EES 812: Applied Econometrics for Agriculture

Definition, scope and division of Econometrics, methodology of econometrics research in agriculture; correlation Theory; simple regression analysis; OLS, tests of significance of estimated parameters; properties of OLS estimated parameters; Multiple regression analysis. Regression and analysis of variance; Violation of OLS assumptions: consequences and remedies; regression with dummy dependent/independent variables; simultaneous relationships in agriculture; agricultural time series analysis; agricultural panel data analysis

EES 813: Mathematics for Agricultural Economics

Sets theory, simple linear algebra; application of differential and integral calculus in agricultural economics; differential and difference equations in agriculture; linear and non-linear programming in agricultural economics; application of convex theory; quasi-convex functions; linear programming and optimality; langrangian multipliers and marginal values; optimization and dynamic agricultural analysis; constrained and non-constrained optimization; maximum principle condition; natural dynamics in agricultural economic

EES814: Statistics for Agriculture

Review of distribution theory and applications. Descriptive statistics: principles and probability. Parametric statistics methods; Survey sampling in agriculture: random numbers, sampling methods, sample size, qualitative vs quantitative methods. Non-parametric methods: Wilcoxon sign and rank tests, Kruskall-wallis tests, Spearman rank correlation, Chis-square, runs tests, sign test. Correlation and simple regression analysis; Analysis of variance. Decision analysis in agriculture

KCU 801: Research Methods and Scientific Writing

Types: social and scientific, observation, experimental and survey. Main steps of research projects; identification of research problems, formulation of research questions, hypotheses, and objectives, planning, literature review. Sampling strategies. Sampling designs. Methods of data collection. Data cleaning and management. Data analysis. Data interpretation. Report writing: Writing technical reports, styles of writing and referencing. Dissemination: publication, seminars, information packaging. Research ethics. IPR.

KBT 800: Microeconomics

Concepts of consumer behaviour: consumer preference, concept of utility, types of utility, functions, individual demand functions, Engel function, ordinary demand function, Demand Elasticity, price elasticity of demand, utility maximization: comparative statistics, Langrangian technique, consumer’s problem, individual consumer and market demand: cross-price demand function, Homogeneity property of demand functions.

Elasticity of demand functions: Elasticities of various types of demand functions income and substitution effects, theory of revealed preference and applications, theory of the firm, problem of choice, multiperiod consumption, efficiency, gains from exchange, short and long run market analysis.

KBT 801: Macroeconomics

Macro-economic issues, national income accounting, themes of macro-economic theory framework for macroeconomic analysis, classical and Keynesian approaches, aggregate demand and supply, theory of income determination, the IS-LM model, market equilibrium, theory of consumption expenditure, macroeconomic modelling, theory of investment demand, theory of money in the macroeconomy, supply of money, the government sector in the macroeconomy. The foreign sector; balance of payments, theory of growth and the principles of macroeconomic policy

KBT 802: Agricultural and Food Marketing

Review of Agricultural and food production and Food security in the region; the marketing concept and marketing systems applied to agriculture. Links between agriculture and food industry; Marketing channels and costs for agricultural and food products. Marketing Research and Information Systems; consumer and organisational buyer behavior;Spatial and Inter-temporal Market Linkages; Horizontal and Vertical Integration; analysis of international agricultural and food products markets, strategic options for entering foreign markets, and marketing mix decisions; strategic international marketing plan. Strategic and operational aspects of supply chain management

KBT 803: Strategic Agribusiness Management

Review of Agribusiness Management; Dynamics of the Agribusiness Environment; Starting and Financing an Agribusiness Enterprise; Strategic Management in Agribusiness; Strategic & Leadership in Agribusiness; Corporate governance and strategy; Internal and External environmental analysis; Competitor Analysis; Strategy formulation: long-term goals and generic strategies; grand and functional strategies; strategic fit; Strategic analysis and choice; Strategy implementation and change management; drivers and instruments for agribusiness strategy implementation; strategic control and evaluation;

KBT 804: Agribusiness Supply Chain Management

Introduction, Supply chain and supply chain management; Value-Addition in Agro-Supply Chains; Performance of Agro-Chains; Network Design in the Agro-chain; Control and Coordination of Agro-chains; Support Services in Agro-chains; Review of Risk Mitigation Strategies in Agro-chains; Emerging Issues in Modern Agribusiness Supply chain Management; Case Studies in Agribusiness Supply Chain Management.

KBT 806: Institutional and Behavioural Economics

The Agricultural Development Challenge: Stylised Features; New Institutional Economics: Distinctive Features and Concepts; Institutions and Development: A Historical and Macro Perspective; Techno-Economic Characteristics and Agricultural Systems (Products?) in Poor Countries; NIE Analysis of Markets and Market Structure; The State; Collective Action; Transaction Costs in Smallholder Agriculture; Case Studies.

KBT 807: Consumer Demand Analysis

Review of Neoclassical demand and consumer theory; Duality and Applications; Price Dependent Demand Systems; Gap between Theory and Practice; modelling structural change in food demand

KBT 808: Advanced Agricultural Project Management

Introduction to the Course; The Project Concept; The Logical Framework Approach to Project Planning; Agricultural Research Planning; Strategic Planning; Economic Analysis of Agricultural Development Projects through CBA; Welfare Economics/Political Economy of Project Analysis and Appraisal; Monitoring, evaluation and Impacts Assessment; Project Scheduling Techniques; project Management.

