Minutes of a Meeting – Weeks Osborne Allotment Association
Held at 55 Albert Street, Ryde on 4th June 2013 at 1930hrs
PresentKevin West (Chairman)
Colin Howard
Carole Adkins
Andy Chubb
Gerry smith
Mike Cooper
The minutes from the meeting held at Appley Manor Farm on 17th April 2013 were agreed as a true and correct record.
Kevin reported that most of the vacant plots have been taken up, we have only 3 x small starter plots and 1 other that is no good for growing vegetables vacant plus some odd pieces. 5 tenants still need to be spoken to regarding the state of their plots and a letter is also to be sent to them. The bottom fence was successfully repaired, and another working party will be arranged shortly to carry out more boundary repairs. Temporary notices have been put up these will be replaced with permanent notices. Gerry proposed a vote of thank to Kevin and Colin for all of their hard work of improving the site, Kevin also thanked Colin for all of his spraying, all agreed.
National Allotment Association and Public Liability Insurance
Kevin proposed that we join the National Allotment Association at a cost of £2.00 per head, this was seconded by Mike, all agreed, the information will be published on the website. Public Liability Insurance Shield this was proposed by Gerry and seconded by Colin, all agreed, again the details of this will be published on the website for all to see. Carole is to organise payments for both.
Discussed in depth and it has been decided to raise the subscription to £10.00 per tenant, plot rental is to remain at 50p per plot this is to raise funds for any boundary repairs and other costs etc
Kevin presented the accounts, with have £1599 (which includes a 60p donation from Kevin) in the bank the report is to be published on the web site for all to see. All of the accounts etc were then handed over to Carole in her role as treasurer.
- AGM proposed for 14th October to be held in All Saints Parish Hall, Andy to book
- Bonfires discussed, these are only to happen on November 5th a suitable site to be located
- Colin has spoken to Jane regarding community service carrying out clearance works they charge £70.00 per day for a 20 man fully supervised gang, they have no space until September
- 1 x new member has handed their plot and keys back due to health reasons
- Kevin is to speak to Jim regarding opening and being allowed to use the toilet on site
- Carole suggested that when a plot is given up it is allocated to a new tenant where possible. In the case of multiple plots they should be divided up so we can have more people taking on the plots which would give us a much larger membership. Obviously those that already have multiple plots can retain them if being maintained. There was some concern that plots should not be allowed to deteriorate so it was felt if after 1 month plots have not been taken up by a new tenant then the plot can be offered to an existing tenant.
- Kevin has asked Jim if he would be President, Jim has responded positively and agreed to this role
- Kevin asked if he could have a polytunnel no one objected, however all such structures etc need
to be in a location that will not have an adverse effect on other tenants plot
- Gerry raised an issue of access to water points, water is to be accessible to all as it is for everyone to use even if that water is on an individual’s plot
- Discussed a shed which is not on its owner's plot,, which should not happen. Kevin to speak to tenant.
- All thanked Mike and Julie for their Hospitality
- The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th August 2013 at 55 Albert Street Ryde at 1930hrs
Meeting closed at 2055hrs