Study Guide: Community and Citizen

Chapter 1

  1. Where did the idea of citizenship originate and who were considered citizens of that city-state?p7
  2. What may citizens have in common with one another?p7
  3. What does E pluribus Unumliterally mean and what does it mean in the U.S.?p8
  4. Which part of the world do most immigrants come from today?p8
  5. What region in the U.S. is the most populous and what regions are growing the fastest?p9
  6. What are some ways the population has changed in the U.S.?p10
  7. What are America’s key documents?p12
  8. Explain each of America’s five social institutions. p13
  9. According to the U.S. Constitution, what are the two ways to become a U.S. citizen?p15
  10. List all the ways an individual can be a citizen by birth. p15
  11. List the steps in the naturalization process. P16
  12. What is the difference between an immigrant and an alien?p16
  13. What agency deals with immigration and naturalization?p16
  14. What are the ways an individual can lose citizenship?p17
  15. According to the Immigration Act of 1990 what type of individual gets special consideration?p18
  16. What is the difference between a legal and illegal alien?p18-19
  17. What rights do legal aliens have in the U.S.?p19
  18. What rights are denied to legal aliens?p19
  19. What is a refugee?p19
  20. What does the U.S. Border Patrol do?p19
  21. What are the functions of government?p22
  22. What are the three level of government? Which level is closest to the American citizen?p23
  23. What is the difference between a direct democracy and a representative democracy? P23-24
  24. What type of government does the U. S. have?p24-25
  25. What are the principles of American democracy?p24
  26. What are the different types of democracy used around the world?p24-26
  27. Explain the differences in the three types of authoritarian governments? Give an example of each type. P25-26
  28. What French philosopher supported majority rule?p25

Chapter 5

  1. How many communities do you belong to? P150
  2. What duties does the government require of its citizens? P150-151
  3. What consequences exist if we fail to perform our duties?p150
  4. What does the government do with tax money it receives?p151
  5. What responsibilities do citizens have?p153
  6. What is common good? How can citizens contribute to the common good?p154
  7. List five volunteer activities in which you could participate?p158
  8. Why do citizens volunteer?p159
  9. Give two examples of charitable organization.p160
  10. What does the Peach Corps do? Ameri-Corps? USA Freedom Corps? Senior Corps?p161

Chapter 1 Vocabulary

  1. Civics
  2. Citizenship
  3. Citizen
  4. Service economy
  5. Value
  6. Popular sovereignty
  7. Institution
  8. Diverse
  9. Ethnic
  10. Principle
  11. Naturalization
  12. Alien
  13. Immigrant
  14. Deport
  15. Deny
  16. Priority
  17. Government
  18. Public policy
  19. Budget
  20. Democracy
  21. Direct democracy
  22. Representative democracy
  23. Republic
  24. Monarchy
  25. Majority rule
  26. Authoritarian
  27. Totalitarian
  28. Community
  29. Enforce
  30. Constrain

Chapter 5 Vocabulary

  1. Responsibility
  2. Duty
  3. Draft
  4. Tolerance
  5. Global
  6. Income
  7. Bureaucracy
  8. Welfare
  9. Volunteerism
  10. Percent
  11. Registrar
  12. Domestic
  13. Annual