Ponder Lions
Student and Parent Athletic Handbook
Objective of Athletics at Ponder I.S.D...... 2
Purpose of the Athletic Program ...... 2
UIL guidelines...... 3
New Students ...... 3
Absentees...... 3
Grades...... 3
Grooming guidelines ...... 3
Transportation ...... 3
Facilities ...... 4
Multi-Events...... 4
Discipline Procedures...... 4
Drug Policy ...... 5
Dismissal from Athletic Program...... 5
Parent / Coach Relationship ...... 6
Behavior Expectation of Spectators ...... 9
Athletic Attire ...... 10
Letter Policy ...... 11
Banner / Trophy Policy ...... 12
Coaches Directory ...... 13
Before any program can operate effectively and efficiently, a philosophy should be set down to provide a preview of the ultimate ends to be achieved and the guidelines within which to accomplish its progress. The major objective of Ponder Athletic Program is to provide activities and opportunities for students to develop from their experiences, favorable habits and attitudes, which will help them, succeed in life.
The athletic program, headed by the Athletic Director, should be in conformity with the general objectives and policies of the district. The program should function as a part of the over-all curriculum and should constantly strive for development of a well-rounded individual capable of taking his or her place in society.
To provide opportunities that will allow the program to serve as a laboratory where students may cope with problems and handle situations similar to those encountered under conditions prevailing in the modern world. The laboratory should provide adequate and natural opportunities for:
- Physical, mental and emotional growth and development.
- Acquisition and development of special skills in activities of the student’s choice.
- Team play, with development of such commitments as loyalty, fair play and cooperation that are desirable social traits.
- Directed leadership and supervision that stresses self-discipline, self-motivation, excellence and the ideals of good sportsmanship that take winning and losing in stride and with dignity.
- Provisions for worthy use of leisure time in later life either as a participant or as a spectator.
- Participation by the most skilled that will enable these individuals to ascertain possibilities for future pursuits.
- To improve the image of the school and athletic department.
- To strive for playing excellence that produces winning teams.
- To ensure growth and development in all programs.
Athletics in our society provides one of the finest ways in which our youth can mature into responsible men and women. This being true, the athletic program can assume its rightful place in a total school program and make its vital contributions to the development of our youth.
UIL guidelines
All Ponder athletes must have on file each year: (Get forms from your coach)
- Physical every year
- Acknowledgement of rules
- Medical History form
- Steroid form
- Athletic Handbook Acknowledgement form
- Emergency Medical Release
New Students
New students to Ponder ISD must also have the following:
- 9 – 12 Eligibility Questionnaire
- 9 – 12 Previous Athletic Participation Form
Athletes must call coach when absent from school or practice.
- UIL guidelines – Athletes must receive passing grades in all subjects.
- Second failure in same school year maybe subject to dismissal from athletic program.
Grooming guidelines
Athletes dress for games will be determined by each coach
- Dress clothes
- Shirt, tie, slacks
- Sweater, slacks
- Dress
- Sweats
- Ponder apparel
- Grooming guidelines
- No Facial Hair
- Hair –school Policy or coach of each sport may enforce a stricter level
- Boys – no ear rings
- Tattoo’s must be covered
- Athletes will ride to contest and back with team.
- Special circumstances students may be released to parents with a note.
- Athletes are to ride to and from contest sitting quietly and may visit with team mates, according to coaches rules.
- All vehicles must be left clean
Opponents Facilities
- Sit with team
- Go to dressing room when instructed by your coach.
- Leave all lockers, equipment and opponents’ apparel alone.
- Leave locker room clean.
Ponder Facilities
- Keep locker rooms clean
- Weight room put up all weights after use
- Keep all equipment picked up
- Report any damage
- Keep all items locked in locker room.
- Any valuables give to coach if you can’t lock it up.
Athlete participates in more than one activity; student must make it clear to all programs, how they will handle conflicting situations.
Multi-Sport Athletes
A student athlete must complete the full season and any post-season games before
trying out for the next season. All multi-sport athletes will have an opportunity to
tryout for a team in a subsequent season, even if the season has started.
In addition, an athlete cannot leave a team during the season to join another
team; they must wait until that team has completed its regular season. This policy will take effect when 20 percent of the season has been completed. That includes being dismissed from a team for any reason, unless mutually agreed upon by both head coaches.
Early Morning Workouts
- Make sure it is light enough for running and is a safe environment.
- No morning work-outs if your team arrives back home after 10:00 PM
- If school delays/cancellation, athletics will follow school schedule
Discipline Procedures
Discipline will be handled by individual coach.
