1. Define the 3 types of ADHD. What factors do experts believe cause ADHD?

2. Describe the relationship between TV-watching and potential ADHD in children.

3. What are the possible language characteristics of children with ADHD?

4. What is the role of medication for children with ADHD?

5. The teachers at a school where you work have asked you to give them an inservice on how to help the students in their classrooms who have ADHD. What practical suggestions will you give them?

6. Define the 3 types of neglect a child may experience.

7. Discuss the reasons why children with disabilities might be more vulnerable to abuse than non-disabled children.

8. Describe the language and behavioral characteristics of children who have been neglected and/or abused.

9. What do we need to remember in terms of assessment and intervention for these children?

10. One of the best things we can to help neglected/abused children is to support their caregivers. How can we do this?

11. Describe the deleterious effects, on an unborn child, of parental drinking, smoking, and/or drug abuse (fathers too!!!)

12. What problems might a child have if she is diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder?

13. You have a friend who is considering adopting a child. Your friend has been informed that the birth mother used cocaine regularly throughout the pregnancy. The adoption agency has assured your friend that the baby will probably “be just fine anyway,” but she wants to know what you think. What will you tell her about some potential problems the baby may have?

14. List and briefly describe the behaviors and characteristics of drug-exposed children.

15. What are some “tips” to remember for therapy with children prenatally exposed to substances?

16. If a child on our caseload has HIV/AIDS, what types of issues might we be likely to encounter? What should we do?

17. You have begun a private practice in a high-poverty area. What are some potential negative effects of poverty that can impact the children you will be working with?

18. Compare and contrast situational and generational poverty. List and briefly describe characteristics of each.

19. What might you expect in terms of the oral and written language skills of low-income children who come to you for assessment and treatment?

20. How might you most validly assess the language skills of these low-income children?

21. In terms of therapy, what areas will they most likely need work in?

22. What are executive functioning skills? How might we help low-income children develop these skills?

23. Summarize the findings of Caesar and Nelson (2013). What techniques and materials did they find to be the most effective for helping the children in their study?

24. What is a “social autopsy” for students with ADHD?

25. Define the terms alexithymia, executive functioning, internal locus of control, and external locus of control.

26. What did the findings of Olswang et al. indicate about children with FASD in comparison to their typically-developing peers?