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Links/resources on water [work-in-progress]
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2050 plan / Australia / Blueprint developed by Gosford City and Wyong Shire Councils for managing the Central Coast’s water resources over the next four decades. /
2050 plan / Germany / Inviting others to join in the discussion on the future of water /
2050 plan / Arizona/United States / Tucson Water’s Long Range Water Plan lays out the challenges and opportunities we all face if we want to ensure a secure water future for our families and ourselves. Below you will find links to the entire 255 page document or individual chapters and articles. /
Agriculture / Yemen / Qat consumes 37% of the water supply.
The government derives approximately 75% of its revenue from oil exports, and it in turn has used this revenue to import its food. Why were they not just growing their own food, you ask? The answer is simple: qat. Qat is a plant with stimulant properties and it is chewed compulsively by millions of men and women in Yemen on a daily basis. It plays such an important role in everyday life that its production, in 2008 anyway, was responsible for 6% of the GDP and the employment of 14% of the population. /
Anti-corruption/Integrity / Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia / “Mapping of Integrity and Accountability in Water Activities and Relevant Capacities in the SADC-Region” /
Aquifer / US / Ogallala Aquifer March 2009:
The massive underground water source feeds the middle third of the country but is disappearing fast. Can it be conserved? $20 billion a year in food and fiber depend on the aquifer /
Arsenic / Bangladesh / More than 20 percent of deaths in a study of 12,000 Bangladeshis were attributable to arsenic exposure from contaminated drinking water, new research reports. The large 10-year study is the first to prospectively measure the relationship between individual exposure to arsenic and its associated mortality risk, the authors said. The data, collected by an international team from Chicago, New York, and Bangladesh, will be published early online Saturday in The Lancet. /
Arsenic / US / Arsenic in Drinking Water: Regulatory Developments and Issues (May 1, 2007) /
Arsenic / Bangladesh / Charles Harvey: Water Detective
Charles Harvey traces the source of widespread arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh, setting the stage for programs that could benefit 20 million people. /
Awareness / Global / Our Water Commons: Toward a New Freshwater Narrative (39 pg PDF) /
Awareness / Charity / Charity: Water NY Times promo /
Awareness / Movie
Middle East / Marathon filmed related to water awareness through 111 days and taken them through 6 countries: Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya, and Egypt. By the team's daily GPS record, they had traveled over 4,300 miles (6,920 kilometers). /
Awareness / Global / Small network of partners petitioning...and this water clock shows an estimate that constantly updates of the population, those without clean water, and those without basic sanitation. /
Awareness/Event / The World’s Longest Toilet Queue is a mass mobilisation event and Guinness World Record attempt bringing together thousands of campaigners from across the world to demand real change at the meeting. /
Awareness/fundraising / Web campaign / Peculiar concept to obtain funds /
Awareness/WWC / Global / The Water Monitoring Alliance, an initiative of the World Water Council, is made up of organisations involved in the collection, analysis, reporting and dissemination of information on water in all its uses. /
Bank / Mexico / National water authority Conagua has opened a water bank in Sinaloa state, the authority said in a release. The bank will offer assessments in the administrative process of acquiring water rights and feasibility studies, and will provide information about the supply and demand for water in the area. The authority is now considering creating a total of 13 such institutions, one for each water basin
authority in the country, according to Conagua’s northern Pacific water basin organization head Jorge Miguel Ramírez Pérez. /
Basin Council / US / Walla Walla Basin Water Council (Washington State, United States) /
Bioethanol / US / Bioethanol's impact on water supply 3 times higher than once thought /
Full report
Book reviews / Global / Book reviews on water at, the public intelligence blog /
Bottled / Non-commercial resource on the quality of bottled water and how it compares to tap water and home water filtration. Owned by Doss Holdings, Inc. and managed by Charles Strand, CEO of Sun Water and Author of "All About Water" and others involved in the water quality and environmental field /
