BOARD MINUTES March 20, 2012

CALL TO ORDER: The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:05 pm by the Chairman, Mike Wallewein. The School District No. 2 Trustees present to constitute a quorum were:

Mike Wallewein, Chairman Jason Hanson, Trustee

James Nagy, Vice-Chairman Sarah Turner, Trustee

Lisa Kearns, Trustee

Guests and staff in attendance were:

Tim Tharp, Superintendent District Staff

Jeanne Fairhurst, Business Manager Colony Members

Dan Nau, Elem Principal

Pledge to our flag.

BUSINESS MANAGER REPORT: Minutes from the February 21st Regular Meeting were discussed. Jim Nagy made a motion to approve the minutes from February 21st meeting as written. Sarah Turner seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

Bills and Warrants from February were discussed. Jim Nagy made a motion to approve the warrants 19165-19233. Sarah Turner seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. Extracurricular reports were viewed and discussed. Financial Reports were viewed and discussed.


Elementary Principal Report:

Elem Principal Report given by Dan Nau noted that the Sunburst Elementary/Middle School enrollment is 137, Hillside Colony is 25 and Rimrock Colony is 20. Congratulations to Trever Cullen, who won the county spelling bee and who will be representing our county at the state spelling bee on March 24th. Paul Ehlers placed second. Sunburst had five students place in the top ten. Great job! Many other class and school activities were discussed. See Attached.

Superintendent Report:

a.  Athletics/Activities Update: Supt Tharp reported that the Golf and Track seasons have begun. Coach Johannsen has six boys and six girls participating in golf and Coach Aschim has six girls and fourteen boys participating in track.

b.  Math Contest Results: Supt Tharp noted that NTCHS took 22 students and Sunburst Middle School took 20 students to the Math Contest in Havre. Of the 22 HS students participating, 15 students received superior ratings.

c.  Math Committee Work: Supt Tharp reported that the math committee has been meeting and discussing all the different options for math classes in the school district.

d.  Senior Trip: Supt Tharp reported that the seniors attempted to take their senior trip to Edmonton on the 15th and were forced to turn around north of Lethbridge due to inclement weather. They are hoping to reschedule. The seniors and teachers were back in school before noon.

e.  Student Teacher – Fall 2012: Supt Tharp reported that NTCHS will be working with another student teacher next fall. Carissa Blair will be here from UM-Western to work with Miss Becker and Mr. Babcock. Ms Blair is another alum from NTCHS.

f.  MQEC Update: Supt Tharp reported on the MQEC meeting that he attended this past week. So far, no good news on the MQEC lawsuit.

g.  Facilities Update: The unit in the auditorium is almost finished as well as the digital controls in all of the other rooms. The gym unit will probably have to wait until June. There was a change in the plumbing contractor as the company out of Valier became too busy. FICO was able to subcontract one from Kalispell who will be doing the work for the same price as contracted.

h.  Superintendent out-of-district calendar: The Board has copies from the Supt’s March calendar.

i.  Other Info: Supt Tharp reported on the State Science Fair, which was finished today.

Also, Tharp reported that our Toole Asst. Superintendent of Schools was killed in a train-vehicle accident today.

Mrs. Hauschulz asked for permission to put on a Jazz Workshop here in co-op with the Shelby High School on May 2nd. The workshop would take place during the day, starting at 10:00 am and presentation of a concert would be at 6:00 pm. .


March 20, 2012


A letter of resignation was received from Nancy Linnell. Action on her resignation will also be at the next meeting.

Supt Tharp discussed next years’ budget. At this time the maximum budget without a vote is approximately $2,055,000.

Tharp also noted that we have received about $589,000 in Oil & Gas monies. When the budget was set, the limit to be left in the General Fund was to be $400,000. Anything over that can be transferred where the school district would like it to go. Tharp requested transfer of approx $89,000 to the Flex Fund and approx $100,000 to the Building Reserve.


a.  Set Calendar for 2012-2013: Supt Tharp discussed the calendar and noted that he was able to insert an additional holiday for the school district between Easter and the end of school. Lisa Kearns made a motion to approve the corrected version of the 2012-2013 School Calendar. Jim Nagy seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

b.  High School Bathroom Remodel: Supt Tharp discussed the need to have a complete remodel of the main bathrooms down the hall from the Office. Two contractors came to the school and put in a bid and recommended removing everything from the rooms, putting panel board over the old tile, install plywood and white FRP panels, then reset all fixtures, etc. back into the rooms. The contractor from Great Falls bid $16,123.00 and the contractor from Cut Bank bid $18,385.00. Discussion was held. Sarah Turner made a motion to accept the bid from Dan Wilder, from Cut Bank with a bid of $18,385.00, per getting the questions the Board had answered and that the job could be done in a timely manner. Jim Nagy seconded the motion. Four Trustees voted in favor of the motion, one Trustee voted against the motion; the motion carried per majority vote.

c.  Elementary heating upgrade to digital controls: Supt Tharp recommended that a bid from FICO be accepted to install digital controls in the elementary school. The fresh air return in particular has been manually controlled. There would not have to be any heating units repaired or installed, just the controls. The Bid submitted by FICO was for $6,270.00. Jim Nagy made a motion to accept the bid of $6,270 from FICO in Great Falls to install digital controls in the Sunburst Elementary School. Lisa Kearns seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

d.  Hire Coaches for Spring 2012 & Fall 2012: Supt Tharp recommended that the following coaches be offered contracts. Jay Johannsen has a contract for the Boys’ Golf but not for the Girls’ Golf. Also, Brian Hansen has agreed to help with the MS Track program. Tharp wanted to go ahead and secure the coaches for this fall.

Spring: HS Girls Golf, Jay Johannsen JH Asst Track, Brian Hansen

Fall: HS Head Football, Matt Clark HS Asst Football, Bryan Ratzburg

HS Head Volleyball, Shannon Dunk HS Asst Volleyball, Tim Tharp

JH Head Football, Justin Hillstrom JH Asst Football, Jeff Robins

JH Head Volleyball, Teri Iverson JH Asst Volleyball, Tamie Nice

Lisa Kearns made a motion to offer contracts to the above mentioned list of coaches, per recommendations from Supt Tharp. Jim Nagy seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

e.  Approve New Substitute Teacher – Misha Kearns: Application was received from Misha Kearns to substitute for the school district. It is recommended that she be approved. Jim Nagy made a motion to approve the hiring of Misha Kearns to be on the substitute list for the school district. Sarah Turner seconded the motion. Four Trustees voted in favor, Lisa Kearns abstained from voting, and motion was carried per majority vote.


March 20, 2012


The next regularly scheduled Board Meeting shall be on Tuesday, April 17, 2012, at 7:00 pm in the NTC High School Library. Jim Nagy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jason Hanson seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 08:30 pm.



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