ACTIVITY/SKILL / Volleying, Forehand Groundstroke, Underhand Serve / UNIT / Tennis / LESSON # / 1 / OF / 4 / TEACHER / Jawaad DouglasCLASS/GRADE / 10th / # IN CLASS / 18 - 27 / DATE / 3/30/15- 4/3/15 / HOUR/PERIOD / 1,3,4,6,7
1. Psychomotor / TSWBAT demonstrate volleying the ball consistently over the net 3 out of 4 times in a game setting.
2. Cognitive / TSWBAT identify the difference between a forehand and backhand groundstroke.
3. Affective / No student will be singled out because of skill level. Heterogeneous, and Homogeneous groupings will be used to encourage participation and growth during the PE activities throughout the week.
4. Fitness / TSWBAT explain the importance of team work, body and space awareness, movement skills, and physical fitness as it relates to life activities.
TEACHING OBJECTIVE: / Keep all students active and able to adapt to the activity as needed to ensure the success of all students.
EQUIPENT/FACILITIES NEEDED: / Tennis racquets, Tennis balls, Tennis Court, and iPads
*Subject to change if lessons need to be modified to accommodate student needs.*
Skilled Movement
10.1The student will demonstrate proficiency in all basic movement skills and patterns and competency in at least three self-selected, lifelong, skill-related physical activities.
a)Apply competencies in all movement skills to appropriate game/sport, dance, and recreational activities.
b)Design, implement, evaluate, and modify a plan for three or more lifelong, skill-related physical activities. Key concepts include analysis of performance, application of principles of movement and principles of training, setting of goals, improvement of personal skills, and planning for future physical activity beyond school years.
Movement Principles and Concepts
10.2The student will apply movement principles and concepts to skill performance.
a)Explain and apply selected scientific principles (e.g., physiological, biomechanical) that aid in the improvement of skills and performance in specialized movement forms.
b)Integrate movement principles and concepts to analyze and improve the performance of self and others in specialized movement forms.
Personal Fitness
10.3The student will demonstrate the ability to independently apply basic principles of training and scientific concepts and principles to increase physical activity and improve personal fitness.
a)Select and apply appropriate principles of training (mode, intensity, duration, frequency, progression) in a chosen game/sport, dance, recreational pursuit, or fitness activity to increase regular physical activity and/or improve performance.
b)Use a variety of resources, including available technology, to analyze, assess, and improve physical activity and personal fitness.
Responsible Behaviors
10.4The student will demonstrate appropriate behavior in all physical activity settings.
a)Initiate and maintain appropriate personal behaviors in physical activity settings.
b)Exhibit leadership and the ability to follow others when working with a group.
c)Anticipate and avoid potentially dangerous situations in physical activity settings.
d)Explain the role of sport in understanding the perspectives of other cultures.
e)Demonstrate respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.
Physically Active Lifestyle
10.5The student will analyze and evaluate the significance of physical activity to their present and future development and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.
a)Participate regularly in health-enhancing physical activities that contribute to personal enjoyment and the attainment and maintenance of personal physical activity goals.
b)Demonstrate an understanding of how personal characteristics, participation behavior patterns, and activity preferences are likely to change over time, and determine strategies to deal with those changes.
c)Describe common barriers to participation in regular physical activity and methods of overcoming these barriers.
Lesson OrganizationEST. TIME / LESSON ACTIVITY /
5-15 minutes
25-30 minutes
6-10 minutes / Introductory Activity:
Lesson Focus:
Oral Exit Slip / Greet Students in the hallway before the class begins. When it is time for class to begin, allow the students to enter the locker room to get dressed for Physical Education. After about 3 minutes or once all the students have dressed, blow the whistle telling them to head to the gym and get in their squads.
Attendance/Stretching- As the students do their stretches, mark “absent” if the student is not present or mark “1/2” if the student is not dressed for P.E.
Dynamic Warm-up
- A-Skip
- V-Skip
- Lunges
- Shuffle
- High Kicks
- Back Petal
- Squat
- Knee to chest-jog
- Quad Stretch-jog
- Sprinter’s Start- Right
- Sprinter’s Start- Left
Name of Activity:Keep it up (no net)
Materials Needed: 1 Racquet per person, 1 Ball per group
Description of Game
1v1 Game. Each student will line up across from a student. The objective of the game is to keep the rallying going for a minute. Students will start out practicing before we do a game competition to see how many hits can get between partners. Switch partners after each round.
P.E. Students will call out multiples while doing their stretches. For example (2) 2,4,6,8,10 etc. until they reach multiples of 10.
Static Warm-up
- Count backwards from 10 as the students do each stretch.
- Legs together, reach for feet.
- Legs apart- reach down to right, then left
- Quad stretch- Right and left
- Arm Circles- Forward and Back
- Arms across
- What skills did you work on during the game?
- What did you like most about the game?
