Minnesota Family, Career and Community Leaders of America

To:Candidates for Regional Officers and JHC for 2013

From:Wendy Ambrose

Date:March 20, 2013

Subject:State Conference Information and Regional Elections

You will have an important part of the State Conference on April 11-13, 2013.

The Regional elections will take place and you will be participating in these regional sessions. We thank you in advance for being in a leadership position!We will be installing the new JHC and Regional Officers on Friday night, April 12during the Academy Awards session.

State Conference

State Conference will take place on April 11-13 at the Doubletree Hotel (formerly Sheraton Bloomington Hotel) in Bloomington. You should be registered with your chapter. If you are not registered, you must do so right away.


You will be busy as a candidate during Thursday, April11 and Friday, April 12

Here is your schedule:


1. Candidates- Test and orientation-1:00-2:00 pm- Edina Room

2. Current Officers and Candidates- Reserved seating section of the First General Session at 4:30 pm.

3. Candidates-Thursday evening-Presentations before the Regional Meetings and answer questions before the delegates from your region in various rooms.

4. Candidates-Pick up a letter announcing the results of your region elections.

10:30 pm -Atrium 5


  1. Attend a training session at 3:00 pm-4:00pm in Edina.

Your advisors should attend also.

  1. Attend Academy Awards

Saturday:Installation of Officers at the General Session

Regional elections:

Regional meetings: You will be presenting a speech you prepare in advance. It will be impressive if you have it memorized. You will also answer three questions before the regional voting delegates.

Test: The test and score sheet will be completed in the "test room" on Thursday. It will be a multiple choice, T or False or fill in the blank. It will cover basic FCCLA program knowledge and facts about the organization.

Candidates receive letters: Candidates will be given a letter in Atrium 5 ( small board room ) about the results of the elections at about 10:30 pm Thursday night.

Congratulations for making the decision to challenge yourself in this office.

We appreciate your year as a leader in FCCLA!

FCCLA Region and JHC Officer Schedule Responsibilities



1:00 pmTestEdina Room

4:30 pmGeneral Session-attendBallroom

7:30 pm -9:30 pm Attend your Regional Meetings and do speeches, be asked questions.

8:30 pm or 9:30 pm Attend Thursday Night Live! Mix and Mingle

This is at the opposite time slots of your region meeting.

Late nightPick up your letter after 10:30 pm in Atrium 5


3:00-4:00 pmNew Region Officer, JHC and Advisors meetingAtrium 4

about your role and the upcoming year

Saturday:9:00 amAwards Session-General SessionBallroom

Officers are introduced and installed

Parts of Your Candidate Experience

No campaigning is allowed for officer candidates, but a big smile never hurts. The delegates will know you by first name and a candidate number. We will not use last names. This policy is to avoid biases that might be evident as school or family members may have been in FCCLA.
Candidates will be evaluated on:
  • Test
  • Application
  • Thursday Speech
  • Questions at Region Meeting.

Written Test / The test will be on FCCLA information and facts. FCCLA state and national projects, history of the organization, mission and purposes. It is basic information you need to know!
Use MN FCCLA resources and national resources for studying. If you wish to have the test read orally to you to accommodate a special need, please request that of the room monitor.
A list of resources is provided and a sample test. You may make your own study questions using the resources. This will be on the fccla.org website / Edina Room
Speech Topic for regional meetings /

Region Officer Candidate The speech should be 1 minute in length.

Region Officer candidate speech: "Choose a song that is a 'soundtrack for your future' and why it inspires you to succeed in FCCLA."You may carry a prop to illustrate your speech.
JHC candidateSpeech Topic: The speech should be 30 seconds to 1 minute in length. JHC Speech Topic: "How can you use the state theme 'iSucceed' to recruit new members for FCCLA?"
You may carry a prop to illustrate your speech. / Region Meetings
Pick up Your letter / A letter explaining the regional results will be available from your regional officers following the region meeting at about 10:30 pm in Atrium 5.
Academy Awards: What to wear:
Women: A semi formal or formal dress- Modest in appearance and neckline choices. (It should have ample fabric on the shoulders and back, no plunging necklines.)
Dress in a street length dress, long or short, or suit (Any color)
Men: Wear a suit or sport coat or dress shirt and slacks.(Any color)
Saturday: What to wear:- Follow the Conference dress code. / Atrium 5
Reserved seating / Candidates for Regional, State and National Office will appear on stage at several occasions during the annual state conference. You will sit in reserved seats. / Ballroom

Cell phone , electronics policy

During officer candidate elections at the State Leadership Conference, all officer candidates are prohibited from using cellular devices (cell phones, PDAs, etc.) during any/all speeches.

