Title:Back to the Romantic Period Literary Glogs

Subject:English/Language Arts

Grade Level: 11


Students will create a glog based on a topic or literary work selected from a the Romantic Period in American Literature. The glog will include images, at least one type of multimedia from a variety of source including YouTube, United Streaming, Incompetech.com Copyright Friendly Music, and the EBSCO Literary Reference Center. The glog will also contain some information about the author. Students will create a "Works Cited" area on the brochure.

Approximate Duration:4-5 class periods

Content Standards:

·  Standard 3
Students communicate using standard English grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and handwriting.

·  Standard 5
Students locate, select, and synthesize information from a variety of texts, media, references, and technological sources to acquire and communicate knowledge.

Standard 6
Students read, analyze, and respond to literature as a record of life experiences.


·  ELA-3-M2
demonstrating use of punctuation (e.g., comma, apostrophe, colon, semicolon, quotation marks, dashes, parentheses), capitalization, and abbreviations;

·  ELA-3-M3
demonstrating standard English structure and usage;

·  ELA-3-M5
spelling accurately using strategies and resources (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus, spell check) when necessary.

·  ELA-3-H2
using the grammatical and mechanical conventions of standard English; )

·  ELA-3-H3
spelling accurately using strategies and resources (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus, spell check) when necessary.

·  ELA-5-M3
locating, gathering, and selecting information using graphic organizers, outlining, note taking, summarizing, interviewing, and surveying to produce documented texts and graphics;

·  ELA-5-M4
using available technology to produce, revise, and publish a variety of works;

·  ELA-5-M5
citing references using various formats (e.g., endnotes, bibliography);

·  ELA-5-H2
locating and evaluating information sources (e.g., print materials, databases, CD-ROM references, Internet information, electronic reference works, community and government data, television and radio resources, audio and visual materials);

·  ELA-5-H3
accessing information and conducting research using graphic organizers, outlining, note taking, summarizing, interviewing, and surveying to produce documented texts and graphics;

·  ELA-5-H4
using available technology to produce, revise, and publish a variety of works;

·  ELA-5-H5
citing references using various formats (e.g., parenthetical citations, endnotes, bibliography);

·  ELA-6-M2
identifying, comparing, and responding to a variety of classic and contemporary literature from many genres (e.g., folktales, legends, myths, biography, autobiography, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, novels, drama);

·  ELA-6-H2
analyzing distinctive elements (e.g., recurrent themes, historical significance, literary techniques) of ancient, American, British, and world literature;

·  ELA-6-H3
identifying, analyzing, and responding to a variety of classic and contemporary literature from many genres (e.g., folktales, legends, myths, poetry, fiction, biography, autobiography, nonfiction, novels, drama, epic);

Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs):

·  Writing/Proofreading

Grade 10

25. Apply standard rules of sentence formation, avoiding common errors, such as: (ELA-3-H2)

26. Apply standard rules of usage, including: (ELA-3-H2)

27. Apply standard rules of mechanics, including: (ELA-3-H2)

28. Use correct spelling conventions when writing and editing (ELA-3-H3)
Grade 11-12

23. Apply standard rules of mechanics and punctuation, including: (ELA-3-H2)

24. Use a variety of resources (e.g., dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, technology) and textual features, (e.g., definitional footnotes, sidebars) to verify word spellings (ELA-3-H3)

·  Speaking and Listening

Grade 10

45. Follow acceptable use policy to document sources in research reports using various formats, including: (ELA-5-H5)

·  Information Resources

40. Locate, analyze, and synthesize information from grade-appropriate resources, including: (ELA-5-H2)

43. Write a variety of research reports, which include the following: (ELA-5-H3)

44. Use word processing and/or technology to draft, revise, and publish various works, including research reports documented with parenthetical citations and bibliographies or works cited lists (ELA-5-H5)
Grade 11-12

35. Locate, analyze, and synthesize information from a variety of complex resources, including: (ELA-5-H2)

37. Access information and conduct research using various grade-appropriate data-gathering strategies/tools, including: (ELA-5-H3)

38. Write extended research reports (e.g., historical investigations, reports about high interest and library subjects) which include the following: (ELA-5-H3)

39. Use word processing and/or technology to draft, revise, and publish various works, including: (ELA-5-H4)

Educational Technology Standards:

·  Demonstrate knowledge and skills of Internet use and other resources consistent with acceptable use policies including the legal consequences of plagiarism and the need for authenticity in student work through an understanding of copyright issues.

·  Refine knowledge and enhance skills in keyboarding, word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, databases, multimedia, and telecommunications in preparing and presenting classroom projects.


1. The learner will select and read a Literary Work from the The Romantic Period in

American Literature.
2. Using a glogster.com, the learner will create an informational glog.

3. The learner will create a "Works Cited" section within the brochure to cite

information sources used in the glog.

Lesson Materials and Resources:
1. Glogster
2. Project guide handout
3. Literary Reference Center, EBSCO
4. Internet
5. YouTube
6. Incompetech.com Royalty Free/Copyright Friendly Music

7. United Streaming (Discovery, etc.)

Technology Tools and Materials:

Computer lab setting
Color Printer

Web 2.0 Application: Glogster.com


·  Educational Technology Page, EdLine

·  YouTube http://www.youtube.com

NetTrekker www.nettrekker.com

·  EBSCO Literary Reference Center

·  Royalty Free Music.com http://www.royaltyfreemusic.com

Background Information:
Students need to have a working knowledge of Microsoft Word because of the similarities between Word and Publisher.

Lesson Procedures:
1. TLW select and read a literary work from the Romantic Period
2. TLW use the internet (EBSCO—Literary Reference Center, NetTrekker, YouTube, or

other resources) to locate information
3. TLW use glogster.com to create a glog after a presentation by the tech coordinator
4. TLW will use a variety of resources, including their textbook to locate information on

their topics.

5. TLW will create a Works Cited section on the glog to cite their sources.

Assessment Procedures:
Student glogs will be assessed by a rubric.

Reproducible Materials:

Explorations and Extensions:

Lesson Development Resources:


Contact Information:
Jan McGee

West Monroe High School