Create: Asking Good Questions to Produce Good Outcomes/Objectives

Questions to Ask/Answer When Developing Outcomes/Objectives:

1.What is the domain of learning involved? Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective, or multiple?

2.If developing a cognitive outcome/objective, what Bloom’s thinking level is involved?

-What verbal information/declarative knowledge should be remembered?

-Should the learner recall that information from memory, recall it with aid, or recognize it?






3.If developing a psychomotor outcome/objective, what psychomotor behavior is involved, and what additional cognitive and/or affective components are involved?

4.If developing an affective outcome/objective, what level should be targeted?

Level I – Receiving/attending to

Level II – Responding

Level III – Valuing

Level IV – Organizing

Level V – Characterizing

5.Are there objectives to address all essential knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to be included in the instruction?

6.Are all the objectives SMART? (Specific, Measureable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Timely)

7.Questions to ask learners at the different Bloom’s levels:

a.Remember – What do you notice about ____? Can you name this ___? Can you match the items?

b.Understand – Can you classify these items? Can you explain why ___? How might you summarize this material? How are ___ and ___ alike? Different? Tell me about ___.

c.Apply – How can you use this in a new situation? Can you demonstrate how to ___? Can you solve this problem? Can you remix this information to produce ___? What would happen if you ___? How could you make ___? What would you need to do in order to ___? How else could you use ___?

d.Analysis – Can you estimate ___? Can you organize ___ to ___? Can you differentiate between ___ and ___? How might you categorize ___ in different ways? What would happen if you put ___ first? How many ___ do you think there are?

e.Evaluate – Can you compare ___ and ___? What is wrong with this argument? Can you support your points? Can you judge between the value of ___ and ___? What do you like about ___? What do you dislike about it? Why? What is the best thing about ___? Why?

f.Create – Can you combine ___ and ___ to create ___? Can you think of a new way to ___? What other method could you use to accomplish ___? How would you draw a picture of ___? Can you pretend that you are a ___?

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