H011 015 Review: AFRICA ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Name: ______DATE: THU. 2 MAY 2013

Review: "Test Preparation" AFRICA Global History 2H

1.A physical map of Africa would show

1. roads and rail lines.3. average rainfall and high temperatures.

2. deserts and mountains.4. countries and cities.

2.The geography of Africa has generally led to

1. social cohesion.2. cultural diversity.3. widespread democracy. 4. political unity.

3.Tribal initiation ceremonies commonly occur

1. at marriage.3. when a child is born.

2. between childhood and adulthood.4. when an elder makes a major decision.

4.In modern African nations, the continued strength of the tribe or ethnic group is a reflection of the continuing influence of

1. European imperialism.2. urban growth.3. the slave trade. 4. traditional cultures.

5.Which is a characteristic of most traditional societies?

1. Cultural diffusion leads to a strong sense of nationalism. 3. Families in rural areas tend to be smaller than those in urban areas.

2. Change is quickly accepted at all levels of society. 4. Religious beliefs and social organization are closely related.

6.Sub-Saharan Africa” refers to those countries that are

1. south of the SaharaDesert.2. in the SaharaDesert.3. largely rain forest.4. largely desert.

7.Which item would tell us the most about Africa’s geography?

1. a study of famous African business leaders. 3. a dictionary.

2. a novel about the transatlantic slave trade.4. an atlas.

8.Which statement is most accurate about Africa’s geography?

1. It is a land surrounded by large mountains. 3. It has created obstacles to political and cultural unity.

2. Africa has large deposits of coal.4. Africa has few deserts and no rain forests.

9.Which idea is basic to animism?

1. separation of church and state3. belief that objects in nature have spirits

2. belief in only one God 4. belief in reincarnation

10.An extended family in present-day Africa would most likely include

1. grandparents, parents, and their children. 3. several wives and a husband.

2. a husband, wife, and their children. 4. two parents, some of their adult friends, and all of their children.

11.The introduction of African music into American culture is an example of

1. Islamic Fundamentalism2. cultural diffusion.3. Pan-Arabism.4. monotheism.

12.Which is a characteristic of most traditional societies?

1. Cultural diffusion leads to a strong sense of nationalism. 3. Families in rural areas tend to be smaller than those in urban areas.

2. Change is quickly accepted at all levels of society. 4. Religious beliefs and social organization are closely related.

13.What type of scientist / person would be interested in studying about where ancient man first began to live?

1. anthropologist2. archaeologist3. demographer4. psychologist

14.What type of scientist/ person would be interested in studying about the remaining building structures of ancient Zimbabwe?

1. anthropologist2. archaeologist3. demographer4. psychologist

15.Which social scientist would most likely gather information from fossil remains and radiocarbon dating?

1. cartographer2. archeologist3. psychologist4. economist

16.Which statement best describes the ethnic makeup of modern Africa?

1. The majority of Arabs in Africa live south of the Equator.3. Most African nations consist of a single ethnic group.

2. More than half of the population of Africa is European in origin.4. The population of Africa show great cultural diversity.

17.The key to ancient Africa is often found in myths and legends. Why are they so difficult for us to obtain?

1. Early African history is mostly oral history. 3. Early African history was only linear.

2. Early African history books were often lost. 4. Early African history did not exist.

18.Prior to European contact, African had kingdoms, laws, and systems of trade. This infers that Africa

1. had a highly developed civilization. 3. could not survive on her own.

2. was Paleolithic.4. was only a farming nation.

19.Which event occurred first?

1. African nations became independent from Europe. 3. The Atlantic slave trade ended.

2. The Mali civilization began.4. Africa was colonized by Europeans.

20.The term “tribalism” refers to an African’s

1. loyalty to his or her tribe. 3. desire to change his or her tribe.

2. adoption of European customs. 4. attempt to unify a nation.

21.Imperialism means

1. eating foreign foods.3. using computers to communicate.

2. giving food to another country. 4. taking over a country for your own benefit.

22.Why were Europeans able to conquer African empires during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries?

1. Europeans had more advanced weapons than Africans. 3. The Africans lacked the support of their people.

2. Most Africans were peaceful.4. Africans generally welcomed the arrival of Europeans.

23.In South Africa the term “apartheid” refers to

1. a traditional method of farming.3. a market economy.

