to report on recommendations from

his/her department at the next meeting.

c. Senate subcommittees—function and recruitment- Standing Committees

must report to Senate “regularly”; this term may need to be defined. Once

a month or as determined to be necessary by Committee Chairs may be

sufficient. Committee bylaws may provide more specific information. The

PIO (Public Information Office) used to report more frequently. Debbie

will ask at President’s Council if those members have information to share

at Senate. Substantial modifications that come before Senate Committees

should be reported to the Senate on a regular basis. Senators should read

the minutes of the various sub-committee and can inform any committee if

clarification is needed on any issue. Jurisdiction lies with the department

when they propose changes to curriculum; these proposed changes must

go to the Curriculum Committee for approval. Departments can set their

standards, and Senate should not expect to overrule a department.

VI.  Action Items

a. Formation of Academic Department Configuration committee - some

faculty are not sure to which department they are attached, and how

departments are configured. Kathleen will meet with Deans to establish

department configuration, and where programs and disciplines reside.

This could also be a task assigned to the Gavilan College Development

Committee (previously approved as a Senate sub-committee). Debbie will

email requests for committee participation.

MS (E. Crook/A. Arid) to approve committee. Vote: motion defeated.

VII.  Closing Items

a.  Items for next agenda (send faculty of the month nominations to Debbie)

b.  Next meeting: November 17, 2009.

c.  Adjournment at 4:27 pm.

Submitted by Diane Stone