If an officer candidate is in violation of this policy, such violation must be reported to FCCLA staff. Alleged violations must be reported in writing to national staff prior to the close of the voting process. This allegation will be investigated by the Executive Director and current president and may lead to disqualification. The purpose of this policy is to prohibit communication between officer candidates, spectators, voting delegates, or resources which might give the candidate an unfair advantage during the election process.

This has been agreed to by your advisor, yourself, your parents and your school.

Candidates Code of Conduct

As a reminder- this is what you agreed to:

I agree:

_____ To set a good example for other elected individuals and FCCLA members to follow.

_____To strive to do my best in the role of FCCLA officer.

_____To make effective use of my time.

_____To strive to be positive in my encouragement of others.

_____To not drink alcohol beverages, use chemicals (drugs) or tobacco products.

_____To strive to have honorable and appropriate behavior in personal conduct and in the way I speak or act among my peers and adults.

_____To respect people within my school, local community and the FCCLA organization.

_____To not attend social events which I know will have the option to have alcohol, drugs or

inappropriate behavior.

____To seek ways to work as a team with my peers and adults in FCCLA.

____To remain academically eligible in school.

_____I agree not to post social network communication sites or post videos that would identify me, identify myself as an officer or FCCLA member that would are not approved by the State FCCLA association.

Information for Candidates

National FCCLA Program Materials and CD’s

MN FCCLAState Officer Handbook (In Advisors section of MN FCCLA website)

• FCCLA Chapter Handbook CD

• Teen Times

• Information Sheet

• FCCLA At-A-Glance

• website

Be Part of It! Membership Campaign Materials

• FCCLA is…Program Video

  • website
  • National and State FCCLA By laws


We are making adjustments to the year and developing contracts for upcoming events. Another communication will be coming about the events in July/ August and fall.

National Conference deadlines:

Following your election, you will need to decide quickly about attending National meeting. Think about it ahead of time and discuss with your parents, advisor and school your intentions to attend. Information about National Conference is posted on the National FCCLA website. Minnesota delegates will travel together to Nashville as determined by the Board of Directors.

More information will be available soon.

Hints to help you study:

You may want to have flash cards of questions and answers that will help you study. Study with various people who can ask you questions. You may want to give your workshop plan for a class or audience.

You may want your chapter to organize a candidate day to help you study. You should work with your advisors, teachers, parents, or ask FCCLA alumni to assist you. Call some previous officers, ask for help. The more prepared you are, the better officer you would be.

Jacket Management:MN FCCLA Regional and JHC officers have the use of a red jacket for the year. These have been purchased using the uniform funding. The uniforms among regional officers will be available at Leadership Camp or before. Each officer’s chapter would be assessed a fee to cover the cost of maintenance of the jackets. The cleanliness and maintenance of the uniform during their term would be their responsibility. The uniform should be dry cleaned at least 2 times during their term of office. Each officer could trade their uniform should they grow out of it during the year, depending on the availability of a new size. The officer’s chapter would be responsible for the jacket use deposit. Jackets will be fitted and assigned at Leadership Camp in July.

The business casual dress code: Each officer team will purchase a polo or embroidered shirt from MN FCCLA at the beginning of their term. Both official and unofficial dress: Each officer will purchase black slacks or skirts, black shoes for the year.

FCCLA conference attire is required. See the policies for conference wear in the information on the website.


Minnesota Family, Career and Community Leaders of America

PO 131386, Roseville, MN 55113

Phone: 651-330-2950