2. terrorist attacks.4. the separation of races.

24.Which situation is most similar to the practice of apartheid in the Republic of South Africa?

1. establishment of official state religions in Europe3. government censorship of the press in communist nations.

2. economic oppression bringing about the American Revolution 4. segregation laws in southern states in the U.S. [1860’s-1960’s]

25.Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu are similar in that both sought to

1. make Africa more industrial than agricultural. 3. put an end to the policy of apartheid.

2. run for political office. 4. achieve their goals using military force.

26.The political boundaries of most African nations have been most influenced by

1. Africa’s traditional tribal divisions. 3. increased urbanization.

2. patterns of European imperialism. 4. religious beliefs.

27.During the 19th century, the African continent was affected most by

1. the Commercial Revolution. 2. the Crusades.3. European imperialism.4. World War I.

28.Many Africans are subsistence farmers. This means that they produce

1. large amounts of meat for sale to Europe. 3. one crop for sale.

2. only enough for their own needs.4. what they are told to produce by the government.

29.A major environmental problem, which is helping to cause famine in Africa today is

1. acid rain.2. desertification.3. nuclear waste.4. ocean pollution.

30.One way in which Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, and Kenneth Kaunda are similar is that they all

1. supported the United Nations military action in the Persian Gulf War. 3. rejected financial aid from the World Bank.

2. played a major role in independence movements in Africa. 4. opposed the Pan-African movement.

31.In Africa today, many people move from rural areas to the cities because

1. family ties are becoming stronger and more important. 3. crime and disease are decreasing in cities.

2. economies based on bartering are replacing money economies. 4. better jobs are available in cities.

32.In traditional societies, large families are seen as providing

1. social mobility.2. labor and income.3. educational opportunities. 4. progress in industry.

33.In a particular society, farmers grow only enough food to feed their own families. This situation is an example of

1. subsistence farming2. the hacienda system3. cash-crop agriculture4. diversification

34.A lack of human rights was shown in South African apartheid laws which at one time promoted

1. overtaxation. 2. racial segregation. 3. limits on family size. 4. prohibition of alcohol.

35.Oral tradition is important in African cultures because it

1. led to most Africans speaking the same language. 3. prevented the development of written language in Africa.

2. proves that humans originated in East Africa.4. allows knowledge to be passed from one generation to the next.

36.One barrier to economic progress in African nations has been a

1. shortage of raw materials. 3. low birth rate.

2. small pool of unskilled workers. 4. lack of money for investment.

37.Which problem is common to emerging nations in Africa?

1. exhaustion of natural resources3. continuing oppression by European colonial powers.

2. insufficient numbers of technically trained persons. 4. interference by the United Nations in internal affairs.

38.Which African country has not been the sight of tribal warfare during the 20th century?

1. Egypt2. Nigeria3. Rwanda4. Somalia5. Zaire

39.Which country saw an outbreak of fighting between Hutu & Tutsi tribesmen in 1994 which in turn led to a mass exodus
of refugees to Zaire?

1. Egypt2.Nigeria 3. Rwanda4. Somalia5.South Africa

40.One of the lasting effects of the African slave trade was

1. a disruption of African societies. 3. the preparation of African nations for self-rule.

2. the development of a permanent skilled labor force for Europe. 4. a united Africa in the modern rule.

41.Preserving the rain forest is important to Africans because rain forests

1. provide a source of water for desert regions. 3. increase the amount of fertile land.

2. are a home of many forms of animal and plant life. 4. protect Africans from foreign invasions.

42.The Atlantic slave trade is an example of

1. animism.2. democracy.3. genocide.4. theocracy.

43.European colonialism in Africa reached its height during the period just

1. prior to the Franco-Prussian War. 2. before World War II. 3. prior to World War I. 4. after World War II.

44.Historians writing about slavery could accurately state that it

1. was first introduced in Europe. 3. seems to have existed in some form since early times.

2. was limited to areas of the Western Hemisphere. 4. has been abolished for many centuries in all nations.

45.Which is a valid statement about modern Africa?