KBT 809: Foundations of Agricultural and Rural Development

Review of Principles of Growth and Development; Problems and Policies in Agribusiness and Rural Development Issues Options and Challenges; The Role of Agribusiness in Rural and Economic Development; The Economic Nature of Traditional Agriculture; Strategies for Modernizing Agriculture (Lessons from Experience); Poverty Dynamics, Food and the Environmental Nexus.

KBT 810: Agricultural Finance and Risk Management

Financial management;returns & risks from investing; security analysis, valuation & management; Turnaround strategies; Asset allocation & portfolio management; Microfinance, financing agribusiness ventures, Financial Intermediation; Constraints of lending to Micro-enterprises; Introduction to risk; uncertainty and consequences of risky prospect; subjective and posterior probabilities; utility and integrating decision maker’s environment, efficiency measures and simulation; elementary dynamic decision model; risk awareness, mitigation and management

KBT 811: Agricultural Production Economics

Review/Overview; Representing Technology in One and Two-Input Case; Cost, Profit, and Supply Functions of the Firm; Cost Minimization and Profit Maximization in the Two-Input Case: The isocost line; Returns to Size and Returns to Scale; Technical Efficiency and Technology Adoption; Using the Profit Function to Estimate Supply and Factor Demand; Linear Programming (LP) and the Theory of Production; Risk and Uncertainty in Production; Household Production Model of Smallholder Agriculture.

KBT 812: Agricultural and Food Policy Analysis

Introduction to Agriculture & Agri-Food Policy; Economic Tools Essential for Agri-Food Policy Analysis; Government Intervention in Agriculture; Stabilization and Insurance Programs; Marketing and Market Regulation; Food Safety and Other Food Regulations

Supply Management and Other Production Controls; Environmental Regulation; Trade Policy

KBT 813: International Agricultural Trade and Policy

Theoretical Concepts Underlying International Trade, world trends in agricultural trade, Trade Policy and impacts, Macroeconomic Policy, Exchange Rates and Agricultural Trade, Regional Integration, trade policies of IMF, WB, Regional institutions- COMESA, SADC, SACU, EAC, ICA and WTO; Emerging Issues in Food and Agricultural Trade - motives, types and institutional set-up of economic integration - Regulations standards and product certification (SPS, HACCP); Cross Border Trade and implications, Regional integration, Globalization

KBT 815: Gender and Economic Development

Gender Roles and Relations in Agricultural Production; Evolution of Gender Theory; Gender and Access to Productive Resources; Gender and the Household Economy; Gender and Agricultural Technological Development; Mainstreaming Gender in Economic Development; Case Studies.

KBT 816: Farming Systems & Sustainable Livelihood Analysis

Review of Concepts; Issues in Agricultural Production; Determinants of Farming Systems; Smallholder, Resource Poor Family Farms; Farming Systems Approach; Farming System Methodologies; Designing Farming Systems Option(s) and Impact Assessment of Designed System Frames; National Food Production and Farming Systems; Case Studies.

KBT 817: Science and Technology Policy Analysis

Technology Generation, Adoption and Constraints; Technological Innovation and the Firm; Economic Analysis and Technological Change; Political and Social Aspects of Technological Change; International Technology Transfer; Technology and Environment; Technology Evaluation and Policy.

KBT 818: Environment & Natural Resource Management

Introduction; Concepts in Environment and Natural Resource Economics; Instruments for Environmental Management and Assessment; Economic; Agriculture, Environment and Ecosystem Management; Land Use, Land Markets, Land Policy and Soil Erosion; Habitat Management and Restoration; Management of Water Resources and Wetlands; Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function; Management of Forests and Wild lands; Energy Resources Management; Waste and Air Quality Management; Ecology and Urban Environment.

KBT 819: Quantitative Methods in Environmental Economics

Review on Economic and Environmental Data, Resources and National Income Accounting; Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables (Extensions); Advanced Econometric Analysis of Duration Data; Econometric Analysis of Panel Data (Extensions); Environmental Input-Output Models; Environmental CGE Modelling

KBT 820: Natural Resource Economics and Management

Review of Concepts and Tools; Economics of Fisheries; Forestry; Non-renewable Resources; Water; Wildlife and Rangelands; Sustainable development

KBT 821: Environmental Valuation and Policy

Markets, Institutional and Policy Failures; The Welfare Economics Basis for Environmental Valuation; Environmental Valuation and Analysis; Environmental Policy; The Politics and Psychology of Policy Instruments; Application of Environmental Economic Analysis to Agriculture.

KBT 822: Issues in Agriculture and applied Economics

Theoretical Foundations for Understanding Issues in Agricultural and Applied Economics; Topical Issues and Emerging Challenges at the Frontiers of Agricultural and Rural Development; Developing Special Skills for Understanding and Appraising Scholarly Writings and Policy Documents.

KBT 824: Quantitative Methods in Agribusiness management

Linear algebra and calculus: Sets and set theory, matrix algebra, distributions, application of matrix algebra to input-output analysis and elementary Markovian process. Application of calculus to economic models; Probability: permutation and combinations, discrete probability distribution functions, sampling and estimation. Time series analysis and linear programming; Decision theory: Risk and uncertainty, valuation criteria, decision tree, game theory. Activity sequencing and Gantt charts.