Bottled / Animation / Animated story of bottled water /
Bottled / Book / Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water by Peter Gleick /
Bottled / BPA / BPA in plastic bottled water /
Bottled / Global / “Think Outside the Bottle” is a campaign working to promote, protect and ensure public funding for our public water systems. Working with public officials, faith groups, restaurants, celebrities, campuses and individuals to support public systems by opting for tap over bottled water. /
Bottled / Graphic / Graphic: Bottled water imports and exports /
Bottled / Pay article / “Risk assessment of heterotrophic bacteria from bottled drinking water sold in Indian markets”
[Non-free article from: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health] /
Bottled / Regulation / fewer regulations on bottled water than tap says GAO /
Bottled / True Cost / True cost of bottled water /
Bottled / Global/info-graphic / Info-graphic showing the corporatized world of water /
Business Intel / Global / Global Water Intelligence is a monthly magazine about the business of water. We aim to do two things for our readers:
tell you where your next dollar is coming from by tracking major water projects around the world from conception to contract award
discuss with you the emerging trends in the industry to help you formulate strategy in a rapidly changing world /
Change over Time / Photos / NASA Satellite Photos Capture a Decade of Land and Water Changes /
Clean-up / China / Successful clean-up of China water /
Cleanliness / Data US / degree of cleanliness of U.S. drinking water /
Colorado River / US / Lower Colorado River Authority /
Commercial / document / A revealing aspect to this Proctor & Gamble/USAID document:
I searched through the whole document using the term "rain" in order to find rainwater and found nothing. The closest terms that came up were training and drainage. Training came up over and over and over, yet with all the training, no mention of how or why to harvest rainwater. This is incredible. Only locals who attended their training and promotional gatherings mentioned rainwater, but not for water harvesting. The entire document focuses on promotion of "PUR" to clean dirty water. /
Impressive video demo
Main Website: Children's Safe Drinking Water
Commercial / Flash video / Proctor & Gamble commercial /
Companies (largest) / Lists / Two of the largest water companies in the world, Veolia and Suez. / Veolia:
Company / Global / Water Health International /
Company/filtration / US / (Needs further verification) This company claims: There are 35,000 pesticides containing 600 chemical compounds. Yet municipal water systems are only required to test for six. (NY Times claims “91 contaminants are regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act, yet more than 60,000 chemicals are used within the United States, according to EPA estimates.” The General Accounting Office reports that 20% of the nation's 65,000 community systems are unable to meet minimum standards set by theSafe Drinking Water Act. More than 700 organic chemicals have been identified in drinking water, and some of them are suspected cancer causing agents. A recent government study found that more than 25% of all large U.S. public water systems contain traces of one or more toxic substances. ... Public water systems do not test for the carcinogens and other dangerous chemicals that are being found. /
Conflict / Audio / Few audio segments on water issues from 2002-2005 /
Conflict / Canada / Conflicts over Canadian resources /
Conflict / Global / World Water Conflict Chronology by the Pacific Institute /
Conservation/awareness / United States / Claims “36 States anticipate water shortages by 2013.” /
Conservation/High tech / U.S. / New Street-Smart Fire Hydrants Use High Tech Equipment to Conserve Water /
Consumption / China / Feb 2009 China pledges to get wealthier with less water
By 2020, China wants to reduce water-use per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) by 60%. The plan was announced last weekend – amid the country's worst drought for half a century –
by the water-resources minister Chen Lei in the administration's annual national conference
in Guilin, Guangxi province. /
Container/Transport / Spragg & Associates is a worldwide group of over 50 corporations, groups and individuals (including engineers from M.I.T.), who have spent the past fifteen years developing and testing waterbag technology in order to deliver large quantities of fresh water throughout the oceans of the world. /