- What could’ve made the game better?
- Head to the Locker Room (Get Dressed)
NASPE Standards:
Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity and/or social dance.
- This lesson will be modified to accommodate students with disabilities that have limitations.
5-10 minutes
20-25 minutes
6-10 minutes / Introductory Activity Warm-Up
Lesson Focus:
Underhand Serve and Volleying
Main Activity:
Keep it up w/ net
Oral Exit Slip / Greet Students in the hallway before the class begins. When it is time for class to begin, allow the students to enter the locker room to get dressed for Physical Education. After about 3 minutes or once all the students have dressed, blow the whistle telling them to head to the gym and get in their squads.
Attendance/Stretching- As the students do their stretches, mark “absent” if the student is not present or mark “1/2” if the student is not dressed out for P.E.
Dynamic Warm-up
- A-Skip
- V-Skip
- Double Leg Hop
- Lunges
- Shuffle
- Squat
- High Kicks
- Back Petal
- Knee to chest-jog
- Quad Stretch-jog
- Sprinter’s Start- Right
- Sprinter’s Start- Left
Skill Practice: All Underhand Serve w/ net
Students line up on the baseline of a court and practice underhand serving the ball over the net to land it on the other side of the court. Students go at their own pace to underhand serve the ball under the net. Students will not walk out and get a ball that is on their side of the court because of safety from other balls flying around the court. Students will wait to a ball comes to them or walk behind them to get the ball to serve.
Name of Activity:Keep it up w/ net
Materials Needed: 1 Racquet per person, 1 Ball per group
Description of Game
1v1 Game. Each student will line up across from a student. The objective of the game is to keep the rallying going as long as possible. Students will start out practicing before we do a game competition of who can stay in the longest. Switch partners after each round
P.E. Students will call out multiples while doing their stretches. For example (2) 2,4,6,8,10 etc. until they reach multiples of 10.
Static Warm-up
- Count backwards from 10 as the students do each stretch.
- Legs together, reach for feet.
- Legs apart- reach down to right, then left
- Quad stretch- Right and left
- Arm Circles- Forward and Back
- Arms across
- Static Core on hands and toes for 30 seconds then on both sides for 30 seconds each followed by a 3 twist curls on each side.
- What skills did you work on during the game?
- What did you like most about the game?
- What could’ve made the game better?
- Head to Locker Room (Get Dressed)
NASPE Standards:
Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity and/or social dance.
- This lesson will be modified to accommodate students with disabilities that have limitations.
5-15 minutes
25-30 minutes
6-10 minutes / Introductory ActivityWarm-up
Lesson Focus:
Underhand serve and Forehand Groundstroke
Main Activity
Doubles Match
Oral Exit Slip / Greet Students in the hallway before the class begins. When it is time for class to begin, allow the students to enter the locker room to get dressed for Physical Education. After about 3 minutes or once all the students have dressed, blow the whistle telling them to head to the gym and get in their squads.
Attendance/Stretching- As the students do their stretches, mark “absent” if the student is not present or mark “1/2” if the student is not dressed out for P.E.
Dynamic Warm-up
- A-Skip
- V-Skip
- Double Leg Hop
- Lunges
- Shuffle
- Squat
- Back Petal
- Knee to chest-jog
- Quad Stretch-jog
- Sprinter’s Start- Right
- Sprinter’s Start- Left
Practice: Underhand Serve for points
Everybody will start on the baseline on their side of the net from their partner. The students will under hand serve the ball trying to land it anywhere on the court to start.
Serve the ball cross court to a different partner that is diagonal to you. Land the ball in the service court. Could play a game to 6 with if they land the ball in the service court then that counts as 2 points, anywhere on doubles the court is 1 point, out of bounds is 0 points. Student get 2 tries only if the first ball goes out of bounds.
Name of Activity: Doubles Match
Materials Needed: 4 racquets, 3 balls, score sheet per court, iPads
Description of Game:
The students will play a round robin double match with their partner. Each court will have a sheet where the partners will be a team. There will be a round robin tournament where each team will play each other to 5 and will keep score and document the score of each game on the score sheet. There are other duties on the score sheet for the students that are waiting to day such as line judge, score keeper, and video. The games are scheduled on the score sheet.
P.E. Students will call out multiples while doing their stretches. For example (2) 2,4,6,8,10 etc. until they reach multiples of 10.
Static Warm-up
- Count backwards from 10 as the students do each stretch.
- Legs together, reach for feet.
- Legs apart- reach down to right, then left
- Quad stretch- Right and left
- Arm Circles- Forward and Back
- Arms across
- Static Core on hands and toes for 30 seconds then on both sides for 30 seconds each followed by a 3 twist curls on each side.
- What skills did you work on during the game?
- What did you like most about the game?
- What could’ve made the game better?
- Head to Locker Room (Get Dressed)
NASPE Standards:
Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity and/or social dance.
