Divine Calling Worksheet

Based on The Calling Journey, by Tony Stoltzfus

“It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.” – Ephesians 1:11

As God for His guidance as you prayerfully complete this worksheet.

Your divine calling is composed of 4 parts:

1. Message: the unique facet of Jesus’ character you embody

2. Audience: the people you are called to touch or serve

3. Impact: the way your message changes the lives of your audience

4. Task/Role: what you do so that your Message flows through to your audience

Example: Here is R.J. Scherba’s divine calling, showing all 4 parts:

I coach, write, and teach [Task/Role] to encourage and equip [Message] primarily people in the second half of life [Audience] to find and fulfill their divine calling [Impact].

1. Message:

Throughout your life, in your deepest valleys and upon your highest peaks, what have you consistently heard from God that kept you inspired and encouraged you?

How have you shared that same message with others, and how do you believe God wants you to do that in the future?

2. Audience:

Throughout your life, whom did you most full understand, had sympathy for, wanted to hang around, or been inspired by? It could be a certain age group, people in particular kinds of life circumstances or struggles, people in certain vocations, people with certain perspectives or thought or creativity, etc.

Whom do you most fully understand and enjoy working with, moving into the future?

3. Impact:

Throughout your life, what kinds of impact did you make that meant the most to you?

What kinds of impact would mean the most to you in the future?

4. Task/Role:

Throughout your life, what things have you always done better than most other people?

Would you like to do those same things in the future, or something completely/slightly different?

Put it all together: Your Divine Calling:

To the best of your ability, write your divine calling below. (See the example at the top of this page.)

I ______[Task/Role] to ______[Message]

______[Audience] to ______[Impact].

Your divine calling is also defined as the “Sweet Spot”

of where your talents and passions meet the world’s need:

Talents Passions




You will NOT be fulfilled if you use your talents to meet needs that you are not passionate about.

You will NOT be fulfilled if you try to meet needs that you are passionate about in ways that don’t use your strongest talents.

How are you using your talents to meet needs that are important, but they are not the needs you are most passionate about?

How are you trying to trying to meet needs that you are passionate about, but you are not using your strongest talents to do it?

What would be the Sweet Spot of your Divine Calling, where you would use your talents to meet specific needs that you are most passionate about?

Celebrate how you see God developing your divine calling!

To find out how Christian Coaching can help you

find and fulfill your Divine Calling:

Schedule a free 30-minute phone-in Discovery Call with R.J. Scherba.

Email her at or click here to go to her calendar.

Click here to sign up for R.J.’s free Divine Calling Blog, and to

receive a free copy of her book, 7 Keys to Finding Your Divine Calling.

R.J. Scherba Christian Coaching • http://www.RJChristianCoaching.com • • (412) 400-3863