Santiago Canyon College
Academic Senate
8045 East Chapman Avenue
Orange, CA 92869-6689 / (714) 628-4831
FAX (714) 744-9285


Academic Senate
7 February 2006
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm


Minutes for 7 February 20061

Lynda Armbruster

Nena Baldizon-Rios

Morrie Barembaum

Lynnette Beers

Odette Borrey

Cari Cannon

Shawn Cummins

Michael DeCarbo

Rosi Enriquez

Joe Geissler

Regina Lamourelle

Scott Sakamoto

Joyce Wagner

Minutes for 7 February 20061


Minutes for 7 February 20061

Richard Adams

Narges Niedzwiecki

Rosa Salazar de la Torre

Minutes for 7 February 20061


Minutes for 7 February 20061

Jeremy Goulart (FACCC)

Bev Pirtle

John Smith

Jim Watkins

Minutes for 7 February 20061

Minutes for 7 February 20061

Minutes for 7 February 20061

  1. Call to Order: Senate President Rosi Enriquez called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm

II.Order of the Agenda

III.Approval of Minutes:

  • The minutes for 12/06/2005 were approved as corrected.

IV. Reports:

  1. FACCC
  • Mr. Goulart visited the senate in order to make a presentation regarding the Community College initiative.
  • Within the next 10 years, community colleges will be drastically under funded.
  • This could lead to layoffs and closures.
  • Prop. 98 funding is tied to K-12. K-12 enrollment will decrease in the near future.
  • The CC Prop. will accomplish the following three things
  • Prop. 98 will be split into two pots: K-12/CC
  • CC funding was raided during the years of Governor Davis (funding was down to 9.5% instead of the 10.98% as determined by Prop. 98).
  • It would roll students back to $20.00/unit. To raise it, it would require 2/3 vote in the legislature based on per capita income growth.
  • Put local board into state constitution. Prop. Would also shore up the Chancellor’s office.
  • A recent poll found that 65% of likely votes would vote yea.
  • Prof. Smith reported that the union executive has voted to donate $2500 to support the CC initiative.
  • For every 0.1% (from Prop 98), it amounts to almost $60M.

B. President’s Report

  • There are numerous hiring committees
  • Prof. Enriquez and some English faculty met with President Vázquez
  • The English faculty requested that the English faculty position be pulled. There now exists an open position.
  • It was noted that there are about as many Cont. Ed. faculty as there are administrators.
  • President Vázquez has indicated that he would like to keep the position at SCC.
  • Prof. DeCarbo moved and Prof. Barembaum seconded a motion to suspend the rules. Motion passed unanimously.
  • A motion was made to revisit the faculty ranking and re-rank the five remaining positions to determine which position should be recommended to President Vázquez.
  • Motion passed unanimously.
  • Packets will be distributed to the senate within a day or two.
  • Use paperwork already submitted.
  • Rank 1 highest.

C. Department Chairs

  • There was a weak turnout for the spring retreat.
  • Concerns were expressed regarding overlapping Flex events.


  • No report
  1. ASB
  • No Rep
  1. Curriculum
  • Quadrennials are due in the spring.
  1. Technology
  • Technology day seemed to be very successful.
  1. Facilities
  • Prof. Smith met with President Vázquez, Ms. Cole, and the SCC Foundation president regarding the feasibility of starting a capital campaign.
  1. Faculty Development
  • No report.

V. Action Items

  • None

VI. Discussion Items

High Risk Drinking Grant

  • Prof. Hoffman informed the senate that some faculty would be asked to yield approximately 40 minutes of their class so that their students could complete a high-risk assessment tool. The information gleaned from this survey will provide guidance in developing and implementing education strategies that will be custom-made for our students.
  • The surveys will happen in March (prior to spring break).

Public Comments

  • Prof. Smith asked the senate about what procedures does the senate have in place should retirements occur after the senate has finished its faculty hire rankings.

Respectfully Submitted,

Morrie Barembaum

Santiago Canyon College

Academic Senate

Secretary Treasurer, 2005-2006

(714) 628 – 4895

Approved as amended 2/21/2006

Minutes for 7 February 20061