Summer School Audition - Application Form
NB: Please complete the form and bring it with you to your audition. You do not need to send it in advance.
(please use block capitals)
Tell us about you
First Name * / Surname *Gender / Age *
Postcode / Borough *
Phone Mobile* / Phone Landline
E-mail Address*
* required information
I confirm that I am over 18 years of age and am able to take part in Old Vic Summer School.I confirm that I am available to attend all Summer School Days from Monday 25th – Friday 29th July.I also am happy for The Old Vic and H.Club Foundation to use moving and photographic images in the promotion of the work of the Old Vic and The H. Club Foundation
Name ______Date ______
I confirm that I am aged between 14 – 18 years of age. I confirm that I am available to attend all Summer School Days from Monday 25th – Friday 29th July.
For You:
Name: ______Date: ______
FOR your parent / guardian:
I am happy for______to take part in Old Vic Summer Schooland to attend and leave all sessions without parental supervision.I am also happy for The Old Vic and The H. Club Foundation to use moving and photographic images of my child/ward in the promotion of the work of Old Vic New Voices and The Hospital Club Foundation.
Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______
Special requirements
Would you have any special access requirements to take part in The Old Vic Summer School?
(Delete as appropriate)Yes / No
Please explain:Personal Statement
Please tell us in no more than 300 words, why you would like to take part in Old Vic Summer School. We are interested in how you think it would benefit you and what skills you are interested in developing.
Training & Experience
Please let us know of any performance workshops, courses or trainingyou have taken part in.
Please note: you do not need to have had any formal training or experience to take part in Summer School
Dates / Training provider (Name and location of the organisation) / Details of training (skills studied/ courses taken) / Qualification (if relevant)Other Interests
We would love to know what other performance skills you are interested in. Please indicate here if any of the following apply to you:
I am interested in (please tick all that apply):
Puppetry Spoken Word Contemporary Dance Classical dance
Cabaret Poetry Physical Theatre Music (instrument)
CircusDigital & Visual Arts
Other (please specify) ______