Official Notice
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Division of Medical ServicesProgram Development & Quality Assurance
P.O. Box 1437, Slot S-295 · Little Rock, AR72203-1437
501-682-8368 · Fax: 501-682-2480
TO:Health Care Providers – Targeted Case Management – AGE 60+, Certified by the Division of Aging and Adult Services, Provider Type 65, Specialty Code C5
DATE:September 26, 2012
Effective with October 1, 2012 dates of service, Target Case Management (TCM) providers certified by the Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) to provide TCM services for the 60+ age group must bill using new modifiers. These revised billing instructions apply to this group of providers only.
Please use the following procedure codes and modifiers when billing for the group described above:
- T1017 U560+ Assessment/Service Plan Development
- T1017 U660+ Service Management/Referral and Linkage
- T1017 U760+ Service Monitoring/Service Plan Updating
Please note the October 1, 2012 rate for these services will be $7.50 per unit (15 minutes) and the benefit limit will be 50 hours (200 units) per state fiscal year (July 1- June 30).
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact the HP Enterprise Services Provider Assistance Center at 1-800-457-4454 (Toll-Free) within Arkansas or locally and Out-of-State at (501) 376-2211.
If you need this material in an alternative format, such as large print, please contact our Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator at 501-682-6453 (Local); 1-800-482-5850, extension 2-6453 (Toll-Free) or to obtain access to these numbers through voice relay, 1-800-877-8973 (TTY Hearing Impaired).
Arkansas Medicaid provider manuals(including update transmittals), official notices, notices of rule making and remittance advice (RA) messages are available for download from the Arkansas Medicaid website:
Thank you for your participation in the Arkansas Medicaid Program.
Andrew Allison, PhD
Official Notice
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