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Energy Storage Component Research and Feasibility Study Support Scheme
Application Form
Submitted by:

October 2012


Energy Storage Component Research and Feasibility Study Support Scheme – Call for Proposals – Application Form

Contact for Enquiries

The Application form is available to download from the Department of Energy and Climate Change website at .

The contact for enquiries is:

Sally Fenton

Department of Energy and Climate Change

Tel: 0300 068 6503


Possible disclosure of information provided in response to thiscall

Information provided in response to thiscall for proposals, including personal information, may be published or disclosed in accordance withaccess to information regimes (these are primarily the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004).

Applicants should state if they believe any of the information supplied by them is confidential or commercially sensitive, or should not be disclosed in response to a request for information. Applicants should also state why they consider this information to be confidential or commercially sensitive.

If we receive a request for disclosure of the information we will take account of any such explanation, but we cannot give an absolute assurance that confidentiality can be maintained in all circumstances. We will consider any requests in the light of the relevant exemptions orexceptions provided in thelegislation,and will normally consult with the provider of the information before making any decision on release. An automatic confidentiality disclaimer generated by your IT system will not, of itself, be regarded by us as a confidentiality request.

It is important to note that some information may be commercially sensitive for a time (e.g. during the application process) but afterwards it may not be. The timing of any request for information may therefore be extremely important in determining whether or not information is disclosed or withheld.

Important: Applicants are urged to read the Call for Proposals Guidance Notes (also available on the DECC website at carefully before completing this form and are asked to ensure that they provide sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with the Requirements on Applicants, the Eligibility Criteria and the Selection Criteria.

Applicants may expand sections to fit but should maintain the structure of the application form and keep to the word or page limits indicated.

Structure of this Application Form

1.Summary Information

2.Lead Applicant’s Details

2.1Other Partners


3.Project Eligible Costs

4.Application Approval and Data Protection

5.Eligibility Criteria

6.Project Selection Criteria

6.1Criterion 1: Contribution to cost reduction or deployment of energy storage systems (30% weighting)

6.2Criterion 2: The likelihood of successful project delivery (20% weighting)

6.2.1Project Delivery Plan

6.2.2Previous Related Development and Demonstration

6.2.3Technical Credentials and Track Record of Applicants

6.2.4External Party Delivery of Goods or Services

6.2.5Procurement and Major Subcontractors

6.2.6Project Governance

6.2.7Risk Management

6.3Criterion 3: Project financing – materiality, leverage and affordability (20% weighting)

6.3.1Spend Profile

6.3.2Project Finance

6.3.3Debt Finance for the Project

6.3.4Other Public Funding

6.3.5In-kind Contributions to the Project


6.4Criterion 4: The likelihood of the subsequent commercial availability and success of the innovation (20% weighting)


6.4.2Intellectual Property

6.4.3Success Measures

6.5Criterion 5: Project contribution to the expansion of the energy storage sector (10% weighting)

6.5.1Knowledge Sharing

6.5.2Impact on Jobs

7.Supporting Documents

Annex 1 – Grant Payment Milestone Schedule Template

1.Summary Information

Name of project:
Company name:
Size of company (small, medium or large enterprise – as defined in Annex I of the EU General Block Exemption Regulation) or sizes of each partner if collaboration
Size of Capital Grant applied for (£k):
Total eligible project costs (£k)
Grant Funding Intensity (Grant funding as a % of total eligible cost):
Summary description of project:
(Recommended word limit: 300 words)

2.Lead Applicant’s Details

This is the organisation to which DECC will offer the grant and to which all grant and revenue payments will be made.

Company name:
UK company registration number:
Address of registered office:
Contact address (if different):
Contact name:
Direct line telephone:
Name of authorised signatory:
Position in organisation:

2.1Other Partners

If the application is from a single company that will carry out the project by itself, then please tick the first box below. If the application is from several companies acting in collaboration, please indicate whether the project partners will collaborate via a Collaboration Agreement or by forming a Joint Venture Company.

Single Company
Collaboration Agreement*
Joint Venture Company**

In the case of a collaboration agreement the Applicant above will be the Lead Partner. In the case of a consortium collaborating via a Joint Venture the Applicant named in Section 1.2 above will be the Joint Venture Company.

* For consortia collaborating via a Collaboration Agreement, please provide a copy of the signed Collaboration Agreement.

** For consortia proposing to operate through a Joint Venture Company please confirm that the Joint Venture Company has been formally set up and provide a copy of the legal agreement by which the parties to the Joint Venture agree to operate.


Please list all other project partners below (adding tables if necessary). In the case of a consortium that is collaborating via a collaboration agreement these will be the other parties to the agreement. In the case of a consortium collaborating via a Joint Venture it will be all the parties to the Joint Venture.

Partner 1
Company name:
UK company registration number:
Address of registered office:
Contact address (if different):
Contact name:
Name of authorised signatory:
Position in organisation:
Partner 2
Company name:
UK company registration number:
Address of registered office:
Contact address (if different):
Contact name:
Name of authorised signatory:
Position in organisation:

3.Project EligibleCosts

Please refer to Article 31 of the EU General Block Exemption Regulation. Aid can be provided towards certain eligible costs of the research project to the extent that these are used for the research project. These costs include:

•Personnel costs;

•Instruments and equipment;

•Buildings and land;

•Contractual research, technical knowledge and patents bought or licensed from outside sources at market price;

•Additional overheads incurred directly as a result of the project;

•Other operating expenses including costs of materials, supplies and similar products.

