How many bone marrow harvests does your center typically perform per year?-Related Adult Donor

How many bone marrow harvests does your center typically perform per year?-Unrelated Adult Donor

Do you store autologous blood for bone marrow donors?-Related Adult Donor

Do you store autologous blood for bone marrow donors?-Unrelated Adult Donor

Do you have a written policy for the collection and storage of autologous blood for related marrow donors?

Do you have a written policy for the collection and storage of autologous blood for unrelated marrow donors?

Is your written policy for the collection and storage of autologous blood for adult marrow donors the same for related and unrelated donors?

Do you have a written policy for counseling related pediatric donors about the collection and use of autologous blood?

When do you prescribe iron supplements for bone marrow harvests?

What is the maximum number of autologous blood units collected from adult marrow donors?

What is the maximum number of autologous blood units collected from pediatric marrow donors?

Do you have a written policy to track and audit the use of blood transfusions for marrow donors?

Do you have a written policy to track and audit the use of autologous blood transfusions for marrow donors?

Do you follow guidelines for the collection of autologous red blood cells?

What is the minimum time from collection of autologous blood and the bone marrow harvest?

Who is responsible for perioperative fluid management of the marrow donor?

Who is responsible for monitoring the marrow donor’s hemoglobin in the post-operative period?

Do you have a written policy defining a threshold for post-operative transfusion of blood for adult marrow donors?

Is your written policy defining a threshold for post-operative transfusion of blood the same for adult related and unrelated donors?

Do you have a written policy defining a threshold for post-operative transfusion of blood for related pediatric marrow donors?

Do you routinely check a bone marrow donor hemoglobin level in the operating room?

Do you routinely check a bone marrow donor hemoglobin level in the post-anesthesia care unit?

When do you check the donor’s hemoglobin and/or hematocrit after the marrow harvest?

What is your threshold for post-operative transfusion of blood?-Related Adult Donor

What is your threshold for post-operative transfusion of blood?-Unrelated Adult Donor

What is your threshold for post-operative transfusion of blood?-Related Pediatric Donor

Who is responsible for ordering a blood transfusion for a marrow donor in the post-operative period?

Are your donors routinely discharged on the day of the harvest or admitted to the hospital overnight?

Who is responsible for post-operative care of marrow donors who remain in the hospital overnight after harvest?

Do you routinely check a follow-up hemoglobin level in marrow donors after discharge?

How many days after discharge harvest is the marrow donor’s hemoglobin level checked?

How is the maximum marrow harvest volume for adult allogeneic donors determined?

How is the maximum marrow harvest volume for pediatric allogeneic donors determined?

What is the maximum marrow harvest volume for adult marrow donors?

What is the maximum marrow harvest volume for pediatric donors?