Summary of Generator Requirements

Provision / Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) / Small Quantity Generator
(SQG) / Large Quantity Generator
Hazardous Waste Generation Rate / 220 lbs (100 kg) non acute HW
2.2 lbs (1 kg) acute HW / > 220 lbs (100 kg) but <2200 lbs (1000kg)
2.2 lbs (1 kg) acute HW / 2200 lbs (1000 kg) non-acute HW
>2.2 lbs (1 kg) acute HW
Notify EPA/State of HW activity and obtain EPA ID number / No
40 CFR 261.5(b) / Yes
40 CFR 262.12(a-b) / Yes
40 CFR 262.12 (a-b)
Maximum storage time / No time limit / 180 days (270 days is waste is shipped 200 miles or more)
40 CFR 262.34(d-e) / 90 days
40 CFR 262.34(a)
Maximum on-site waste accumulation / 2200 lbs (1000 kg)
40 CFR 261.5(g)(2) / 13,200 lbs (6000 kg)
40 CFR 262.34(f) / No quantity limit
Allowable accumulation units / Any (as long as none is placed on the land) / Containers per 40 CFR Part 265
Tanks per 40 CFR 265.201 / Containers per 40 CFR Part 265, Subpart I;
Tanks per 40 CFR 265, Subpart J;
Drip pads per 40 CFR 265 Subpart W;
Containment Bldgs per 40 CFR 265 Subpart DD
“Hazardous Waste” label / No labeling requirement / Required on each container and tank
40 CFR 262.34(d)(4) / Required on each container and tank
40 CFR 262.34(a)(3)
Accumulation start date marking / No marking requirement / Date appears on each container; recorded in facility log for tanks
40 CFR 262.34(d)(4) / Date appears on each container; recorded in facility log for tanks, drip pads, and containment bldgs
40 CFR 262.34(a)(2)
Container location standards / None
40 CFR 261.5(b) / None
40 CFR 262.34(d)(2) / At least 50 feet from property line for ignitable and reactive wastes
40 CFR 265.176
Use Manifest to ship waste off-site / No
40 CFR 261.5(b) / Yes
40 CFR 262.20 - 262.23 / Yes
40 CFR 262.20 – 262.23
Use transporters with EPA ID numbers / No
40 CFR 261.5(b) / Yes
40 CFR 262.1(c) / Yes
40 CFR 262.12(c)
Prepare LDR notifications/certifications / No
40 CFR 261.5(b) / Yes
40 CFR 268.1(b) / Yes
40 CFR 268.1(b)
Allowable classes of facilities to receive off-site shipment / Permitted or interim status HW facilities
HW recycling facilities
State-permitted, licensed, or registered municipal or industrial waste facilities
40 CFR 261.5(g)(3) / Permitted or interim status HW facilities
HW recycling facilities
40 CFR 260.10 “Designated Facility” / Permitted or interim status HW facilities
HW recycling facilities
40 CFR 260.10 “Designated facility”
Personnel training / No
40 CFR 261.5(b) / Yes
40 CFR 262.34(d)(5)(iii) / Yes
40 CFR 262.34(a)(4)
Preparedness and prevention / No
40 CFR 261.5(b) / Yes
40 CFR 262.34(d)(4) / Yes
40 CFR 262.34(a)(4)
Contingency Plan and emergency procedures / No
40 CFR 261.5(b) / Yes
40 CFR 262.34(d)(5) / Yes
40 CFR 262.34(a)(4) reference 40 CFR 265, Subpart D
Weekly Inspections / No
40 CFR 261.5(b) / Yes
40 CFR 262.34(d)(2) reference 40 CFR 265.174 / Yes
40 CFR 262.34(a)(1)(i) reference 40 CFR 265.174
Prepare/file records / No regulatory requirements but should keep hazardous waste identification records and manifests / Yes
40 CFR 262.40(a, c-d), 262.42(b), 262.43, 262.44 / Yes
40 CFR 262.40, 262.41, 262.42(a), 262.43
Meet Subparts AA-CC organic air emission standards / No
40 CFR 261.5(b) / No
40 CFR 262.34(d)(2) reference 40 CFR 265.201 / Yes for tanks
40 CFR 265.202
Yes for containers
40 CFR 265.178