Middle School Science Lesson Plans- Safety Procedures

Middle School Science Lesson Plans- Safety Procedures

Academic Challenge

Brenda Wiswell

Grade 6 Science

Safety Procedures

Outcome area: Critical SkillsContent Skills

Creative ThinkingUnderstanding of safety rules

Communicationand procedures

Students will work collaboratively in pairs at the beginning of the school year. This will be one of the first challenges they will get from me this year.


One of our classroom rules is to have a safe environment to learn in, this would include what we might do as part of our science class. I would like you to work in pairs to plan and create a visual aide that we can display in the classroom of one of the safety procedures to remind us of how to be safe while working together on science activities. Each group needs to check with me, to ensure all procedures will be covered within the class. As you think about the design of your visual aide, keep in mind the following elements: 1) you need to identify the procedure you are displaying with a title, 2) you need to clearly display the symbol(s) used for that procedure, 3) you are to communicate the rules that are needing to be followed graphically (with pictures), words are not allowed to explain your rules and 4) you need to create at least two rules that are not found within your textbook. You will present and explain your visual during class on Friday.


Analytic Trait Rubric

Clarity of procedure symbol: Is the symbol clear and easily seen?

Creative Thinking: Use of graphics to display several rules for the safety procedure


Worked well in group

Clearly communicated rule for the procedure

Presented with clear voice

Eye contact

Understanding of rules & procedures: Can explain the rule in his/her own words.

Scoring Rubric for Safety procedures visual aide

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Is the procedural symbol accurate and visible? / Very accurate and easily visible / Somewhat accurate and easily visible / Not very accurate or easily visible but present / Is not present in visual aide
Graphics are creative and depict the rule well / All graphics are creative and clearly illustrate the rules / Most of the graphics are creative and clearly illustrate the rules / A few of the graphics are creative and clearly illustrate the rules / 1or 2 graphics are creative and clearly illustrate the rules
Used eye contact when presenting project / Used eye contact the majority of the time / Used eye contact more than 50% of the time / Used eye contact > than 50% of the time / Did not use eye contact
Voice clarity / Projected voice and was clear to understand / Projected voice and was clear to understand most of the time / Projected voice and was clear to understand some of the time / Was difficult to understand and hard to hear
Clearly communicated the rules / Clearly communicated the rules the majority of the time / Clearly communicated the rules most of the time / Clearly communicated the rules some of the time / Had a difficult time communicating the rules
Explained the rule in his/her own words / 100% of the time / 75%-99% of the time / 74%-50% of the time / <50% of the time
Grades / A= 24-22 / B=22-20 / C=19-18 / D=17<