Please list in the table below (extend if necessary) the total eligible costs expected to be incurred by each project partner in the project. Please list the costs by partner. If there are more than two partners, please add additional columns to the tables. Note that the costs declared in this table should be used to calculate the size of the capital grant application.

Table 3.1: Total Project Eligible Costs (£k) / Lead Partner or Joint Venture Company / Partner 2 / TOTAL
Capital Equipment
External labour (sub-contracts)
Project Management Own Labour (incl.overheads)
Other Own Labour (including Overheads)
Professional fees
Travel and Subsistence
Other (specify)
Total Grant Applied For (£k):

4.Application Approval and Data Protection

Please obtain signatures of all project partners (for collaboration agreements) or partners in the Joint Venture Company and any other private sector funding partners that will be formally involved in the whole Project, irrespective of whether they are each seeking a DECC grant, to indicate their approval of this Application. Each signatory must have the authority to commit the proposed funding from his or her organisation.

Name / Signature / Company & position / Date

Data Protection:

The information in this application will be used as the source of the information for the database record of the project. To comply with data protection legislation, you need to sign this "waiver".

Please indicate which parts of the application, if any, are commercially confidential.

There is no objection to this information being incorporated in a computer database for programme management purposes and to the publication of all information in this Application not explicitly identified to DECC as commercially confidential.
Signed on behalf of the Applicant or Lead Applicant:
Name: / Date: / Position:

5.Eligibility Criteria

Please refer to the Guidance Notes for this Competition for further guidance on how applications will be assessed and what DECC is looking for in successful projects.

Eligibility i. Innovation and technology readiness
Please provide a full description of the project and the innovative technology or processes that will be developed or studied.
Applications should demonstrate that the projects promote innovation (in products, processes or technologies) and have a realistic chance of deployment. If your research is for a specific energy storage system, please describe the current state of development (technology readiness level) of the proposed storage system.
Please explain how your proposed technology or process differs from existing concepts.
(Please limit your response to 4 sides, excluding diagrams and images.)
Eligibility ii and iii. Project status and location
Please confirm the expected start and finish dates for the project and the location of the project work. Projects must not have started prior to the award of a grant and projects must take place primarily in the UK.
(Please limit your response to 1 side, excluding diagrams and images.)
Eligibility iv. Additionality
Please provide an analysis of the viability of the proposed project with or without grant support.
If you are an applicant from a large enterprise, please also outline how grant funding sought would increase the size, scope or speed of completion of the proposed innovation.
(Please limit your response to 2 sides, excluding diagrams and images.)
Eligibility v and vi. Grant size and aid intensity
Please confirm the grant value sought in this application and the proposed aid intensity (i.e. what percentage of the total eligible project costs would the proposed DECC grant represent).
(Please limit your response to 1 side, excluding diagrams and images.)
Eligibility vii. Permissions and consents
Does your project require any statutory consents or other permissions? If so, please provide details below.
(Please limit your response to 2 sides, excluding diagrams and images.)

6.Project Selection Criteria

Please refer to the ‘Project Selection Criteria’ section in the Scheme Guidance Notes for further guidance on how applications will be assessed against the five project selection criteria.

6.1Criterion 1: Contribution to cost reduction or deployment of energy storage systems (30% weighting)

Please provide details of the impact that their proposed component research or system feasibility study would have on:

  • the lifetime cost of an energy storage system; and/or
  • the efficiency or ease of deployment of an energy storage system.

Applicants should provide evidence to support the claims for cost reduction or impact on deployment and explain any key assumptions used.

Selection Criterion 1. Impact on cost reduction and deployment of energy storage
(Please limit your response to 4 sides, excluding diagrams and images.)

6.2Criterion 2: The likelihood of successful project delivery (20% weighting)

6.2.1Project Delivery Plan

  1. Please provide a detailed project plan, showing all the key tasks, their dependencies and their timescales and including project milestones and stage gates for reviews of the project.Please provide the project plan as a separate annex.
  2. Please complete the payment milestone template in Annex 1 with details of the proposed grant payment milestones and how they relate to project deliverables.
  3. Pleasedescribe the expected deliverables for the proposed project.

Selection Criterion 2. Project deliverables
(Please limit your response to 2 sides, excluding diagrams and images.)

6.2.2Previous Related Development and Demonstration

Please give a detailed description of the technology’s previous demonstration, at any scale, and describe how you have used the results of the previous technology demonstration to predict the performance of the devices you intend to deploy in this project.

You should include details of the location, dates and scale. You should clearly demonstrate the difference(s) between the technology previously demonstrated and the technology to be deployed in your project and why the technology in your project offers an advance? Any relevant diagrams, drawings or other information should be attached to support the Application.

Selection Criterion 2. Previous Related Development and Demonstration:
(Please limit your response to 4 sides, excluding diagrams and images.)