Contamination / Arsenic/ Bangledesh / Bangladesh relies heavily on groundwater for the irrigation of dry-season rice. However, the groundwater used for irrigation often contains high concentrations of arsenic, potentially jeopardizing the future of rice production in the country. /
Contamination / Arsenic/ Bangledesh / 2009 Bangledesh arsenic water field tests("Poisoned backwaters") /
Contamination / China Map / China river pollution grades map /
Contamination / New Mexico / Radioactive run off in New Mexico /
Contamination / US / U.S. water contaminant project from the NY Times / & series
Contamination / Video / Frontline video “Poisoned Waters” /
Contamination/acid mine drainage / South Africa / Feb 2010: A public private partnership (PPP) between South Africa's Department of Water Affairs (DWA) and mining companies has been established to formulate a collaborative solution to the acid mine drainage (AMD) problem in the Witwatersrand gold fields area, which is affecting the western, central, and eastern basins, and impacting the Vaal and Crocodile River systems. /
Contamination/Detection / Global / "You just need to find out which living creatures, e.g. insects and crabs, are found at a certain point along the river and in what numbers," Liess explains. The authorities responsible for water management usually have such data available, he adds. Liess and his colleagues have now set up a Web application where this data can be entered and evaluated to show immediately how high the level of pollution in the rivers under investigation actually is. /
Contamination/Detection / Spain / Robot fish to detect pollution /
Contamination/fertilizer / China / Farmers using 40% more fertilizer than needed report by Renmin University in China and Greenpeace /
Contamination/leachate / US / Maine – 'leachate' (medications in liquids from landfills into river water, could affect other states) reported by Maine Department of Environmental Qualit...wastewater treatment facilities in Maine are not equipped to remove medical contaminants from the liquid from toilet flushing, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) argue that amounts are too small to be serious, Office of National Drug Control Policy has issued suggestions on how to safely dispose of unused prescriptions or expired medications /
Contamination/micro/nano / Eawag Aquatic Research: Worldwide, around 11,000 new substances are registered every day...and nanoparticles, which – in a rapidly expanding market – are already found in over 800 products. /
Contamination/Petroleum / Nigeria / Nigeria - One drop of oil can make up to 25 liters of water undrinkable. Amnesty reported that residents in the Niger Delta drink water contaminated with oil. Additionally, a half-century of petroleum pollution decimated fish populations that were the primary source of protein for these communities for generations. According to a May 2006 joint study by the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Environment, the Nigerian Conservation Foundation and several environmental organizations, 9 million to 13 million barrels have spilled during the history of oil production in the Niger Delta — the equivalent of a spill the size of the Exxon Valdez every year for the last fifty years. Shell says that “about half [of its worldwide] total volume spilled in 2008 was caused by one sabotage incident in Nigeria, where a large pipeline was damaged by explosives.” /
Contamination/Slums / Kenya / Kibera's Soweto East Village in Nairobi -- considered to be the world's second largest urban slum. There are no official population figures, but Kibera is thought to be home to as many as a million people: 25% of Nairobi's population, on 1% of the land (and there is almost a complete lack of piped safe water and no formal sanitation). /
Corruption / Alerts / International Water and Sanitation Centre (anti-corruption alerts) /
Corruption / Peru / January 2010: Head of Peru’s main water utility resigns over corruption allegations /
Corruption / Global / Global Corruption in the Water Sector 2008 report /
Corruption Anti / Afghanistan / Direct grants to a village council in Jurm, Badakshan province have
reduced corruption and helped the community set up and manage their
own water system and to introduce education for girls. This
development model of providing small grants, often less than US$
100,000 (€ 70,000), to Community Development Councils (CDCs), has been replicated in thousands of other villages as part of Afghanistan’s
National Solidarity Programme, set up in 2003. Five years later, in
