Elba Incorporated
Registered Office:
Suite 18 Gateway Business Centre
173 Davy Street Booragoon WA 6154
Welcome to the Elba Annual General Meeting for 2014/2015...... 2
Brief History of Elba Incorporated…………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Vision/Mission Statements & objectives………………………………………………………………………………..4
Annual General Meeting Minutes 2013-2014…………………………………………………………………………5
Board of Management………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
Chairman’s Report………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
Chief Executive Officer’s Report………………………………………………………………………………...... 16
Treasurer’s Report...... 19
Elba Inc.Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June 2015…………………………………………20
Notes to and forming part of the Accounts For the year ended 30 June 2015……………………..24
Independent Auditor Report to the members of Elba Incorporated………………………………. 25
Statement by Members of the Management Committee………………………………………………...... 27
Auditor’s Certification Statement……………………………………………………………………….………………. 28
Receptionist’s Report…………………………………………………………………………………….………………………29
ATE officer and Driver’s report…………………………………………………………………………………………29-30
Roster Coordinator& Human Resources Report……………………………………………………………..31-32
Field Supervisor’s Report………………………………………………………………………………………………….32-34
Office Manager / Payroll & Accounts Report ……………………………………………………………………….35
Thank you…………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….36
Welcome to the Elba Annual General Meeting for 2014/2015
This Annual Report provides comprehensive information on Elba Incorporated for the 2014/2015 financial year including an income & expense schedule. There is also a member services schedule detailing who has accessed disability support services funded by the Disability Services Commission (DSC) of Western Australia; the Insurance Commission of Western Australia and Brokerage based members.
The information generated provides objective data for accountability purposes and for long term planning and policy development.
Elba Incorporated works collaboratively with the disability sector to provide mentoring and support in efficient management of Disability Service Agencies. This area is improving with ongoing refinements.
In accordance with the Financial Institutions and Audit Act 1985 (Section 66), we hereby submit, for your information and presentation the Annual Report for Elba Incorporated for the financial year ending 30th June, 2015.
The majority of Elba Incorporated members have their care needs fully met and the remainder, who are partly met, are in the process of applying, via the CAP process, for recurrent funding via the Disability Services Commission of Western Australia.
All of Elba’s Members have the right to live in welcoming communities which make future friendships and social networkspossible as well as having the right to community support and given the colloquial “Fair Go”.
Elba has made a commitment to its Members and their families that they will be treated fairly with dignity, privacy and confidentiality. We also commit to the Disability Services Commission’s standards, particularly with regard to our Members making their OWN decisions and choices.
Elba respects & values our members’ cultural diversity and encourages their contribution to the agency at all times.
Brief History of Elba Incorporated
Elba Incorporated was established in 1990 when a group of Spinal Cord Injured patients were offered no option but to reside at the Quadriplegic Centre in Shenton Park. These patients decided to assert their independence and establish an agency where they were able to manage their own funding from the Commonwealth Government which later transferred to the Disability Services Commission of Western Australia.
Funding to establish Elba Inc. was granted after two years of lobbying the government.
A management committee was elected from the membership and a part time coordinator was employed to run the administrative operations of the agency. Elba Incorporated is now widely regarded as a service provider of choice in the Western Australian Disabled Community.
Elba Incorporated adheres to all government requirements and policies with regard to its operations and notes the following government acts that stand as the prime directives for our business operations
- Auditor General’s Act 2006;
- Carers Recognition Act 2004;
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992;
- Equal Opportunity Act 1984;
- Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1984;
- Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 1981
The Acts listed above are available on the Elba website for your viewing or download. The web address is .