6.2.3Technical Credentials and Track Record of Applicants

Please provide evidence that the applicant and any collaborating organisations possess the technical ability and resources to carry out the project. You should also confirm your ability, willingness and intention to commence implementation of the project immediately.

Please include descriptions and evidence of previous relevant work carried out, for example: technology design and development (energy storage development work specifically); engineering project management; test programme development; details of previous technical feasibility studies. Please include details of relevant previous projects, including the date, location, client and project size.

Please provide brief CVs of lead project team members.

Selection Criterion 2. Technical Credentials and Track Record of Applicants:
(Please limit your response to 6 sides, excluding diagrams and images.)

6.2.4External Party Delivery of Goods or Services

Will an external party be delivering goods or services worth more than 20% of the total project value? If yes, please identify the external parties and explain how you will ensure that these parts of the project do not give rise to delays in the delivery of the project (e.g. contract penalties, assurances, etc).

Selection Criterion 2. External Party Delivery of Goods or Services:
(Please limit your response to 2 sides, excluding diagrams and images.)

6.2.5Procurement and Major Subcontractors

Please list all subcontracts above £100,000 in value and provide evidence that the chosen contractors were selected by competitive tender (please add additional tables if necessary).

Subcontract 1:
Description of contract
Value of contract
Organisations invited to tender (must be  3)
Selection criteria
Chosen bidder
Reasons for choice

6.2.6Project Governance

If the project team includes several partners please provide details of the roles of each member company and the governance arrangements in place to ensure smooth delivery of the project and to minimise organisational risk.

If the application form is submitted by one company acting independently, please detail the mechanisms in place to manage the major subcontractors outlined in Sections 6.2.5.

Selection Criterion 2. Governance arrangements:
(Please limit your response to 2 sides, excluding diagrams and images.)

6.2.7Risk Management

Please use the table below to describe all significant risks associated with your project, the mitigation measures in place and the responsibility of team members for mitigation. You should include risks to third parties which could affect achievement of the project’s aims.

Risk / Owner of risk: (responsible for dealing with the risk) / Risk rating: (probability x impact)
High, Medium or Low (to be defined by applicant) / Proximity: when is the risk likely to impact the project / Mitigation actions: implemented or planned responses to risks
Supply chain and infrastructure reliance associated with delivery of project:
Integration between project participants:
Programme Management:

6.3Criterion 3: Project financing – materiality, leverage and affordability (20% weighting)

6.3.1Spend Profile

Please provide a quarterly breakdown of the activity and eligible costs associated with them in table below:

Table 6.3.1: Project details by quarter and the costs (£k) associated with them
FY 2012-2013 (April 2012 – March 2013) / FY 2012-13 / Q4 / Total costs for FY 2012-13
Capital Equipment
External labour
Own labour (including project management costs)
Professional Fees
Traveland subsistence
Other (please specify)
Table 6.3.1 (continued): Project details by quarter and the costs (£k) associated with them.
FY 2013-2014 (April 2013 – March 2014) / FY 2013-14 / Q1 / FY 2013-14 / Q2 / FY 2013-14 / Q3 / FY 2013-14 / Q4 / Total costs for FY 2013-14
Capital Equipment
External labour
Own labour (including project management costs)
Professional fees
Traveland subsistence
Other (please specify)
Table 6.3.1 (continued): Project details by quarter and the costs (£k) associated with them.
FY 2014-2015 (April 2014 – March 2015) / FY 2014-15 / Q1 / FY 2014-15 / Q2 / FY 2014-15 / Q3 / FY 2014-15 / Q4 / Total costs for FY 2014-15
Capital Equipment
External labour
Own labour (including project management costs)
Professional fees
Traveland subsistence
Other (please specify)

6.3.2Project Finance

  1. Please list allthe sources of public and private sector funding for the Project (excluding the proposed grant contribution and excluding debt finance detailed in section 6.3.3) in the tables below. Please add additional lines if necessary for other partners / other sources).

Cash Contributions from Partners / Project (£k)
Lead Partner or Joint Venture Company
Partner 2
Partner 3
Partner 4
Cash Contributions from Other Funding Sources for the Project / Project (£k)
Source 1 (specify)
Source 2 (specify)
Source 3 (specify)
  1. Please provide a copy of annual accounts for the last two years – accounts are required for each partner in a consortium. If the latest accounts are more than 12 months old, applicants must provide management accounts. If the applicant or any partner has been trading for less than two years, they must submit cash flow forecasts and trading forecasts for the next two years.

Please include the accounts or forecasts as separate annexes to the application.

6.3.3Debt Financefor the Project

  1. Please list all sources of debt finance, including Venture Capital details, for the Project (please add more tables for additional lenders if necessary).

Debt finance provider:
Contact name:
Contact address:
Name of authorised signatory
Position in organisation
  1. Please provide evidence of firm unconditional commitments from all sources of finance. If this cannot be provided at this time, please provide letters of intent from all those that intend to be private sector funders of your Project.

These letters of intent must demonstrate that the balance of funding required to fund the Project will be provided and this is only conditional on DECC support to the Project.