Subject: Information and Communication Technology KS3

Subject: Information and Communication Technology KS3

Subject: Information and Communication Technology KS3

Theme: INTERNET SAFETY–Social Networking

Teaching Objectives / Teaching and Learning Activities (suggestions) / Skills Framework
Long Term:
Pupils should be taught to use Social Networking websites in an informed, safe and responsible way, by considering the dangers and risks in their activities. Recognize the difference between a private and a public profile.
Short Term:
Understand how people can misinterpret or misuse information that a pupil posts on a Social Networking website.
Work in pairs/groups to recognise good practice, discuss situation and consider other people’s opinion.
Success Criteria
  • Be able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Social Networking sites.
  • Pupils understand the difference between a private and a public profile and are able to choose private for theirs.
  • Pupils aware that the information and the way that they present themselves on their profile can be misinterpreted and misused.
  • Be aware of the long and short term effects of posting suitable and unsuitable images of themselves or others online.
  • The pupils use the information gained to lessen the risk to themselves and others.
  • Pupils know where to get help (school contact person and Thinkuknow website).
/ Introduction(slide 1,2)
In how many ways can you communicate with your friends (old and new)?
Five minutes to work in small groups to create a list. Show main ways – pupils to show which ways they use. Is there a favourite?
Acronyms – advantages/ disadvantages of using them.
(Slide 3,4)Complete the Acronyms worksheet – class feedback.
Key Questions:
Why use Social Networking sites? What’s their appeal?
Are you confident that you know who you’re taking to on the Internet?
How can you use social networking sites safely?
Class, Group, Pair or Individual Tasks.
Task 1 (slide 3)
Individual/Pairs Task: Pupils to list Social Networking sites noting their use. It is possible to complete this using a word processor by copying and pasting the different site logos. They should note their favourite and the reason why. Feedback to class.
Task 2 (slide4-8)
Individual Task – Pupils to complete the registration form for the e-bob website (do not give instructions).
Feedback. Look at each unit in turn and note the type of information that should be presented and how some comments can be misused and misinterpreted by others. As a class summarize the main findings.
Task 3 (slide 9,10,11)
Class Task – Revise the previous task by questioning the class about which information is safe to present in a profile – print the slide if needed. Reveal answers - how many did they get correct? Why shouldn’t they include the other categories?
Individual/Pair Task: Help a friend. Reinforce the points above. This could be homework.
Task 4(slide12)
Class Task – Watch the Tracking Teresa video which shows how people can discover further information about you on the Internet. What is the pupils’ response to the video?
The ‘You Can't Take It Back’ video is also relevant and introduces a different, interesting context, which encouragesclass discussion.
Task 5(slide13)
Class Task – Watch 2 clips that emphasizethe dangers of posting images online.
Discuss: What is the appeal of posting inappropriate images online?
What are the short and long term implications?
By posting inappropriate images online what impression do other people have of you?
What are the dangers?
Task 6(slide 14)
Group Task - create a radio advertisement to promote a social networking site of your group’s choice.
•It should contain the positive aspects of using the website.
•Note the risks and what should be avoided when creating a profile.
Group Task: Listen to different advertisements e.g. NSPCC, Department of Transport, Safer Roads.For each advert can you identify its purpose, is it successful, what are the good points and if needed, how can it beimproved?
Make a list of success criteria for the advert e.g. length of clip –about 30-45 seconds, suitable for audience, is the atmospheresuitable for the subject/message, is the message clear, has it made an impression on the listener?
Create a suitable script. Is background music required, voiceover etc
Pupils to work in small groups to create the advert – Audacity or similar software can be used.
Revise the adverts according to the success criteria – suggest improvements.
What have you learnt about Social networking and about creating a radio advert? Pupils to note their responses on Post it Notes and thenarrange them according to diamond ranking (most important at the top).
Has the pupils’ awareness developed after completing the tasks? / (Consider the class work and the ICT tasks).
  • PLAN - Ask questions related to context and listen before asking further questions.
  • PLAN - Identify gaps and begin to build on existing skills, knowledge and understanding.
  • PLAN - Suggest how to find relevant information and ideas.
  • PLAN - Plan the process/method to be used.
  • DEVELOP - Develop and begin to combine a variety of imaginative ideas, possibilities and alternatives, including those of others.
  • DEVELOP - Begin to make use of errors and unexpected outcomes.
  • DEVELOP - Use some prior knowledge to explain links between cause and effect or justify inferences/ predictions.
  • DEVELOP Consider different interpretations and distinguish between ‘facts’, beliefs and opinions, giving reasons. Begin to recognise bias and reliability.
  • DEVELOP - Form considered opinions and make informed decisions.
  • DEVELOP - Follow the planned process/method, making some amendments where necessary.
  • REFLECT- Begin to evaluate outcomes against success criteria.
  • REFLECT - Decide whether the process/method was successful; describe any amendments made; suggest how the process/method could be improved.
  • REFLECT - Describe how they have learned, and identify the ways that worked the best.
  • REFLECT - Link the learning to similar situations, within and outside school.
  • ORACY – Show an awareness of the needs of the listener, asking questions and responding to the contributions of others.
  • ORACY – Communicate clearly and confidently in a way that suits the subject, audience and purpose, using a range of vocabulary, including some key words related to subjects.
  • READING - Confirm their understanding by responding to texts orally and/or in writing, and taking into account the opinions of others.
  • WRITING - Choose words to create effects. Choose an appropriate form, sequence and layout to suit audience and purpose. Spell most common words accurately, using a range of punctuation and sentence structures to enhance meaning.
  • ICT- Create and present their ideas for a given purpose by combining different forms of information, including text, images, sound, with some sense of audience.