Any major discipline problem will require a Parent/Coach/Athletic Director meeting.
Drug Policy
Ponder ISD
Administrative guidelines
Effective 6/19/06
RE: Nonschool use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
PISD Policy Reference: FO (LOCAL)
With the approval of the principal and Superintendent sponsors and coaches of extracurricular activities, including interscholastic athletics and marching band, may develop and enforce standards of behavior that are higher thanDistrict-developed Student Code of Conduct and may condition membership or participation in the activity on adherence to those standards. Extracurricular standards of behavior may take into consideration conduct that occurs at any time, on or off school property. No provision of an extracurricular behavioral standard shall have the effect of discriminating on the basis of sex, race, disability, religion, or ethnicity.
Students shall be informed of any extracurricular behavior standards at the beginning of each school year or, in the case of interscholastic athletics and marching band, at the time the students report for workouts or practices that occur prior to the actual beginning of classes. Students and their parents shall sign and return to the sponsor or coach a statement that they have read the extracurricular behavior standards and consent to them as a condition of participation in the activity.
Organizational standards of behavior of an extracurricular activity are independent of the Student Code of Conduct. Violations of these standards of behavior that are also violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in independent disciplinary actions.
A student may be removed from participation in extracurricular activities or may be excluded from school honors for violations of organizational standards of behavior of an extracurricular activity or for violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
For all extracurricular activities in any Ponder school, the following will be in effect. If a student is found to have been in possession of, or used alcohol, drugs or tobacco, while not at school or not involved in a school function, they will face the following:
1) For a first offense, the student will be suspended from all extracurricular activities for one contest (if athletics) or two weeks (if a club or organization).
Students are not allowed to attend any school function – on or off PISD property during the time of suspension. Students may still practice with team.
Coaches/Sponsors may impose additional penalties as deemed necessary (additional workouts, practices, etc.) to make up the time missed.
2) A second offense will result in dismissal from all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the year. Students will not be allowed to attend any extracurricular activity – on or off PISD property during this time.
Use of tobacco at school will also follow policy above.
Dismissal from Athletic Program
- Conduct detrimental to the team.
- Drug Policy
- Grades
- Coach’s decision
- Any athlete that is removed or quits a team must have a meeting with the athletic director.
- All dismissals must be approved by athletic director.
No student athlete shall intentionally or knowingly use or possess inhalant/drug paraphernalia. No student athlete shall intentionally or knowingly inhale, ingest, or otherwise introduce into the body abusable glue, aerosol paint, alcohol or other substance that contains a volatile chemical. In addition to the above prohibitions, no student shall inhale, ingest, apply, use or possess a volatile chemical with intent to be impaired. Engaging in such activity while within 300 feet of school property, as measured from any point on the school’s property boundary line, or if student athlete is present at any school event/function on or off school property following intent to be impaired will result in the following:
First Offense:
Student athlete will be suspended from all extra-curricular athletics for one calendar year.
During time of suspension student athlete will be required to complete a rehab packet eachsix weeks and counsel with school personnel. At the end of suspension year the student athlete may be admitted back into the Ponder athletic program only with the unanimous approval of that sport’s head coach(es), athletic director, and principal.
Second Offense:
Second offense by student athlete will result in dismissal from all extra-curricular athletics during the duration of the athlete’s high school career.
Parent / Coach Relationship
Both parenting and coaching are very difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding between coaches and parents, both are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide a more positive experience for everyone. Parents have the right to know, and understand, the expectations placed on them and their children. Coaches have the right to know that if parents have a concern, they will discuss it with the coach at the appropriate time and place.
Communication parents should expect from their child’s coach:
1) Coach’s philosophy.
2) Expectations the coach has for your son or daughter, as well as other players on the team.
3) Locations and times of practices and contests.
4) Team requirements, i.e., fees, special equipment needed, school and team rules, off season expectations.
5) Procedures that will be followed if your child becomes injured during participation.
Communication coaches expect from parents:
1) Concerns regarding their son or daughter expressed directly to the coach at the appropriate time and place.
2) Specific concerns in regard to the coach’s philosophy and / or expectations.
3) Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance.
As your child becomes involved in interscholastic athletics, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. It’s important to understand there may be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. These are the times discussion with the coach is encouraged.
Appropriate concerns to discuss with coach:
1)The mental and physical treatment of your child.
2)Specific concerns regarding your child’s health.
3)What your child needs to do to improve.
4)Concerns about your child’s behavior.
