New York State Engineering Technology Association
Minutes of the Fall 2008 Meeting at RIT/NTID, October 16-17th
45 Years of ETA in New York State
The conference opened with a special presentation by John Stratton on “Outcomes Assessment-Closing the Loop”. Breakfast was available at the RIT CIMS Building 78. The following individuals participated:
Aghayere / Dr. Abi / RIT- CETMSCochran / Timothy / Alfred State
Khan / Nawaz / Alfred State
Lawrence / Matt / Alfred State
Nichols / Ronald / Alfred State
Tezak / Edward / Alfred State
Gellin / Slade / Buffalo State College
Grinberg / Ilya / Buffalo State College
Hotchkiss / Anthony / Buffalo State College
Pawlik / Peter / Buffalo State College
Campbell / John / Cayuga CC
Waters / Christie / Cayuga CC
Balke / Jonathan / Corning CC
Cole / Brad / Corning CC
Longwell / John / Corning CC
Prestoprik / Richard / Fulton-Montgomery CC
Darling / Bill / HVCC
Straight / Larry / Jamestown CC
Weaver / Michael / Jamestown CC
Oliver / Mark / MCC
Yanklowski / William / MCC
Loudis / Michael J. / Morrisville State College
Newton / Marguerite / NCCC
Voisinet / Mark / NCCC
Southworth / Robert / OCC
Gaonkar / Ramesh / Onondaga CC
Hinshaw / Ron / Onondaga CC
Benati / Eder / Retired
Moore / Robert / Retired
Weiman / Don / Retired
Bankes / Walt / RIT
Valentine / Maureen / RIT -Assoc. Dean
Wolcott / Scott / RIT- CETEMS
Eastman / Mike / RIT- ECTET
Richardson / Carol / RIT- ECTET
Swain / Charles / RIT- ECTET
Zion / George / RIT- ECTET
Cliver / Richard / RIT -ECTET
Johnson / William / RIT -ECTET
/ Krispinsky / Dave / RIT -ECTET
Liu / Ti Lin / RIT- MMET
Lundgren / Carl / RIT- MMET
Parthum / Michael J. / RIT- MMET
Sutherland / George / RIT- MMET
Lawrence / David / RIT- NTID
Schantz / Lansing / RIT- NTID
Schwenzer / Edward / RIT- NTID
Mallory / Jim / RIT -NTID
Dunn / Todd / RIT-CETEMS
Christman / Jeanne / RIT-ECTET
Ciccarelli / Steve / RIT-ECTET
Fulle / Ron / RIT-ECTET
Hochgraf / Clark / RIT-ECTET
Hurny / James / RIT-ECTET
Koontz / Warren / RIT-ECTET
Johnson / Daniel / RIT-MMET
Stratton / John / RIT-MMET
Bellinger / Scott / RIT-NTID
Callaghan / Thomas / RIT-NTID
Dannels / Wendy / RIT-NTID
Heyden / Diane / RIT-NTID
Holmes / Marcus / RIT-NTID
Laury / Dino / RIT-NTID
LaVigne / William / RIT-NTID
Magee / Benjamin / RIT-NTID
McQuay / Sidney / RIT-NTID
Spiecker / Anthony / RIT-NTID
Stanislow / Joe / RIT-NTID
Peroni / Dominic / RIT-NTID DES
Baran / Jayne / SUNYIT
Benincasa / Daniel / SUNY T
Qazi / Salahuddin / SUNYIT
Rezk / Mohamed / SUNYIT
Kleitz / Bill / Tompkins Cortland CC
Vandermark / Ken / Vermont Technical College
Lehman / Ron / Retired
Voisinet / Don / Retired
The following exhibitors helped support the conference: Pearson Education, Allegheny Educational Systems, Inc., Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher, Exphil Calibration Labs, Inc, and CENGAGE Learning.
The conference participants were welcomed by Laurie Brewer, NTID Interim Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs. The plenary keynote speaker was H. Fred Walker, the dean of RIT’s College of Applied Science and Technology. Mr. Walker discussed his ideas on how to advance Engineering Technology in New York State by working together as institutions and with industry.
Below is a summary list of the interest group presentations:
Electrical Interest Group
· Medical Devices-Where Engineering Fits In – Dan Phillips, RIT
· Motivating Students to Thoroughly Read their Text Books – James Mallory, NTID
· Co-operative Education: The Heart of Student Education and Preparation at RIT – Mike Eastman, RIT
Mechanical Interest Group
· Running Physical Experiments Outside of the Lab – George Sutherland, RIT
· Teaching with a Tablet PC, a New Technology for the Classroom and for Personal Use – Michael Parthum, RIT
· Using a Course Management system to Foster Active Learning– Michael Starendo and Fichard Fasse, RIT
Architectural/Civil Interest Group
· LEED Building Certification-What is It, Why should Academics do It, and What are the Challenges – Maureen Valentine, RIT
· Cost Estimating Technology – David Hough, LeChase Construction
· Project Lead the Way-Outreach – George Zion, RIT
The evening banquet was held at the conference Radisson Hotel. Instead of a guest speaker, several NYSETA members (John Stratton, Bob Moore, and Bill Darling) shared their early reminiscences of NYSETA. John Stratton was presented with the “Elliot Colchimaro” award for his service and dedication to NYSETA. Marguerite Newton showed everyone Elliot’s NYSETA photo book he had prepared: (
The breakfast business meeting on Friday morning was held at the Radisson hotel and was called to order at 8:00 am by President John Campbell. Minutes of the spring 2008 meeting at Fulton-Montgomery were approved.
John noted the following schedule for future conferences and asked everyone to consider hosting:
Spring ’09 SUNYIT (April 16 and 17th)
Fall ’09 Open
Spring ’10 Buffalo State
Fall ’10 SUNY Morrisville
The next deadline for newsletter submissions is Friday, February 9, 2009. Send submissions via e-mail to Michael Loudis <> Newsletters will no longer be mailed; instead they will be posted on the web. If you are an institutional representative, consider printing out and distributing hard copies on your campus.
NYSETA’s balance is $22,108 as of October 17, 2008. The scholarship fund’s balance is $5,674.
Steven Ciccarelli, Slade Gellin, and Marguerite Newton summarized the interest group sessions. Several suggestions were made for future conferences:
· Continue a general session on continuous improvement
· Provide a downloadable parking pass (if allowed by the school)
· Consider asking for speakers via the NYSETA listserv and pay the registration fee for those speakers
· Provide PDH credits via each school’s continuing education department
Ken Vandermark is now the scholarship chair. Ken noted that the three main categories are scholarship, leadership and club activity. He also asked members to provide enough details so that the scholarship committee can make well-informed decisions. There was some discussion concerning the benefits of the scholarships and whether the cap of $6,000 should be raised. The executive board will discuss during their next meeting.
John noted that member-at-large and interest group leader elections will be held spring 2009. If anyone is interested in these positions please let John Campbell know via e-mail.
Everyone gave thanks to RIT and NTID crew for a wonderful conference.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:15 am tours to the RIT CAST Building-LEED Gold Certified and the NTID Machine Shop and Facilities.
Respectfully submitted by Jayne Baran, Secretary of NYSETA
Approved at the NYSETA business meeting April 17th, 2009