FSU FORM CC 153 (Rev. 12/03)CURRICULAR REQUEST FORMDate: 10/29/2005

Submit one (1) original of this form with signatures and one (1) copy of all forms and syllabi
to: The University Curriculum Committee, Mail Code 1480

SectionI. Course Identification, Action, and Justification

  1. Type of Request:

Indicate year and semester you want this effective:Year:Semester:

  1. Complete this section if adding or changing a course.

Proposed Listing:Prefix: COP Number: 3331(Note:The leftmost digit must be a number; the remaining digits may be represented by X's)

Full Title:Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Semester Hours:Min:3Max:3Transcript Title (20 characters max):OO Analysis/Design

  1. Complete this section if changing or deleting an existing course.

Present Listing:Prefix: COP Number:3331

Full Title:Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Semester Hours:Min:3Max:3

  1. Justification for addition or change (not required if deleting a course):

Since we are removing COP 3502 as a required course for our undergraduate degree, we need to move the Ethics component of that course into COP 3331. This involves some small changes to the material covered and a change to the official course desciption.
  1. Faculty Contact Information:

Name:David GaitrosPhone:644-4055Email:

  1. Is this course to be considered for satisfaction of University undergraduate degree requirements?

Call 4-2451 for processing information.

Considered for Multicultural designation? If “Yes” indicate whether an “X” or “Y” course.

Is this course to be considered for satisfying Oral/Computer Competency? If yes, indicate which one.

Section II. Course Information for Catalog and Scheduling Purposes

Grade Type (choose one):

Modes of Instruction: Primary: Secondary:

Repeat Information: Code: Repeat only when topics vary?Repeat only with instructor permission?

Total semester hours may be taken for credit:3

Taught by Department: Primary:1166Secondary (list all):

Major codes (list all applicable):

Prerequisites:COP 3330


Are your department's course descriptions divided into subheadings in the Bulletin? If yes, state under which subheading this course is to be placed:

Course Catalog Description (This must be on all new or changed course requests.):

An introduction to software engineering with emphasis on practical techniques for object-oriented analysis and design, as well as ethical practices within the field. The course covers the use of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and an associated computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tool.

Section III. Approval Signatures

Approved By:


Teaching UnitTeaching Unit Curriculum Committee ChairTeaching Unit Chair


College or SchoolCollege or School Curriculum Committee ChairDean of College or School


Vice President of Academic Affairs or RepresentativeDate

Last modified: 10/29/2005Last printed: 10/29/2005