E lawe i ke aÿo a mälama, a e ÿoi mau ka naÿauao – He who takes his teachings and applies them increases his knowledge.
WEO Framework: Grow by identifying strengths and needs and pursuing appropriate actions.
Overall Outcome:
Kumu will implement a K-12 Content Area Action Plan for the 2009-10 Year
Kumu 2 Kumu Content Area Agenda
1:40 pm / Pule, Welcome/Sign In
Explain use of Kumu2Kumu blog / Charlene Hamaguchi
Gail Fujimoto / Attendance: Clare Ho, Gail Fujimoto, Kawika Makanani, Renee Teraoka, Charlene Hamaguchi, Nalani Naluai, Alan Takano, Chelsea Keehne. Absent: Ruby Redona, Grace Omura.
Referred to email sent out prior to meeting.
1:40 pm –
3:15 pm / 1) Review Action Plan with Group –
2) Discuss Ke Ala Imi `Ike research process, set deadline for adoption & publication
3) Research process application beyond the library
4) Application to WASC content / Gail Fujimoto
Charlene Hamaguchi / Reviewed 4/13/09 action plan.
Recapped the history of the process and how the document has morphed from the Big6 to Ho`onui ika `Ike (See attachment #2 on K2K blog), will now be referred to as a “learning” process as opposed to a “research” process.
¨ Recommendation to have title read Kamehameha Schools Kapalama …
¨ Nalani will check with Holoua Stender on the whether the title should be “E Ho`onui…” or “Ho`onui…”.
¨ Amended article will then be forwarded to committee members for presentation to their `Alaka`i group, feedback, and eventually adoption of the learning process.
¨ Handout #1 – Anu`u Hana was given only as another perspective which was the research process using Hawaiian `olelo no`eau. No action will be taken on this document.
¨ This project, Ho`onui i ka `Ike will also be a part of the Library write-up for WASC due to its common framework which provides consistency for tri-campus, K-12.
3:15 - 3:30 pm / Summarize action items, closing / Recorder – Nalani Naluai / The goal for our next meeting will be to present findings for the following…
¨ Alan & Renee will review, evaluate, and recommend adoption of standards based on comparisons of ISTE and Indiana State Standards
¨ Each unit will work on writing their curriculum maps using the common terms listed on the handout , “Bloom’s Verbs and Matching Assessment Types”
¨ Next K2K meeting 2/12/10 will focus on the above and have curriculum mapping time built into the schedule. It was decided that the librarians would meet at the elementary campus in the Hi`ilei Media Center.
File: Kumu2Kumu Minutes 110409.doc