It is very difficult to accept that your child is not playing as much as you may hope. Coaches make decisions based on what they believe is in best interests of all students participating. As you can see from the list above, certain things can and should be discussed with your child’s coach. Other things, such as those listed next, must be left to the discretion of the coach.
Issues Not appropriate for discussion with your coach:
1) How much playing time each athlete is getting.
2) Team strategy.
3) Play calling.
4) Any situation that deals with other student athletes.
There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and parent. These are not discouraged, as it is important for each party to have a clear understanding of the other’s position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedure is suggested to help promote resolution to the issue.
If a parent has a concern to discuss with the coach, the following procedure should be followed:
1) Call the coach to set up an appointment.
2) If the coach cannot be reached, call the athletic director and ask him or her to set up a meeting with the coach for you.
3) Think about what you expect to accomplish as a result of the meeting.
4) Stick to discussing the facts, as you understanding them.
5) Do not confront the coach before, during or after a practice or contest. These can be emotional times for both the parent and coach. Meetings of this nature do not promote resolution of the situation, but often escalate it.
What should a parent do if the meeting with the coach didn’t provide satisfactory resolution?
1) Call athletic director to set up a meeting with the athletic director
2) At this meeting, an appropriate next step can be determined, if necessary.
Students’ involvement in co-curricular activities has been proven to increase their chances of success later in life. We hope the information contained in this athletic hand book helps make that experience more enjoyable for everyone.
Information provided by the Iowa Athletic council.
Remember that you are at the contest to support and yell for your team, and to enjoy the skill and competition not to intimidate or ridicule the other team or fans.
Remember that school athletics are a learning experience for students and that mistakes are sometimes made. Praise student-athletes in their attempt to improve themselves as students, as athletes, and as people, just as you would praise a student working in class.
A ticket is a privilege to observe the contest, not a license to verbally assault others or be generally obnoxious.
Learn the rules of the game, so that you may understand and appreciate why certain situations take place.
Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, spectators and support groups.
Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials. Understand that they are doing their best to help promote the student-athlete, and admire their willingness to participate in full view of the public.
Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
Refrain from the use of any controlled substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.) before, during, and after the game on or near the site of the event.
Use only cheers that support and uplift the teams involved.
Be a positive role model at events through your own actions and by censuring those around you whose behavior is unbecoming.
Parents and spectators should be aware that the school can (and should) remove them from the premises and can prohibit them from attending future contests due to undesirable behaviors.
Game officials can ask that the school administrators have unruly fans removed from a contest facility.
There is no such thing as a “right” to attend interscholastic athletics. Interscholastic athletics are considered a “privilege” and the spectator who avails themselves of it is expected to conduct himself or herself accordingly.
Keep in mind that you are a guest of the school, and that while winning is certainly an admirable goal; it is hollow if it comes at the expense of morals, ethics, and just plain common sense.
The school is responsible for the behavior of their spectators. The school district can be punished for actions of patrons in violation of UIL standards and rules.
Athletic Attire
May be purchased at Denton Athletics on University Drive
Cross Country
- Red shorts
- Ponder shirt
- Sweats
- Running shoes
- See Coach Ballard
- Top – red
- Shorts – red
- White knee pads
- Volleyball shoes/white or red
- Sweats (optional) -grey
- Shorts – red, grey or black
- Practice top - red/white or grey reversible
- Shoes/any store/school colors preferred
- Travel shirt – (optional)
- Travel bag – (optional)
BaseballSee Coach Low
SoftballSee Coach Savell
GolfSee Coach Gay
- Shorts –red
- T-shirt – red, grey or white
- Sweats – ( girls – grey, boys – red)
- Shorts – red
- Practice top – Grey, red, or white
- Sweats – ( girls – grey, boys – red)
Ponder High School
Lettering Policy – Varsity
BaseballParticipate in 50 % of all games played.
BasketballParticipate in 50 % of all games played.
Cross Country Participate in 50 % of meets to include district meet.
FootballParticipate in 50 % of all games played.
GolfParticipate in 50 % of golf meets to include district meet.
TennisParticipate in 50 % of Tennis meets to include district meet.
TrackParticipate in 50 % of meets to include the district meet.
SoftballParticipate in 50 % of all games played.
VolleyballParticipate in 50 % of all games played.
Power Lifting Must place in top 5 at all invitational meets or qualify for Regional Meet.
CheerleadersFollow all policies set forth by the sponsor and complete the year in good standing.
ManagerMust complete one season on the varsity level.
All UIL Literary and Academic: Score points at the district meet.
Band/ChoirParticipate in UIL competition. Make a 1st or 2nd division rating on a class 1 solo atsolo/ensemble.