The School Admissions Code 2014 (“the Code) requires all admission authorities to publicly consult on the proposed admission arrangements for their schools/academies where they propose to make changes to them.
STEP Academy Trust (“STEP”), a multi academy trust, is the admission authority for all of its academies located within Southwark, Croydon, Bromley and East Sussex.
We would like your views on a number of proposed changes to our admission arrangements. Whereverpossible, pleasecompletethis questionnaireonline by clickinghere:
Which academy are you provided a response for?
Please indicate which academy or academies your response applies to:
Academy Name / My response relates to:Angel Oak Academy
Applegarth Academy
David Livingstone Academy
Gonville Academy
Heathfield Academy
Wolsey Junior Academy
La Fontaine Academy
Breakwater Academy (formerly Meeching Valley Primary School)
Hawkes Farm Academy (formerly Hawkes Farm Primary School)
Hailsham Academy (to be renamed Burfield Academy on 1 January 2017)
Marshlands Academy (to be renamed Phoenix Academy on 1 January 2017)
Newhaven Academy (to be renamed High Cliff Academy on 1 January 2017)
White House Academy
Pleasetellus whetheryousupport, donot supportor are unsure if you support thefollowing proposed changes, and give your reasons for your view:
1.In relation to changes to the oversubscription categories, giving priority to children attending the academy’s nursery who are eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium:
Support☐Notsure☐Do not support☐Not relevant:☐
2.In relation to changes to the oversubscription categories, changing these for all newly joined East Sussex academies to bring them into line with all other STEP academies:
Support☐Notsure☐Do not support☐Not relevant:☐
3.In relation to children with a medical need to attend the academy, tightening up the wording to make it clearer for parents, set out the procedure and remove or significantly reduce abuse:
Support☐Notsure☐Do not support☐Not relevant:☐
4.In relation to the definition of a “sibling”, making changes to include the children of cohabiting parents where they have been cohabiting for at least on year, to make it fair for committed couples who choose not to marry, but to remove or significantly reduce abuse:
Support☐Notsure☐Do not support☐Not relevant:☐
5.In relation to the definition of the “child’s home address”, making changes to make it clear to parents that they may be required to provide documentary evidence and/or information to remove or significantly reduce abuse:
Support☐Notsure☐Do not support☐Not relevant:☐
6.In relation to measuring distance between the child’s home address and the academy, to simplify this to straight line measuring for all STEP academies, with the tie breaker being applied to those living an equal distance from the academy, including those living at different addresses within a multi-dwelling block:
Support☐Notsure☐Do not support☐Not relevant:☐
7.Please comment on any other general changes made to the admission arrangements (for example, changes to the wording which do not change the application of the policy but are aimed at making the policy clearer, or the introduction of a new Application for Admission Outside Age Group form):
Support☐Notsure☐Do not support☐Not relevant:☐
Pleaseprovide the following information about yourself:
I am a:
Parent:☐Headteacher:☐Staff member:☐
Governor:☐Local Authority:☐Student:☐
Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Pleasenow send it to:
Mrs C Gilbert
STEP Academy Trust
Gonville Road
All completed questionnaires must be received on or before 30 January 2017.
STEP Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales.
Company Registration Number: 07612865. Registered office: Gonville Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, CR7 6DL.