Vision/Mission Statements & Objectives
Elba Incorporated
Annual General Meeting
2013 - 2014Minutes
/24th of October 2014
/ UWA Boat ShedMeeting called by / Darren West – Chairperson Elba Incorporated
Type of meeting / Annual General Meeting
Facilitator / Stefanie Gaglia, Ryan James and Darren West
Minute taker / Stefanie Gaglia
Timekeeper / Stefanie Gaglia
Attendees / Ray Bennett – Ray Bennett Management Consultant
Clare Morefield-DSC
Sandy Russell -Secretary
Mark Pielage-Member/ Vice Chair
Darren West- Member/ Chairperson
James and Annie Abraham/ Member
Milly Lo- Support Worker
Gino Versaci/ Member
Chris Lamberto-Member
Lucy Lamberto- Mother of Chris + Support Worker
Decima Little- wife of Member
Simon Royle-Member/management committee
Michael Durk-member
Adrian Mason-Member/ Management committee
Julie Ann Mason- Sister of Adrian Mason
Craig Press- Member/treasure
Erica Wilks- Member
Sandra Ringo- Support Worker
Dudley Jones- landlord
Lisa Izadorski- Insurance
Rosie Gaglia- Mother of Stefanie Gaglia
Kim Gaglia- Father of Stefanie Gaglia
Zuraimi Mohd- Husband of Stefanie Gaglia
Koji Zuraimi- child of Stefanie Gaglia
Sasha Zuraimi- Daughter of Stefanie Gaglia
Stefanie Gaglia –CEO
Ryan James– ATE and Admin Office
Merrilyn Trimble – Field Supervisor
Tom Scollay- Rosters and HR
Chiara Offredi- ATE driver
Leo Padron- Partner of Chiara Offredi
Serina Chan- Receptionist
Adrian Mok- Husband of Serina Chan
AJ Mok- Son of Serina Chan
Jo Mok- Sister in law of Serina Chain
APOLOGIES / Ray Woolley- Auditor
James Bond- Member
Laurence Chiang- Member
Robert Divincenzo- Member
Alistair Forrest- Member
Dr Chee Ming Fung- Member
Wayne Boullineau- Member
Vera Longcake- Member
Nebai Lopez- Member
Iliana Marinov- Member
Shane McGowan-Member
Mark McKenzie- Member
Kas Maras- Member
Amy Maslij- Member
Roslyn Matthews- Member
Helen Grant- Member
Janine Neu- Member
Mark Powdrill- Member
Shelee Offer- Member
Anita Poulter- Member
Laly Fawcus- Member
Diana Znidarich- Member
Sarah Tosi- Member
Gavin Tremeer- Member
James Van’t San’t- Member
Michelle Vellaris- Member
Greg Willmott- Member
Anastasia Skerratt- Member
Chloe Woodruff- Member
Claudia Croucher- Member
Peter Davies- Member
Peter Hopps- Member
Terry Clfton- Member- Member
David Halge- Friend of Elba
Shirley Cox- Member
Agenda topics
5 minutes
/opening of meeting
Discussion / Official Opening of MeetingIntroducing myself as the CEO and acknowledging the apologies.
Darren West moved to accept the apologies
Simon Royle second the move
5 minutes
/stefanie gaglia
DiscussionFirst Motion is to accept the AGM minutes for 2012-2013. Everyone was given time to peruse and read minutes and verify they were correct.
Conclusions / There was no discussion from the previous meeting.
Mark Pielage moved to accept the minutes
Michael Durk seconded the move
Minutes approved and accepted
Action items / Person responsible
2012-2013 AGM minutes accepted / Stefanie Gaglia
5 minutes
/Chairpersons report
/Ryan james
Discussion / Was read out by Darren WestOver all view on the year that Elba Had also acknowledgments made to people that have supported Elba and the office team.
Second Motion to accept the Chairperson’s Report
Simon Royle moved to accept the Chairperson’s Report
Craig Press seconded the move
Chairperson’s Report Accepted
Action items / Person responsible
Chairperson Report / Stefanie Gaglia
5 minutes
/CEO report
/Stefanie gaglia
Discussion / Was read out by Stefanie GagliaTalked about Training, Administration, Budget, Grants, Membership, social Events, the year ahead and Growth.
Third motion is to accept the CEO Report
Darren West moved to accept the report
Mark Pielage seconded the move
CEO Report accepted
Action items / Person responsible
CEO Report / Stefanie Gaglia
5 minutes
/treasures report
/ryan james
Discussion / Was read out by Ryan JamesTalked about the financial year, thanked the auditor and Stefanie Gaglia for their work in keeping the books on track.
