Panhandle Yacht Club
Member Handbook

Updated 7-7-2015

Welcome to the finest Sailboat Only Marina in the Pacific Northwest;

Panhandle Yacht Club, 19185 S. Highway 97, Harrison, ID. Phone: (208) 666-0771


The Panhandle Yacht Club, PYC, was founded in 1978 by a few individuals who had a dream to build a private marina that would be family oriented, be of reasonable cost, and that would provide amenities not found at other marinas on Lake Coeur d'Alene. Over the years the facility has continued to improve through the dedicated efforts of its members. Many hours and some personal expenses have been donated to update and provide for the members and their guests.


Board members are elected by the membership at a General Membership Meeting. They are responsible to the membership to insure that the club is fiscally sound and that it continues to remain in good condition. They can answer most questions that the Harbormaster cannot answer.


As you enter the PYC grounds you will find a paved parking lot, a full time home for our Harbormaster, a restroom/shower building, a garage for equipment storage, and a tool shed. The marina holds 112 slips and a breakwater to protect our boats. Also there is a swimming beach, a haul-out for boat maintenance, a mast crane and a pump-out for boat holding tanks. Other amenities include the BBQ decks with a freezer with ice for members, two propane barbecues, a refrigerator, dishwashing sinks, and a variety of donated items for everyone’s use.

Each slip has its own electrical outlet and the docks/breakwater are lighted during the hours of darkness for safety and additional security.

Periodically the members are asked to assist at the club. The annual work party is on the weekend closest to the 18th of May and is called Ash Bash. The significance of this date is that Mt. St. Helen’s erupted on May 18, 1980 and ash inundated the marina, as well as the rest of Eastern Washington. A massive clean up was required. Near that date, ever since, the club has held a project day in preparation for summer. After the work is done, members convene on the barbecue deck for a potluck to socialize, tell sea stories, and make new acquaintances. In addition, several times during a winter, a large snowfall will require all members’ assistance to clear the docks and their boats.


The Harbormaster is responsible for the maintenance of the uplands, providing security when the membership is absent, adjusting the dock anchors as the lake level changes and is in charge of limited snow removal. He/she is a good point of contact if you have any questions that are not in this pamphlet or he/she can put you in contact with someone who can provide assistance. The Harbormaster monitors Marine VHF. You can contact the Harbormaster for assistance using the call name "PANHANDLER" on VHF Channel 16. The Harbormaster is not an employee hired to do our bidding, if something needs attention, then we as members are responsible to take care of it or contact someone on the Board of Directors who can assume the responsibility. The Harbormaster answers only to the Commodore.

Security is a major concern for all. Although one of the Harbormaster’s duties is security, he/she cannot do it alone. It is the individual member/associate member’s responsibility to properly secure

and protect their property. PYC is not responsible for any loss or damage to member owned property at the facility. This includes the boats themselves.

Parking Lot

No parking of boat trailers. Tents and RV's can be used for a limited time. Contact the Harbormaster for approved areas and to reserve a spot.

Tool Shed

Some tools belong to the club and some belong to the Harbormaster. Always ask his permission to use tools. Needless to say, if you drop something in the lake you must replace it.

Bath Facility

Separate for men and women. Please clean up your messes and treat the facility as you would your own home. Our septic system is delicate so please only dispose of human waste in the toilets. DO NOT empty porta-potties in the restrooms as the drain field will fail from the chemicals.

A large sink is provided between the rest rooms. Check out the library of donated books also located in this room.

Barbecue Deck

You will find propane grills for your use. Please turn them off and clean them when you are finished. In addition, a freezer is provided with ice for your use. Take only what you need and DO NOT store anything in the freezer. A refrigerator is provided for temporary storage of items. Once again, it is for the entire membership, so limit your time and the amount you put in it.


Safety in all activities is paramount. Running on the docs and especially down the ramp is strongly discouraged. Fueling of your boats in the slips should be done with caution. Do not spill oil, fuel, or other contaminants into the lake. It creates a fire hazard, makes an unsafe environment for swimming, kills the water life and dirties the boats. If you should spill oil or fuel, a Spill-Kit is located on the KAYOT for your use. If you use, them you are responsible to replace it.

Social Events

Periodically the Club sponsors a potluck/cookout and all are encouraged to attend. One of the big events is the 4th of July. The Club offers an excellent place to watch the fireworks in
Coeur d'Alene. Also, the Annual Ash Bash in mid May provides a time for all to get together. At times members may want to have private get-togethers and you don't have to cater to all Club members but you must remember that the facilities are for all members and therefore they can use the grills etc. A white board is located above the freezer and you must schedule group functions. This lets other members be aware of groups using our facilities so they may schedule their time at the barbecues.


Your friends are encouraged to join you and enjoy the facility. Please ensure that they abide by the By-laws the same as you do. The member is responsible for all actions of his guests. Unruly guests may be asked by any Club member to remove themselves from the premises if they will not change their behavior.


This handbook is not all-inclusive. It is PYC’s hope that you will take care of our facilities as if they are your own and have an enjoyable time.

Panhandle Yacht Club Standing Rules

Modified By Board Action 2015

1.  Members are fully responsible for the actions of their family members or guests. Refer to PYC Bylaws, Article 9 for guest rules.

