Lilac City Hedgehogs & Gliders Application
Please fill out the entire application. We reserve the right to turn down any person whom we feel isn’t a good match for any of our suggies. Please do your research and after you have an application on file if you have never handled a Sugar glider we encourage you to make an appointment with us to come visit our sugar gliders ask questions and get a little handling experience :O)
Full Name:
Physical Address:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Are You Over the Age of 18?
Male or Female Preferred:
Color Preferred:
Age Preferred:
Would you be willing to adopt an older sugar glider?
Have you done research on how to care for Sugar Glider if so how long have you been doing research?
Please tell us about your experience with Sugar Gliders and why you would like a suggie as a pet.
Sugar Gliders thrive best in at least pairs, do you plan on getting a friend for your suggie?
Is this Sugar Glider for you or for someone else?
If for someone else please explain.
Have you owned a Sugar Glider before? Explain.
What kind of cage setup will your Sugar Glider have?
What will you feed your Sugar Glider?
What temperature should the room your suggie lives in be?
How will you keep your Sugar Glider at the appropriate temperature?
What type of bedding will you be using for your Sugar Glider?
Do you have a veterinarian picked out for your Sugar Glider? Who?
Do you understand that a Sugar Glider is a 10 to 15 year commitment?
Do you agree to if for some unforeseen reason you cannot keep your sugie to return him/her to Lilac City Hedgehogs & Gliders unless you have found a good home for him/her you will then contact us with his/her new information so we can update our records?
Sugar Gliders need their nails trimmed regularly will you be doing this or a veterinarian?
(Lilac City Hedgehogs & Gliders can do this for free if you need us to and want to bring your suggie over for a nail trimming)
Do you own any other animals if so what?
How did you hear about Lilac City Hedgehogs & Gliders?
Are there any Sugar Glider questions we can answer for you?
Have you read and agree to our policies?
If not please read them now.
By typing your name below, you acknowledge that all the above information is true and you agree to our policies.
Electronically sign below:
(if under 18)
Thank you for your interest in a Lilac City Hedgehogs & Gliders! We will be contacting you shortly.