April 7-9 May 19-21 September 29-31
April 28-30 Fish Camp
Senior Days help May 17-19 September 6-8
Appreciation Weekend TBA to volunteers
Dear Friends,
Some of you have expressed an interest in one of this year’s workpartys. The workpartys are a fun and rewarding way for the whole family to enjoy Family Camp and spend a weekend working and playing with a bunch of really nice people like you. We want you to know how important your participation is to the success and enjoyment of Family Camp, and how much we are looking forward to working with you this year. Your contributions are a vital part of the “Friends” support of San Jose Family Camp.
The Workpartys are on the weekends. Check in time begins noon Friday (lunch is not served). Dinner will be served from 6:00 to 8:00 PM to accommodate late arrivals. We will work Saturday all day, and Sunday morning. Your weekend ends with lunch on Sunday.
The cost is $10:00 per person, per weekend (maximum of $40.00 per family per weekend). This includes dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch, & dinner on Saturday, and breakfast, & lunch on Sunday. Included is a fun WINE SOCIAL, before dinner on Saturday. Membership in Friends of Family Camp is required for participation in the workpartys. If you haven’t paid dues please include your $20.00 Family membership fee in your Sign-up check.
CHILDCARE will be available for children 2-8 (out of diapers) while the parents are working. If you would like to volunteer for a 4-hour childcare shift, please indicate that on the form. Minimum age for childcare helpers is 13. PLEASE BE AWARE, MINORS MUST BE MONITORED, AS HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS EXIST.
Pack much as you would for camp in summer, however, the weather is unpredictable so be prepared for cold nights and warm, cool, or cold days. Once in a while it rains – but the show goes on. Just watch the forecast and bring your boots, poncho, or whatever.
We try to assign people to the work they request or indicate an interest in. This is not always possible, but most of the time it works out. With this understanding we ask that you bring the tools you will be using, based on your request. If you have special skills and/or equipment please let us know. Either call or make a note on the form. Regardless, NO SPECIAL SKILLS OR TOOLS REQUIRED!
Enclosed is a signup form. Please fill it out clearly and completely and return it as soon as possible so we can start on the work assignments and food planning. Prompt return of your form makes it likely that you will get the tent of your choice. Mail your form with your check made payable to Friends of San Jose Family Camp or (FSJFC), and a stamped, self-addressed envelope for your tent confirmation. We will send your confirmation as soon as possible. Tent assignments are on a first come basis. Please understand, your first choice may not be possible, so be sure to fill out all three choices for tents and/or tent areas. If families want neighboring tents, note that on each of the family’s forms, but please don’t ask us to save a tent for friends. We must be fair to those who sent their forms in first. If you are willing to share a tent with another family or individual, please let us know.
Be sure to check in at the office as soon as you arrive. If you will be arriving later than 10:00 PM on Friday or early Saturday morning, please note it on your form or let us know by calling Diana at 408-655-6420 or Joseat 408-502-0216 by the Thursday prior to your arrival, or at the camp on Friday at 209-962-7277. If anyone in your party must cancel, or if you wish to add another person please let us know ASAP so we can plan accordingly. We need an accurate list for work assignments.
If you have any questions – call Diana Whitney (Scheduling) at 408-655-6420
Jose Contreras (Work Weekend Foreman) at408-502-0216
Mail your completed form to: Diana Whitney
3318 Union Ave.
San Jose, CA. 95124
April 7-9 May 19-21 September 29-31
NAME ______1st Choice______
ADDRESS______2nd Choice______
CITY/ST/ZIP______3rd Choice______
Email______Telephone # (______) ______- ______
Family Members AttendingAge/SexSpecial skills/interests/abilities/job preference/ect.
There are many jobs to be done on the weekends. Some include carpentry, plumbing, clean up, electrical, planting, painting, concrete, childcare, and on and on. We have tasks for everyone, regardless of skills, physical limitations or age.Everyone’s help is appreciated and GREATLY NEEDED!
*Age and gender are requested for all children. Children over the age of 8ish will be given an age appropriate job assignment according to their abilities.
*Please let us know if you are unable to do heavy work, (if you or your children have any restrictions or physical limitations on what you or they can do) or if there are jobs you especially don’t want to do.
The cost of each weekend is $10.00 per person (over the age of 3). If there are more than 4 people in your family the maximum cost is $40.00 for each weekend. A family is considered to be the parent/s and their dependent children living at home. Guests and extended family are always welcome, but will be subject to the $10.00 charge.One must be a Friends member. Please include the $20.00 Friends family membership fee if you are not already paid for 2017.
WORKPARTY 1Apr 7-9_____People at $10.00 @$______
WORKPARTY 2May 19-21_____People at $10.00 @$______
WORKPARTY 3Sep 19-31_____People at $10.00 @$______
2017 Friends of Family Camp Membership fee $20.00$______
(If not current)
Please complete this form and return itNLTMar 31st for workparty 1,May 5thfor workparty 2, and Sep 5th for workparty 3. Mail this form with your check made out to: (Friends of San Jose Family Camp or FSJFC), with a self addressed, stamped envelope (IF you want a confirmation) to:
Diana Whitney, 3318 Union Ave., San Jose, Ca 95124
Questions, call Jose 408-502-0216 or Diana 408-408-655-6420
FISH CAMP Senior Days
APRIL 28-30 May 17-19 Sep 6-8
Telephone # (______) ______- ______Email ______
Family Members AttendingAge/Sex
Fish Camp & Senior Days workparty volunteers primarily assist with kitchen and dining hall operations. There may be some additional small jobs to be accomplished around camp and these will be assigned as needed. NO SKILLS REQUIRED.
*Age and gender are requested for all children. There is NO childcare available for Fish Camp or Senior Days!
*Please let us know if you are unable to do heavy work. If you or your children have any restrictions or physical limitations on what you or they are able to do, or if these are jobs you especially don’t want to do.
Everyone’s help is appreciated.
Fish Camp Workparty Apr 28-30______People @ $10 per$______
Senior Days Workparty May17-19 ______People @ $10 per$______
Senior Days Workparty Sep 6-8______People @ $10 per$______
Friends of Family Camp Membership fee $20.00(if not 2017 current)$______
Total amount enclosed $______
Please return this form no later than April 14th (Fish Camp), May 3rd (1st Senior Days), and Aug 25th (2nd Senior Days). Mail this form with your check made out to (Friends of San Jose Family Camp or FSJFC) to:
Diana Whitney, 3318 Union Ave., San Jose, CA 95124
Questions,call Diana 408-655-6420
Or Jose 408-502-0216
Just a reminder, pets are not allowed.