Date: April 4, 2018 @ 5:30 p.m
Location:AUPE, 3rd Floor, 10451 170 Street, Solidarity Place, Edmonton.
Executive: Pam Vona 002/02, Karen Mann 002/02, Ron Fernandes 002/02,Rosanna Badree 001/34 and
Lisa Baylis– MSO.
Regrets:Jean B., Rhonda F and James Hart – VP.
Attendance:001/31 Alice001/31 Ginger001/31 Joy001/31 Leanne 001/31Paula 001/34 Sherri 002/02 Dennis 002/02 Natasha 002/02 Salena 003/08 Donna 004/19 Harry 006/05 Odain 009/02 Paramjeet 009/02 Winklette 038/01 Jennifer 040/10 Adrian 042/06 Connie 042/06 Cristina 046/05 Derrek 046/06 Sukhminder 046/08 Anita 046/15 Estrella 046/15 Gina 047/14 Marilyn 047/16 Svitlana 047/22 Karina 047/22 Nance 047/23 Jadwiga 047/23 Sabita 047/27 Lynne 047/34 Josephine 047/42 Jean 047/43 Alma 047/48 Milgo 047/48 Rachael 049/01 Ruth 049/02 Agnes 049/02 Eleanor 049/03 Marlene 049/03 Mhedee 049/06 Laurie 050/01 James 050/01 Scott 054/04 Cherelyn
054/06 Sherry H.054/06 Teresita054/11 Charity054/11 Cindy054/12 Monica 060/01 Eva 071/10 Dina F. 118/13 Lisa 118/21 Yang
1.Call to Order - Meeting called to order @ 5:30pm, with Pam Vona in the Chair
2.Quorum – has been reached, 57 in total.
3.Statement of Equality – read by Mhedee.
4.Introduction: All members present introduced themselves.
5.a.Approval of the Agenda. The agenda was approved as circulated with the following additions, Under Old Business – add Food Bank; under New Business – add Breakfast and Landmark Cinema tickets. M/S/C
b.Approval of the previous minutes from March 7, 2018 was approved with one change, remove ‘again’in 8(b). Also under 7 (a) – total costs of Valentine Dinner and Dance was $29,100. M/S/C
6.Treasurer’s Report
- $72,300as of March 31, 2018 in the General Account. More money in the General Account due to a transfer of $25,000 for the Summer picnic. Tickets for the WEM waterpark event on May 11 have been picked up including 600 WEM Choice passes and 1000 Movie tickets. The Radisson hotel has been booked for the Dinner & Dance in 2019.
a.WEM Waterpark –was held on March 10. About 1,537 attended the events however, all 1800 tickets were sold. Thanks to Anita and Ron for helping out.
b.WEM Galaxyland – to be held on April 29. Only about 100 tickets left to be sold. Pam and Charity will be volunteering at this event.
c.Ad Hoc Area Council – only 2-3 replies were received. The Executive discussed and completed the survey. The deadline was March 29.
d.Edmonton Food Bank – those that have signed up will be contacted. We have sufficient volunteers. We will meet on April 28 at 11508 120 Street at 9:00am.
e.Wingnite – tentatively scheduled for April 18 or 25 in Sherwood Park or St. Albert. Ron to inquire about location.
a.Online Registration – were all positive comments. Members like this process so there EAC will use this process for Special Event tickets. Please see comments on handout. Only a few errors in registration, 13/386 were minor errors e.g. incorrect local/chapter, using work email, etc.
b.Council decided to allow 50 event tickets to the SGSP area council for the May 11 waterpark event, but then they will be told that they will no longer be provided with event tickets as we need to ensure EAC members are served first.
c.Breakfast – to be heldon April 15 at the Beer Hunter Bar and Grill, 386 St. Albert Trail in St Albert at 10:00am. Scrambled eggs, toast, sausages, bacon, hashbrowns, coffee or juice will be served. Please show your AUPE membership or pay stub. The event is for members only and the facility will be closed to the public from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
d.Landmark Cinema – It was agreed that EAC only sell Cineplex tickets. There are only 2 Landmark cinemas, Edmonton and St. Albert. We previously sold tickets to Spruce Grove. Dina will inquire more on Landmark for the next meeting.
e.Wabamun Lake Camping – to be held on June 29th to July 2nd. Anita provided information. EAC free dinner BBQ will be on Saturday, June 30th.
Meeting adjourned @ 7:00pm
Next meeting –May 2, 2018
April 4, 2018 EAC Minutes Page 1 of 2