Submission form for comments on the proposed Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines – Exhibited Animals

This Microsoft Word form can be filled out onscreen by downloading to your computer, or can be printed and filled in by hand. To provide more detailed comments than space allows, attach additional pages.

This form is designed to assist respondents in structuring their comments on the proposed Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines-Exhibited Animals (S&Gs) and the associated Regulation Impact Statement (RIS). It highlights the public consultation questions asked in the RIS. The Australian Ministers responsible for Primary Industries seek views from interested parties about how the:

  • proposed standards and guidelines will ensure the welfare and security of exhibited animals, and
  • consultation RIS demonstrates the need for the standards, and identifies the key costs and benefits of the proposal.

The RIS and the six S&G documents can be downloaded from the Department of Primary Industries website at

For organisations, it is helpful to receive one submission that reflects the views of your organisation, rather than multiple submissions from different parts. Please include a single contact name, postal address and the number of members in your organisation (if appropriate).

If your submission is lengthy (more than 10 pages) it would helpful to include a summary of your comments and suggestions.

Submissions can be lodged by:

PostAnimal Welfare Standards Public Consultation
Tim Harding & Associates
PO Box 5113, Cheltenham East Vic 3192

Email (as an attachment)

NoteClosing date for submissions isFriday 22May2014

Information on privacy and confidentiality

Submissions received may be published on the Department of Primary Industries website. If you wish your submission or your personal details to be treated as confidential for any reason then you can request that this occurs. Please indicate your preference by ticking the relevant box below. You should be aware that the Department of Primary Industries may be required by law to release copies of submissions received to third parties. A request for access to a confidential submission will be determined in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Please be aware that if you do not make a request for confidentiality, then the Department of Primary Industries may make your submission, including any personal details contained in the submission, available to the public.More information on the Department’s privacy policy can be found on the Trade & Investment website at

I would like my submission to be treated as confidential / Yes No
I would like my personal details to be treated as confidential / Yes No
Organisation (if applicable) / No. of members
Postal address
Stakeholder group
Please indicate which of the following best represents your interest by ticking one box only / Community member
Animal exhibitor
Animal welfare / Community group
Environmental interests
Agricultural interests / Government
Other – please specify
1. Do you believe that Australian community values and expectations towards the welfare of exhibited animals justify the introduction of national standards and/or guidelines?
Yes No Partly
2. Do you have any evidence of poor risk management practices related to the welfare of exhibited animals?
Yes No
If so, what is the extent of this problem?
3a. In your experience, to what extent do the existing codes of practice and related regulations create uncertainty for industry?
3b. Does such uncertainty vary between different states and territories?
Yes No
4. Do you think that the potential risks to the welfare of exhibited animals are high enough to justify the introduction of better standards and/or guidelines?
Yes No
5. Do you think that there needs to be national consistency in the standards and/or guidelines that relate to the risks to the welfare of exhibited animals?
Yes No
6a. Do you have any evidence of poor risk management practices related to the environment or agriculture in connection with exhibited animals?
Yes No
6b. If yes, what is the extent of this problem?
7. Do you think that the potential risks to the environment and agriculture are high enough to justify the introduction of better standards and/or guidelines?
Yes No
8. Do you think that there needs to be national consistency in the standards and/or guidelines that relate to the potential impact of exhibited animals on the environment and agriculture?
Yes No
9a. Do you have evidence that a percentage of exhibited animal businesses operate in more than one state or territory?
Yes No
9b. If yes, please provide percentage estimates for various combinations of states and territories.
10a. Do you believe that the net benefits likely to be achieved under Option A, including the benefits to animal welfare, agriculture and the environment, are justified?
Yes No
10b. Do you believe that the combination of costs and benefits under Option A are superior to other options?
Yes No
11. Do you think that the proposed national standards under Option B reflect community values and expectations regarding the acceptable treatment of exhibited animals?
Yes No Partly
12a. Do you believe that the net benefits likely to be achieved under Option B including the benefits to animal welfare, agriculture and the environment are justified?
Yes No
12b. Do you believe the combination of costs and benefits under Option B are superior to other options?
Yes No
13a. Do you believe that the benefits likely to be achieved under Variations C1and/or C2 of Option B, are justified?
Yes No
13b. Do you believe the combination of costs and benefits under Variations C1 and/or C2 of Option B are superior to other options?
Yes No
14. Other comments (optional)

For more information contact obtrack 12709

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