the village of Fargamanch 3,270 families have taps for clean drinking
water near their homes, reducing waterborne diseases. /
Credit / Global / The WaterCredit Initiative represents the creation of a new space at the intersection of water and sanitation and microfinance. /
Crisis / Global/video / UN Human Development Report videos on water and sanitation Footage from: Nairobi, Kenya / West Bank, Palestinian Territories / China/ New Delhi, India / Colombia / Pretoria, South Africa / Kinshasa, Congo /
Crisis / Middle East / Lack of Mid-East peace deepens water crisis /
Dam / Brazil / Brazil will go ahead with the construction of a controversial
hydroelectric dam in the Amazon forest. It has been estimated that
thousands of the indigenous populations in the area would be
displaced. /
Dam / Cambodia / Engineers without Borders Cambodia dam project /
Dam/River / Middle East / Dams, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Kurdistan connections to regional water supplies /
Desalination / Iraq / $20M water desalination project in Iraq /
Desalination / Solar thermal desalination, “water generation modules” and the “watercone” (found in the book “Design like You Give a Damn”) /
Desalination/organization / Global / International Desalination Association: GWI/IDA Global Water Summit 2010 Transforming the World of Water. Co-sponsored by IDA, the Summit will take place April 26-27 in Paris, France, at the Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel & Conference Center. /
Encyclopedia / Global / Info source /
Engineers / US / US Army Corps of Engineers list of services includes: Owns and operates more than 600 dams. Operates and maintains 12,000 miles of commercial inland navigation channels. /
Event / U.S. / The Intelligent Use of Water™ Summit - Led by an impressive panel of representatives from city and state municipalities and water agencies that excel in implementing effective landscape water efficiency and conservation programs, the 11th Intelligent Use of Water Summit focused on providing greater insight into the water conservation policies and legislation, programs, initiatives and trends that ultimately steer city and state-wide efforts to reduce outdoor water waste. /
Event / 3/11/2010 / Singapore International Water Week June 28-July 2, 2010 /
Event / World Water Forum / Facebook advocacy for the UN to host the next World Water Forum to control excessive corporate influence /
Event / World Water Forum-Iraq / 2003: The world's forgotten crisis/3rd World Water Forum
Events in Iraq may limit media coverage of the 3rd World Water Forum to mere footnote status. "Our discussions will have far more effect on humankind in the twenty-first century than the current crisis in the Middle East," claims William Cosgrove, vice-president of the World Water Council, a think-tank dedicated to improving water resources. But the forum's organizers must know that there is little hope of gaining firm commitments from nations that are focused on war. /
Event listing / Global / 2010 and past event listings /
Events / list / many listed at
international programs at
Federal / US / List/links to resources for United States Federal agencies that have a relationship to water /
Filter / Global / Nano-tech teabag filter /
Filter/carbon / Global / Portable Carbon-filter Water Bottle /
Filters / Peru / Providing clean water with Bio-sand filters /
Filtration / Global / Water filter for the individual level /
Filtration/Sound / US / Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Using Sound to Filter Bacterial Spores from Water
Acoustic trapping can remove bacterial spores from water, according to a new set of experiments funded by the U.S. Army. /
Flood plain / Bangladesh + India / 2003: Living on the flood plain of three great rivers, the people of Bangladesh endure floods, drought, water-borne disease and much else besides. the issues are overlaid by fractious
regional politics. For decades, Bangladesh has been in dispute with its neighbours — particularly India — over their management of the rivers that drain into Bangladeshi territory. /
Fluoride / US / U.S. says too much fluoride in water (USA Today) /
Food / US / U.S FOOD (relation to water-use) Top 5 agriculture commodities, 2008
Value of receipts thousand $ Percent of US total value
1. Corn 51,550,748 15.9%
2. Cattle and calves 48,189,205 14.9%
3. Dairy products 34,772,735 10.7%
4. Soybeans 29,058,111 9.0%
5. Broilers 23,112,184 7.1%
All commodities 324,186,533
Top 5 agriculture exports, estimates, FY 2008
Value million $
1. Soybeans and products 19,331.9
2. Feed grains and products 18,147.5