Clerk: Hazel M DamiralLullingstone
Tel: 01732 884159 Paddock Close
FAX: 01732 780657St Mary’s Platt
Email: ent TN15 8NN
1 June 2012
Dear Sir/Madam
The next meeting of Borough Green Parish Council will be held in the Annexe to the Church of the Good Shepherd on Monday 11 June 2012 at 7.30pm. The period for public consultation will last for a maximum period of 15 minutes.
Yours faithfully
Hazel M Damiral
Hazel M Damiral
Clerk to BGPC
23.Apologies for absence Scott
24.Declarations of Interest: to receive in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct
25.Minutes of the Annual Meeting 14 May 2012: to confirm and sign as a correct record
26.Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting and not covered by agenda items
27.Period for Public consultation: members of the public are permitted to make representations, answer
questions and give evidence in respect of any item of business included in the agenda. Each member of
the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak
for more than 3 minutes unless the public participation time is extended by the Chairman.
28.Planning matters to hand:
To note decision notices – as listed
29.Correspondence – as listed
30. Potters Mede Ground Improvements
(i) to receive a report from Potters Mede Environmental on ground works
(ii)to RESOLVE to confirm contact sum
(iii) to agree further action
31. Potters Mede Pavilion
(i) to receive, if available, a progress report from the architect
(iv) to consider and agree details for service and supply contractors
(iv) to agree further action
(v) to receive an update on the settlement of the insurance claim and consider investment of money with
Investec Bank
32.Recreation Ground
33.2005Parish Plan
(i) to consider, if received, further report on Counsel’s Opinion on the validity of the LDF as regards Isles
Quarry West.
(ii) to agree further action
34.Audit of BGPC accounts
(i) to receive and if approved RESOLVE to adopt the Internal Auditor’s report on the end-of-year 2011/12
(ii) to RESOLVE to appoint the external auditor for 2012/13 and future years as recommended by the Audit
35.Parish Council-owned Street Lighting
to consider quotations from EDF and SE Contracting for a replacement light in Dene Lodge Close.
36.Office Equipment
to RESOLVE to purchase new office computer
37.J5 Slips
to consider appointing a 3rd BGPC representative
38.Cheques for Signature: to approve payments as listed and circulated to all Cllrs.
39.Written reports: to receive reports, if submitted, from County & Borough Cllrs. & BGPCllrs. who sit as
representatives on local organisations + Clerks’ Report
40. Future dates
(i) Date of the next Meeting Monday 2 July 2012 (Annual Meeting) in the Annexe to The Church of the Good
Shepherd commencing at 7.30 pm.
(ii) The Parish Office, located within Borough Green Village Hall, will be open with two Parish Councillors
present on Saturday 30 June 2012 10 – 12 noon
At other times, appointments can be arranged to meet the Clerk, queries raised or ideas exchanged
using the contact details above.
41. Exclusion of Public and Press: Pursuant to Section1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings)
Act 1960 Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting
during consideration of any items
(i) Staff holiday request