Information for candidates
- The BY002 (formerly BY51) exam isan oral-only exam, not a written exam like BY001 (formerly BY01).
- It tests the ability to communicate in English at B1 level: speaking (fluency, interaction, pronunciation, the connection and development of ideas), listening (to the examiner), reading, vocabulary and grammar.
- Preparation for the exam is recommended. The courses BYA5 and BYA6 focus on the exact content of the exam and can help weaker students pass, and stronger students achieve a better result. Moodle courses are available online for extra practice. If BYA5 and BYA6 are too difficult for you, do a lower course first (e.g. BYA3 and/or BYA4) to learn the basics.
- Two students will normally be tested at the same time, if possible.
- There will be two examiners. One will interview you and the other will write your marks on a record sheet, which will be archived.
- You should SPEAK CLEARLY so the examiner can hear you.
- The exam normally takes about 25 minutes.
- You will not get your result duringyour test; it will be added to the intranetlater after all students have been tested.
- You need to get 50% in the test to pass.
- You must bring youridentity card(občanský průkaz) or passport to the exam so the examiners can check your identity. A Student’s Card is not enough. If you are from another faculty, you may need to show your official photograph on your faculty’s intranet.If you cannot show proof of identification when asked, you may not be allowed to take the exam.
- It is also a good idea to bring a pen with you in case you need it.
The interviewer will start the test by asking you some general questions. You will only hear the questions – they are not written down. Here are some examples:
Do you enjoy films? Do you prefer Czech or foreign films?
Where do you live? Do you like living there?
What is seven multiplied by three divided by two?
What subjects are you studying at the university? Have you ever done a temporary or part-time job connected with the things you are studying?
Do you have any holiday plans? How are you going to travel there? Do you like travelling by ______? Why (not)?
If you had the chance to study abroad, where would you go? Why?
The interviewer will ask you to solve a small problem with your colleague. You will only hear the question – it is not written down. You need to speak for 2 minutes, so you should discuss all the options together before making a final decision.
Here is an example task:
Examiner:“I’m going to describe a situation to you. Imagine your university classrooms are badly equipped like the one in the picture below. You would like to ask the university management to improve the classrooms. Decide on the three most important improvements they could make, using the problem areas in the box to help you.”
In this section you will speak alone for one minute about one or two pictures. The interviewer and your colleague will be silent. You can say what can be seen in the picture (describe it), what is happening and maybe also what has happened or is going to happen. You can also give your own opinions on the content or quality of the picturesor say how they connect with your life and experience.
Here is an example task. You will only hear the introduction – it is not written down.
Examiner: “Here are two pictures showing places where people can go shopping. You have one minute to talk about the pictures; you can say anything you want to.”
In this part of the test, if you are in a pair with another student, one of you will be tested on vocabulary and the other will be given 5 grammar questions to study and then answer. Then, the second student will be tested on vocabulary while the first will be given a different set of grammar questions. If you are being tested without a partner then you will get the vocabulary questions first, and then the grammar questions will follow.
In the first vocabulary task the interviewer will ask youto name four things from a certain topic. Example:
Can you name four words or phrases connected with eating out?
Example answer: reserve a table; napkins; cutlery; waitress
In the second vocabulary task you willhearfour definitions and tell the interviewer what the answers are. Example question:
This is the name of a job. It is a person who works with their hands and with tools in order to make things out of wood.”
Answer: carpenter
Each student will be given some time to read and think about 5 sentences. The questions are written on paper, but students will not write down the answers. They will then be asked to look again at the questions and say the correct answers by transforming verbs, choosing from a selection of answers or sayinga sentence in a different way. The questions test the grammar covered in the courses BYA5 and BYA6 (and partly in BYA3 and BYA4), i.e. typical intermediate level English grammar. Here are some examples, with answers:
- ______(live) at home with my parents is no fun - next year I want ______(move) out and share a flat with classmates.
(living; to move)
- How will she______(celebrate) if she _____ (pass) the exam? (celebrate; passes)
- The world record for the 100 metre sprint ______(break) yesterday by an Ethiopian athlete. (was broken)
- Choose the correct answer from: a. Do b. Will c. Am d. Shall
You look hungry. ______I make you a sandwich? (Shall)
- Can you transform this sentence into reported speech? The shop assistant said: “I’m sorry but we have just sold the last one.” The shop assistant told me that he ______but they ______the last one. (was sorry; had just sold)
Students will silently read the same 5 very short texts together. After reading each text, each student will answer one question about it. The examiner will read the questions – they are not written down. You may ask the examiner to repeat your question once if you don’t understand the first time.
Example text:
- Is the canteen the cheapest option for students on campus?
- It’s 7 o’clock in the evening on Saturday and I’m hungry. Should I go to the student canteen for some food?
- Yes, it is – the prices are the best on campus.
- No, it’s only open till 6 o’clock in the evening at weekends.
After the reading questions the test has finished and you can leave. The examiners will decide on your final mark after you have left.
FAST (FCE – Faculty of Civil Engineering) students will be given their test result via the intranet. If you are from outside FAST then the examiner should inform you of your result by e-mail; the exact method by which your grade will be officially given to your faculty is different for each faculty.