1. Most of Africa is still unexplored. 3. Africa is a unified nation much like the United States.

2. Most African nations are still European colonies. 4. Africa has many different cultures and races.

46.Which person fought for equality in South Africa?

1. Otto von Bismarck2. Nelson Mandela3. Julius Caesar4. Sun Yixian [Sun Yat-sen]

47.In what general direction would fly from Egypt to South Africa?

1. North2. South3. East 4. West

48.“A person without relatives is as good as lost.” This African proverb reflects the belief that

1. ethnic loyalties are not important.3. family structure should change as more people move to the cities.

2. the government should take care of people.4. extended families help the individual to survive.

49.During the 1500’s, Timbuktu was an important city in West Africa mainly because of its

1. location along major trade routes.3. religious diversity.

2. good natural harbor.4. tropical climate.

50.In the 19th century, Europeans were able to conquer Africa mainly because the

1. people of this region wanted peace at any cost.3. Africans rejected tribalism.

2. Europeans had more powerful military technology.4. geography of Africa provided Europeans with easy access to the interior.

51.Apartheid laws were enacted in the Republic of South Africa in 1948 in order to

1. gain international support for the government’s racial policies. 3. create equal educational opportunities for all races.

2. maintain high levels of poverty among whites. 4. enforce a system of segregation and inequality for blacks.

52.During the 1980’s and 1990’s, agriculture in the areas near the Sahara region of Africa has become difficult mainly because of

1. widespread flooding of farmland.3. the introduction of one-crop economies.

2. the effects of hurricanes and tropical storms.4. droughts and desertification.

53.“We are Nigerians and we wish to remain so. We have our own customs and our own traditions. Our immediate goal should be
to develop

the wealth of our country and improve our standard of living.” This quotation is an expression of

1. mercantilism.2. totalitarianism.3. imperialism.4. nationalism.

54.In South Africa the term “apartheid” refers to

1. a traditional method of farming. 2. terrorist attacks.3. a market economy.4. the separation of races.
55. Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere, Robert Mugabe and Kenneth Kaunda were African leaders who supported

1. militarism.2. socialism.3. nationalism. 4. colonialism.

56. Who fought against Apartheid in South Africa ?

1. Nelson Mandela 2. Simon Bolivar3. Mao Zedong4. Ho Chi Minh

57.Prior to European contact, African had kingdoms such as Ancient Egypt, Kush, Axum, Ghana, Mali, Songhai and Benin. Each had laws, and systems of trade. This infers that Africans

1. had a highly developed civilizations. 3. could not survive on their own.

2. were Paleolithic.4. were only farming nations.

58.During the 20th & 21st centuries there has been much bloodshed in Rwanda and Darfur (Sudan). One cause of this is
1. tribalism2. monotheism3. global warming4. democracy

59.As leader of the Mau Mau in the 1950s, Jomo Kenyatta promoted these ideas as a way to
(1) work for Kenya's independence (3) imitate the practices of Mohandas Gandhi
(2) develop closer ties with England(4) attract foreign investment to his nation

60. Much of the wealth of the West African kingdoms of Ghana and Mali was gained from the
(1) sale of slaves to Europeans (3) taxation on goods brought by Indian merchants
(2) creation of colonies on the Mediterranean coast (4) control of the trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt

61. Apartheid in South Africa was similar to
1. Absolutism in France3. the caste system in India
2. the Four Modernizations in China4. India’s policy of non-alignment

62. Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu are similar in that both sought to
1. make Africa more industrial than agricultural. 3. run for political office.
2. put an end to the policy of apartheid.4. achieve their goals using military force.

63. What would a study of the recent civil wars in Sudan, Rwanda, and Bosnia-Herzegovina (Yugoslavia) show about these conflicts?
1. Ethnic conflict was not a factor in the late 20th century.
2. The United Nations was successful in resolving these disputes.
3. Genocide was used as a political and military tactic.
4. Civilians were not affected by these disputes.

64. Which is often a characteristic of traditional African art?

  1. African art forms reflect society's desire to become industrialized.
  2. African works of art are an important part of religious life.
  3. African art forms generally support government-approved objectives.
  4. African works of art primarily commemorate important battles and victories.