Fourth motion is to accept the Treasure’s report
Michael Durk moved to accept the report
Simon Royle seconded the move
Treasures Report Accepted
Action items / Person responsible
Treasures Report accepted / Stefanie Gaglia
5 minutes
/financial report
/stefanie gaglia
Discussion / Everyone was given time to read the Financial Report and question it.Fifth Motion is to accept the Financial Report
Conclusions / There was no discussion from the Financial Report
Mark Pielage moved to accept the nomination
Darren West seconded the move
Financial Report Accepted
Action items / Person responsible
Due to our constitution been updated and approved by members last AGM the four top office bearing position will remain the same for the next two years so no vote is needed. / Stefanie Gaglia
Discussions / I would like to remind you of the people that hold these positions:
Darren West- Chairperson
Mark Pielage- Vice Chair
Craig Press- Treasurer
Sandy Russell- Secretary
The new constitution states that the three management committee positions need to become vacant and re voted on each year. Due to the fact that we only had three people nominate for the position there will also been no need to vote.
I would like to announce the management committee for 2014-2015
Adrian mason
Simon Royle
And first time to sit on the committee Decima Little
Conclusions / Like to Welcome the Board for 2014 – 2015
5 MINUTESAUDITORStefanie gaglia
DISUSSION / Sixth Motion- The nominee for role of Auditor for 2014 -2015 is Ray WoolleyConclusions / Mr. Woolley was approached and he is willing to be Elba’s Auditor for 2014 -2015
Craig Press moved to accept the nomination
Darren West seconded the move
Action items / Person responsible
Ray Woolley has been accepted as Elba’s auditor for 2014 -2015 / Chief Executive Officer
DISUSSION / No Discussion was had
2013-2014 AGM closed at 3pm
Recorder / Stefanie Gaglia
Secretary / Sandy Russell
Signed as a true and correct record / Stefanie Gaglia Sandy Russell
Stefanie Gaglia Sandy Russell
Chief Executive Officer Secretary
Recorder / Stefanie Gaglia
Secretary / Sandy Russell
Signed as a true and correct record / Stefanie Gaglia Sandy Russell
Stefanie Gaglia Sandy Russell
Chief Executive Officer Secretary
Introducing the
Elba Incorporated
Board of Management
Chairman…………………………………………………… Darren West
Vice Chair……………………………………………………Mark Pielage
Treasurer……………………………………………………Craig Press
Secretary……………………………………………………Sandy Russell
Member……………………………………………………Decima Little
Member……………………………………………………Adrian Mason
Member……………………………………………………Simon Royle
I'd like to welcome members, staff, carers, support workers and distinguished guests here today for Elba Incorporated’s annual general meeting.
Thank you and welcome.
Elba has had another great year and I'd like to thank the office staff for all their hard work and their continued dedication to the running of Elba.
Both the Board and our administration team have been working very closely with the Disability Services Commission (DSC), the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and the WA National Disability Insurance Scheme Myway (NDIS MyWay) to facilitate the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) across the disability sector. The implementation of the NDIS has commenced in the Perth hills area with the Head office situated in Midland. The NDIS MyWay is already underway and proving a success in the Lower South West of WA. Elba Inc. looks forward to evolving along with the sector.
I'd like to congratulate Stefanie and Ami on the birth of their new baby Akira earlier this year. Additionally I would like to welcome a new member Candice Cordrington to the Elba Inc. team and also acknowledge the passing of two Elba members Nebai Lopez and Kelli James. My deepest condolences and thoughts go out to their families.
At this time I would like to acknowledge the following people who have given us great support over the past 12 months; their support and/or advice has proven invaluable to us in navigating through the past year with the success that we have had.
