DAT Exam Invigilation Consent form
Student information(to be completed by the student)
Last Name / First Name / Phone #Student Mailing Address
City/Town / Province/Country / Postal Code
Email address: / * Payment Confirmation Fee # / * Student ID #
Anticipated date of writing exam / Program Being Written For
*Student ID# and Payment Confirmation Fee # is obtained from the Office of the Registrar at the time of registration
Keyano College will release testing packages to Institutions. Preferred invigilators are
- Testing Centers in educational institutions
- Professional personnel at an accredited School , college technical institute or university
- Library
The invigilator must not be a relative, friend or a co-worker.
InvigilatorInstitution Information(to be completed by the invigilator)
Last Name / First Name / Position TitleName of Institution where exam will be written
Institution Mailing Address
City/Town / Province/Country / Postal Code
Email address: / Phone # / Fax #
Select who will provide Courier /Xpresspost to return exam : Institution Test Taker
I have read and I understand the proctor instructions for administering the exam as given in the back of the page. I will accept full responsibility to ensure that this exam is administered properly according to the exact procedures and timings as outlined in the accompanying Examiner’s Instructions.
Invigilator’s Signature: Date :
Please send the completed form to along with a copy of the Business Card of the invigilator or Institution
Information about DAT exam
Administering the DAT exam:
Materials needed on the test date: a timer, pencil, eraser and scrap paper (Student may bring their own pencil and eraser). No calculators or dictionaries or any electronic devices allowed.
Answers are marked with pencil only (no ink pens).
The DAT testing is 3.5 to 4 hours in length, with 7 sections - each individually timed. Instructions are read aloud before beginning each section.
Test Name / Time to Complete(min)Verbal Reasoning / 30
Numerical Ability / 30
Abstract Reasoning / 20
Mechanical Reasoning / 30
Space Relations / 25
Spelling / 10
Language Usage / 20
There will be a 15 minute break following the third section (Break can be shortened).
Once the timer goes off the test takers lay down the pencil. If they finish the section before the timer goes, they can review it but cannot look into previous or the next sections.
The invigilator will remind the test takers when 10 and 5 minutes remain for each section.
Shipping the DAT exam
After receipt of the completed form, it may take 5 to 7 business days for the exam to reach the invigilating institution. DAT exam package will be couriered to the mailing address of the Institution, as provided in this form and will include
- Test bookletAnswer Sheet
- Forms to be filled and signed by both test taker and invigilator
- Copy of Examiner’s Manual containingall necessary instructions and scriptto read aloud
- An envelope for the test taker to fill out his/her mailing address, in which we mail the result to the test taker
Returning the Exam materials back to Keyano College:
Test taker provides the Invigilator witha prepaid Xpresspost (letter size)envelope or any trackable courier service, if the Institution does not provide shipping by courier/ trackable mail.
Any costs associated with the testing, including invigilation fees, are the responsibility of the student.
The personal information listed on this form was collected under the authority of the Colleges Act of Alberta, which mandates the provision of programs and services by public colleges, as well as under the authority of Sections 33 (a) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). This personal information is protected by the provisions of the FOIP Act. If you have any questions about the collection/distribution or use of this information, please contact: Keyano College, 8115 Franklin Avenue, Fort McMurray, Alberta, T9H 2H7, (780) 791-4853 or .