2.  Members shall keep their slips, dock boxes and boats in a safe and well-maintained condition. Members, whose boats or slips are determined to be in poor condition or present a hazard by the Board of Directors, will be asked to correct the condition. If refused, the Board of Directors will correct the condition at the expense of the member. Additionally, the Panhandle Yacht Club is not responsible for personal items. This includes boats, tenders, dock boxes or any other personal item left or stored on club facilities. All modifications to the slip, including swim ladders, shall be approved by the Port Captain.

3.  PYC is not designed nor intended to provide live-aboard support to its members or associate members. Therefore, living aboard a boat at PYC, for an extended time, is discouraged. Living aboard is defined as remaining overnight onboard a boat for four nights or more per month between November 1 and April 30 or anytime the pump-out is closed. Additionally, it is defined as remaining overnight onboard a boat for 15 nights total, within any 30 day period between May 1 and October 31. or anytime the pump-out is open. A $20.00 per day fee is required from the member if the 15 night limit is exceeded (If you have incurred this fee please send a check to the PYC Treasurer or give the check to any Board Member). The four night (winter) limit may not be exceeded.

4.  The entire property belonging to PYC is a “use at your own risk area”. All children, under 12 years of age, must be supervised during all activities, especially while swimming or wading. PYC HAS NO LIFEGUARD! Additionally, the breakwater is to provide protection for the marina. Boats will not be tied to it. Swimming or fishing from it is prohibited.

5.  Dock boxes will be kept in good repair. No homemade boxes will be allowed. The triangular boxes now in use are preferred but only marine approved boxes that fit will be allowed. If the box becomes damaged, the owner will be asked to remove it.

6.  Owners will, at all times,maintain control of their pets and will not allow them to unreasonably affect theenjoyment of club facilitiesto other members. Pets are not allowed at any time on the swimming beach. Pet owners are responsible for clean up after their pets and there are no areas on PYC property where clean up is not required. It is preferred pets be leashed while on PYC property.

7.  A “No Wake” rule is in effect within the breakwater.

8.  Between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM are “quiet hours”. Halyards and other lines shall be secured to minimize noise when moored.

9.  Mooring lines shall be of a size and type recommended by the boat builder, or shall comply with published recommendations of cordage manufacturers and suppliers. In no case shall mooring lines be less substantial than 3/8" nylon. Snubbers shall be used on bow and stern lines and other lines subject to shock loading from wave action. Mooring lines shall be maintained in good condition.

10.  No member shall install any electrical or communications wiring without the written consent of the Board of Directors. This provision does not apply to shore power cords or local receptacle cords connected to the slip outlet, provided they are approved for marine use, installed in accordance with applicable codes and good practice, and do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to others. Cords must not run across docks or walkways.

11.  There will be no open fires on PYC property (bonfires, campfires, beach fires, etc.) other than those approved and regulated by the Board of Directors.

12.  BBQ on boats or docks must be attended at all times. Only marine approved BBQs are allowed for use on boats. Disposal of briquettes will be in a fireproof container.

13.  Fueling of boats shall be undertaken with great care and caution to eliminate fire hazard and prevent fuel spillage into the lake. You are responsible for any spillage and any consequences that involve environmental protection.

14.  Flammable materials such as paint, lacquers, thinners and fuels need always be stored in well-ventilated areas on the boat. No such materials shall be stored on the docks or the dock boxes. Oily rags will be placed in a tight-closing metal container and shall not be left on the docks or dock boxes.

15.  Littering is prohibited. Boat trash will be placed in the dumpster by the tool shed. Boat trash will not be placed in the garbage cans on the BBQ deck.

16.  All posting shall be made on any bulletin board. Permission for posting must be obtained from the Harbormaster.

17.  The haul-out and mast crane are used by permission only and are scheduled by the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster and the reservation schedule will determine the length of usage. Under all conditions, the user will sign a release of responsibility from the club and receive instruction before using these facilities.

18.  Motorized personal watercraft may not be moored or operated within the breakwater. Additionally, motorized vehicles are prohibited on the docks. No vehicle or conveyance (motorcycle, skateboard, roller skates/blades, snowmobiles, ATV’s, etc.) may be operated for recreational purposes on PYC property.

19.  Storage of boats, recreational vehicles or trailers on PYC property is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the Board of Directors. Yacht tender vessels may be moored or stored in locations acceptable to the Harbormaster. Periodically, owners of yacht tenders vessels will be asked to identify these vessels. Those vessels thus not identified will be disposed of at the discretion of the PYC Board of Directors.

20.  The owner of any vehicle, including RV’s travel trailers, tents, etc., which will remain on PYC property in excess of five (5) days shall obtain permission from the Harbormaster. Each day beyond 5 days will be assessed a $10.00/day fee, payable and billed to the member/host. The Harbormaster must be contacted to obtain reservations and permission before placing such vehicle on PYC property.

21.  The discharge of firearms or use of any explosive devices is prohibited on PYC property. Fireworks are strictly forbidden.

22.  Any non-member whose boat occupies a slip at the PYC marina for fourteen (14) days or more, with or without the member’s permission, will be considered an Associate Member and the member will be assessed the annual associate fee.

23.  Porta-potties will be emptied at the pump-out. They will not be emptied in the club’s bathrooms.

24.  The pump-out is for members and associates only. Please read instructions on the pump and follow them closely.

Standing Rule #3 updated 5-5-2015. Change standing rule #3 from $75/night to $20/night

Standing Rule #6 updated 7-7-2015. Allowing more liberal control of pets on pyc property


Adopted June 26,1997

Revised at General Membership Meeting, June 26, 2001

Revised at General Membership Meeting, June 17, 2003

Revised at General Membership Meeting, June 20, 2006