- Mr Dudley Jones-Landlord
- Mr Ray Bennett-Business Consultant / Bennett Consulting
- Clare Morefield-Service Contact & Development Officer
Disability Services Commission
- Lotterywest &
the Independent
living centre-Ongoing generous donations and
grants for our Members - Sandy Russell-Advocate and Board member
- Westpac-Booragoon Branch
- Mr Ray Woolley-Ray Woolley Pty Ltd.
I would also like to acknowledge the contribution made by our administration team:
- Stefanie Gaglia-CEO/Accounts
- Merrylin Trimble-Field Supervisor
- Ryan James-Office Manager/Payroll and accounts
- Tom Scollay-Roster Coordinator and Human Resources
- Chiara Offredi-ATE driver/Co-ordinator
- Serina Chan-Receptionist
On a personal note, I'd like to thank all the board members for their continued support throughout the year and for taking time out of the busy schedules to make sure that Elba Inc. Is run smoothly.
It is great to see everyone here today. Ultimately days like today are a chance for members to take an active role in Elba Inc. to voice any concerns you may have. It is also a great chance to meet and mingle with the admin staff and Board of Directors.
I hope everybody enjoys themselves today and I look forward to working with you all over the coming year.
Darren West
Elba Board of Management
CEO’s Report
Overview of the year
Elba Incorporated annual report provides a snapshot of the activities that the staff and members have been involved with over the past 12 months.
We have some wonderful individuals working with us as staff and are supported by a strong Board. It is important for members to know that with our intentions to grow the business and all the changes we are experiencing, we view our core business of supporting individuals to be able to live independently in the community is still our main focus. Elba strives to find effective ways with available resources, to meet the on-going challenge faced in working in the human services field.
Activities for the year include:
Workshops are still been held at the office for support workers in Cert 3 along with first aid courses. We now have the availability to provide first aid and refresher manual handing online for those support workers that cannot attend the course provided in house.
Manual handling training, held in house by Merrylin, is a vital part of a support workers training before they enter into our members home: first to be able to understand the role that they are taking on and secondly to comply with Elba’s policy and procedures and DSC requirements. Merrylin puts in a lot of her time to organise the workshops and to tailor her training course to be relevant to the member that the support worker will be working for. Thank you once again Merrylin for all your hard work and depth of knowledge that you bring to Elba. I look forward to working alongside you again in the new financial year.
Ryan, our Admin Manager is doing a wonderful job in his role as he shows such dedication. Ryan is still doing Open Uni to gain more qualifications, and has taken on more responsibility with his role. This allows me to travel and leave Ryan in charge to run the office while I am away. I entrusted Ryan with this task for a month while I was in America, and he did a fantastic job.
I am very thankful to be able to trust Ryan with these responsibilities.
Thank you Ryan again for another year of hard work.
Tom has been in the HR/Roster Clerk position now for 20 months and has taken to his role extremely well, he is very caring and diligent along with being very easy to talk to.
Tom goes the extra mile to make sure he has covered or handled the situation to the best of his ability. I am very grateful to Tom for handling his role so well. Tom is also doing Open Uni to gain more qualifications.
Thank you Tom again for all your hard work.
Chiara our ATE driver is doing a fantastic job in her role. She provided buddy shift training for new support workers with members that she has cared for in the past. When not out on the road driving our members around Chiara helps out in the office with grants, person centred plans, visa checks and updating the policy and procedures manual.
Thank you Chiara for all your hard work this year.
Serina has now been our Receptionist coming on two years. Serina is doing a great job in her role. Serina is the first person you will be in contact with when calling Elba, she is always happy and has a smile on her face.
Thank you Serina for all your hard work over the year.
Our accounts remain in good shape. We have expended $5,964,182.32 from State and commonwealth funding to provide support to our members.
Our service income was made up off:
DSC: $5,490,857
MyWay: $178,068.72
NDIS: $295,256.80
Lotterywest and Independent Living Centre have once again supported some of our members for living equipment. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to them for their continuing support.
2014-2015 with the help of the Disability Services Commission and National Disability insurance Agency we have a current membership of 59 members across the programs.
Members are located from the North in Joondalup to Perth’s southern outskirts of Busselton.