65. In Africa, a major result of World War II was

  1. an increase in feelings of nationalism 3. an increase in colonization by European nations
  2. a general decline in the standard of living 4. a rapid decline in population

66. Technological changes in economically developing countries have most often resulted in

  1. mass migrations from urban to rural areas 3. weakening of traditional values and family patterns
  2. fewer educational and employment opportunities 4. decreased use of natural resources

67. After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily because the Europeans were

  1. in need of land for their surplus populations
  2. competing for raw materials and markets
  3. determined to bring Christianity to theMuslim world
  4. interested in completing their geographic knowledge of the world

68. In their foreign policies, most African nations have attempted to

  1. side with the Communist bloc 3. pursue their idea of national self-interest
  2. follow the guidance of their former colonial ruler 4. support the United States

69. Which conclusion is valid concerning the food shortages in some nations of Africa and Asia during the 1970s and 1980s?

  1. Misuse of the land has destroyed many rich food-producing regions.
  2. Too few people in Africa and Asia are involved in food production.
  3. Acid rain has been the major cause of crop failures.
  4. European nations stopped shipping food to these regions.

70. Recent archaeological studies suggest the theory that

  1. the earliest humans evolved in the Rift Valley in Africa
  2. farming societies developed before hunting and gathering societies
  3. all the continents were settled at about the same time
  4. the wheel was used by all ancient societies

71. Which characteristics are most common when defining the term developing nation?

  1. high level of productivity and high standard of living
  2. dependence on agricultural production and low standard of living
  3. high level of productivity and low population growth rate
  4. decline of industrial production and high population growth rate

72. Which statement is a valid generalization about the geography of Africa?

  1. The continent of Africa has diverse resources and topography.
  2. Most African nations have vast oil reserves.
  3. The nations of North Africa are dominated by rain forests.
  4. The irregular coastline of Africa provides many excellent harbors.

73. Which was a major effect of European imperialism on Africa?

  1. Most African nations developed self-sufficient economies.
  2. Africans and Europeans developed a respect for each other's cultures.
  3. Africans became economically dependent on European nations.
  4. Most Africans voluntarily abandoned tribal or ethnic loyalties for European values.

74. The rise of independent nations in Asia and Africa after World War II illustrates the

  1. success of United Nations peacekeeping forces
  2. strength of minority groups in these regions
  3. decline of European political dominance
  4. failure of nationalist movements in these regions

75. In many societies, traditional folktales and songs continue to have importance in the present mainly because they

  1. help to maintain cultural identity
  2. make use of contemporary rhythms and instruments
  3. discourage contacts with other societies
  4. illustrate the need to keep written records

76. Since the 1960s, a major improvement in African agriculture has been

  1. a greater emphasis on subsistence farming
  2. an increased dependence on a one-crop economy in many countries
  3. a decreased reliance on irrigation systems
  4. an increased use of scientific farming techniques … via “the Green Revolution”

77. In 1990, the Republic of South Africa released Nelson Mandela from prison. This action symbolized the

  1. effect of urbanization on traditional values
  2. rejection of the civil rights movement in South Africa
  3. effectiveness of international sanctions
  4. failure of the United Nations to influence international policy

78. The early civilizations of the NileRiverValley, Mesopotamia, and the Yellow RiverValley were similar because they were

  1. industrialized societies
  2. monotheistic
  3. dependent on fertile land
  4. dependent on each other for trade

79. In most societies, urbanization has

  1. weakened traditional values and life patterns
  2. strengthened the influence of the extended family system
  3. discouraged economic growth
  4. promoted population growth

80. Which is an accurate statement about the partitioning of Africa by European imperialist nations during the 1800s?

  1. New nations were based on old tribal boundaries.
  2. The cultural and ethnic diversity of the African people was disregarded.
  3. The continent was divided equally among the colonial powers.
  4. African unity was encouraged.

81. … Which “conference” did this occur in/during?

83. In the 1980s, global concern for blacks in the Republic of South Africa led many nations to

  1. impose economic sanctions on South Africa
  2. demand that whites return to their European homelands
  3. send troops to South Africa
  4. support policies of apartheid

84. Ancient African kingdoms, such as Ghana and Mali, based their economic systems primarily on