- This lesson will be modified to accommodate students with disabilities that have limitations.
5-15 minutes
20-25 minutes
6-10 / Introductory ActivityWarm-Up
Lesson Focus:
Underhand Serve Volleying and Forehand Groundstroke
Oral Exit Slip / Greet Students in the hallway before the class begins. When it is time for class to begin, allow the students to enter the locker room to get dressed for Physical Education. After about 3 minutes or once all the students have dressed, blow the whistle telling them to head to the gym and get in their squads.
Attendance/Stretching- As the students do their stretches, mark “absent” if the student is not present or mark “1/2” if the student is not dressed out for P.E.
Dynamic Warm-up
- A-Skip
- V-Skip
- Double Leg Hop
- Lunges
- Shuffle
- Squat
- Back Petal
- Knee to chest-jog
- Quad Stretch-jog
- Sprinter’s Start- Right
- Sprinter’s Start- Left
Skill Practice: All Underhand Serve w/ net
Students line up on the baseline of a court and practice underhand serving the ball over the net to land it on the other side of the court. Students go at their own pace to underhand serve the ball under the net. Students will not walk out and get a ball that is on their side of the court because of safety from other balls flying around the court. Students will wait to a ball comes to them or walk behind them to get the ball to serve. Make sure you get the loop with the forehand groundstroke.
Name of Activity: Four Square
Materials Needed: 1 Racquet per square, 1 Ball per every set of 4 squares, tape
Description of Game:
Students will work on volleying the ball and keeping the ball from bouncing in their square twice. Student will rotate every point to get to the highest level if they knock somebody out that is higher than them.If a student gets knocked out they will go back to the lowest position. Levels starting from the lowest to highest: Teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal, and Superintendent. Students will rotate squares after 3-5 minutes
P.E. Students will call out multiples while doing their stretches. For example (2) 2,4,6,8,10 etc. until they reach multiples of 10.
Static Warm-up
- Count backwards from 10 as the students do each stretch.
- Legs together, reach for feet.
- Legs apart- reach down to right, then left
- Quad stretch- Right and left
- Arm Circles- Forward and Back
- Arms across
- Static Core on hands and toes for 30 seconds then on both sides for 30 seconds each followed by a 3 twist curls on each side.
- What skills did you work on during the game?
- What did you like most about the game?
- What could’ve made the game better?
- Head to Locker Room (Get Dressed)
NASPE Standards:
Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity and/or social dance.
- This lesson will be modified to accommodate students with disabilities that have limitations.
5-15 minutes
25-30 minutes
6-10 minutes / Introductory ActivityWarm-Up
Lesson Focus:
Forehand Groundstroke
Main Activity:
Doubles Match
Oral Exit Slip / Greet Students in the hallway before the class begins. When it is time for class to begin, allow the students to enter the locker room to get dressed for Physical Education. After about 3 minutes or once all the students have dressed, blow the whistle telling them to head to the gym and get in their squads.
Attendance/Stretching- As the students do their stretches, mark “absent” if the student is not present or mark “1/2” if the student is not dressed out for P.E.
Dynamic Warm-up
- A-Skip
- V-Skip
- Double Leg Hop
- Lunges
- Shuffle
- Squat
- Knee to chest-jog
- Quad Stretch-jog
- Sprinter’s Start- Right
- Sprinter’s Start- Left
Skill Practice: All Forehand Groundstroke w/ net
Students line up on the baseline of a court and practice forehand groundstroke the ball over the net to land it on the other side of the court. Students go at their own pace to forehand groundstroke the ball over the net. Students will not walk out and get a ball that is on their side of the court because of safety from other balls flying around the court. Students will wait to a ball comes to them or walk behind them to get the ball to forehand groundstroke.
Name of Activity: Doubles Match
Materials Needed: 4 racquets, 3 balls, score sheet per court
Description of Game:
The students will play a round robin double match with their partner. Each court will have a sheet where the partners will be a team. There will be a round robin tournament where each team will play each other to 7 and will keep score and document the score of each game on the score sheet. There are other duties on the score sheet for the students that are waiting to day such as line judge and score keeper. The games are scheduled on the score sheet.
P.E. Students will call out multiples while doing their stretches. For example (2) 2,4,6,8,10 etc. until they reach multiples of 10.
Static Warm-up
- Count backwards from 10 as the students do each stretch.
- Legs together, reach for feet.
- Legs apart- reach down to right, then left
- Quad stretch- Right and left
- Arm Circles- Forward and Back
- Arms across
- Static Core on hands and toes for 30 seconds then on both sides for 30 seconds each followed by a 3 twist curls on each side.
- What skills did you work on during the game?
- What did you like most about the game?
- What did you not like about the game?
- Head to Locker Room (Get Dressed)
NASPE Standards:
Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity and/or social dance.
- This lesson will be modified to accommodate students with disabilities that have limitations to movements.