Summer Eagle Care Handbook
Program Time/Days:
First Day: Monday, June 6th
Last Day: Friday, September 2nd(Please note the change in end date. We will not be open the Tuesday after Labor Day this year.)
Closed: Monday, July 4th
Daily Schedule:
7:15-9:00 – Arrival/Breakfast/Free Choice
9:00-10:00 – Outside/Gym Time
10:00-10:20 – Morning Meeting
10:20-11:15 – Tutor Time/Computer Lab
11:15-12:00 – Lunch
12:00-1:00 – Quiet Time/Journaling
1:00-2:00 – Outside/Gym Time
2:00-3:00 – Group Project/Activity
3:00-3:15 – Snack
3:15-5:45 – Free Choice
Children are allowed to bring in breakfast until 9:00am. If they bring it in after that it will have to stay in lockers/fridge and they may eat it with their lunch. We do not provide a morning snack.
Outside/Gym Time:
Summer Eagle Care will go outside or to the gym every day. Please make sure your child has tennis shoes with them every day. It is a good idea to have a pair they can keep in their locker throughout the summer.
Morning Meeting:
Morning meeting is a time where each classroom meets together to talk about what the rest of the day is going to look like. This is a time to go over the calendar and do some instructional time as it pertains to the topic of the week/day.
Tutor Time/Computer Lab:
Each child will have scheduled days that they will have Tutor Time. This is a small group time with one of the staff where the children work on goals outlined by parents at the beginning of the summer. If your child in not scheduled for Tutor Time, they will be playing educational games in the computer lab with staff.
All children will eat together either in room 100 or in the Commons depending on numbers. Children will be required to prepare as much of their lunches as possible, so lunches should be child friendly in preparation. There will be microwaves available; however with the number of kids we have it is strongly suggested to pack cold lunches as often as possible. There will be fridge space available; however again with the numbers we have it is suggested that there is something in the lunchboxes to keep them cold, so they can be stored in lockers.
Quiet Time:
Children who are going into Kindergarten will be required to rest for 30 minutes. They may have a towel or blanket to rest on and a couple books. They may bring a small stuffed animal from home to rest with. When the 30 minutes are up they may continue to rest or go the tables for quiet activities lead by a staff member.
All the other children will either do a journaling page or some other teacher lead activity during this time. This will take place in a classroom separate from the children who are resting.
Eagle Care provides snack each day. All the classrooms will usually eat the same thing. If the children do not like the snack provided they may refuse it. Milk is provided at snack.
Leaving the Classroom:
When Eagle Care leaves the classroom there will be a poster on the door letting parents know where we are, when we will return, and a number to reach us at.
Parents are responsible for signing in and out their child. This is something we have in place to make sure that the staff in the classrooms see the parent or adult at pick up or drop off. It is very important to make eye contact or say a quick “Hello/Goodbye” when dropping off or picking up. We do not want children coming into the classroom/school or leaving the classroom/school without a parent present. This is for safety reasons.
No child should be signing themselves in or out.
Items from Home:
Children may not bring toys or electronics from home. There may be times when these items are earned, in that case a slip will go home with the child stating the date they can bring them and then they must bring that slip in with them in the morning and show staff.
Items Needed at Summer Eagle Care
- Sunscreen (lotion only please)
- Tennis Shoes
- Change of Clothes
Completed forms needed to attend Summer Eagle Care are:
- Student Information Sheet
- Emergency Card
- Up-to-date immunization form on file from previous school year
Eagle Care will be implementing a “Finder’s Fee” starting summer 2016. It is very important that you let staff know if your child will be coming to Eagle Care each day. If your child will not be coming on a scheduled day, please call or email by 9:00 am. This is the time we leave the classroom to go outside, to the gym, on a walk, etc. We need to know if we should wait for anyone before leaving. If we have to call or email you to find out if your child is coming, we will charge $5. This is a policy that will carry into the school year as well.
Communication between Summer Eagle Care staff and families is essential to making this program run smoothly. When your child’s drop off or pick up schedule changes please make sure you email () or call Summer Eagle Care (507-524-3918 ext. 100) to let staff know of the changes.
If you have something you need to let the staff know at drop off or pickup there are orange “Communication Memos” located in each classroom that can be filled out and left for staff. A staff member will read it and follow up as needed. These memos can also be filled out by staff members and left for parents, so make sure you are checking your child’s mailbox daily.
If your child’s daily schedule needs to change or if you have questions about billing please email () or call the program coordinator, Kacy Queen (507-524-3918 ext. 281)
Program Cost:
There is a $30 registration fee for Summer Eagle Care. We offer full-time contracts, part-time contracts, and drop-in rates throughout the summer.
In a full-time contract you pay $460 a month or $23 a day. You are given 64 days of care to use with four vacation days built in. You are paying for 60 days of care throughout the summer.
In a part-time contract you pay $230 a month or $23 a day. You are given 32 days of care with 2 vacation days built in. You are paying for 30 days of care throughout the summer.
Summer Eagle Care offers drop-in care at a rate of $25 per day. You can contact the program coordinator with at least 24 hours notice to see if there is a spot available.
Invoices will be sent via email at the beginning of each month, June, July, and August. The two days we are open in September are included in the August invoice. Invoices should be paid by the 5th of each month and can be paid online or via check mailed or given to the program coordinator, Kacy Queen. No payments should be given to staff.
Mailing Address:
Community Ed
P.O. Box 515
Mapleton, MN 56065
**Part-time dates may be changed as long as there is room on the date requested. You may contact the program coordinator to make your request.
Health Plan:
Eagle Care staff are trained in CPR and/or First Aid.
If your child has had a fever over 100 degrees in the last 24 hours, has vomited or had 3 episodes of diarrhea in the last 24 hours, has head lice, has pink eye, strep throat or any other contagious disease and has not been on medication for at least 24 hours, please keep them home.
Children who have a fever of 100 degrees or higher, have vomited, have had 3 or more episodes of diarrhea, present with symptoms of pink eye or head lice, or are too lethargic to participate in daily activities will be sent home from Summer Eagle Care.
Program Expectations:
At Eagle Care we follow four general expectations. These are Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Respectful, and Be a Team Player. These expectations are the same for every child and should be followed at all times in all rooms. The expectations will be the same no matter which room the child is in or which staff is in charge.
Eagle Care uses the green, yellow, red behavior management system. Each child will have a clothespin that starts on green each day. Children are given one verbal warning when they are not making good choices, after that they receive a color change to yellow. If they are still not making good choices, they move to red. If a child is moved to red, a slip must be filled out by the child and the lead teacher. This needs to be signed by a parent and kept in the child’s file.If the behaviors continue after the child has been moved to red, staff will contact the program coordinator for further guidance.
Eagle Care will also start using an online program/app called Class Dojo for children who need a little more management. This is something that we can individualize to each student and also share with the parents in real time.
Plan for Safety and Weather:
All staff will be aware of what the plan is in case of a fire drill or a tornado warning.
There is a weather emergency backpack located in room 100 that will be taken with the group in the event of a tornado or severe weather warning.
Summer Eagle Care uses the art room as our tornado shelter.
Mandated Reporters:
All program staff are legally required or mandated to report suspected child abuse or neglect.