Hough & Chorlton Parish Council
6 Norbury Close
01270 841826
Dear Councillor,
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 18th October 2013in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
- Attendance
- Apologies
- Approval of Minutes
- Declarations of interest.
Councillors are asked to declare any personal interest which may also be deemed as prejudicial which they may have in any item of business on the agenda and minutes.
- Police Matters – Cllr Butler to report on the recent Police Cluster meeting held on 7th October 2013
- HS2 – Cllr Broome to report on meetings re the HS2 which have been held on 18th September at Wychwood Village Hall, 20th September at Hough Village Hall and 9th October at TattonPark.
- Green Belt Extension – Cllr Broome presented the e-petition regarding the extension of the green belt to the Strategic Planning Board on 26th September 2013.
- Community Resillience Speed Train Event – Cllr Broome is to attend this event at MalbankSchool, Nantwich on 31st October. Cllr Broome requests other Councillors to attend this event.
- Town & Parish Council Conference – Cllr Broome is to attend this conference on 4th November 2013 At Alsager Civic Centre.
- October Newsletter – The October edition of the newsletter has been delivered, thanks are extended to those who helped with the delivery.
- Cheshire East Local Plan Core Strategy – Cheshire East Council have announced that they intend to undertake a further six week consultation process on the Local Plan. This consultation process will start on 5th November 2013 and finish on 16th December 2013.
- Environmental Operations – Cllr Broome to report
- Environment – Cllr Jardine to report
- Drain Smells – Cobbs Lane – Cllr Broome to report
- Village Hall – Cllr Butler to report
- Planning Application 13/0210N, Newcastle Road, Hough – Cllr Hewitt to report
17. Planning
No new planning applications have been received
The following decision has been received
Address / Details / Ref / Decision414 Newcastle Road,
Shavington / Outline application for
Up to 39 houses / 13/3018N / Withdrawn
18. Financial Matters
a) Balance in Current Account @ 9.10.13 = 19798.13
b) Balance in Savings Account @ 9.10.13 = 2940.81
c) 2nd instalment of precept received = 9500.00
c) To agree payment of the following.
Chq No / Name / Reason / Amount1382 / Cynthia Jardine / Clerk salary October / 253.73
1383 / HMRC / Clerk tax / 4.60
1384 / A J Hardy / Payroll services / 30.00
1385 / Susan Hodson / Delivery or newsletters
On WychwoodPark / 30.00
1386 / Jeff Rance / Grasscutting October / 450.00
1387 / W Newton / Lengthsman October / 127.50
1388 / Sarah Lawrenson / Newlsetter production / 25.00
1389 / Delmar Press / Newsletter printing / 230.00
1390 / Cynthia Jardine / SID topup / 10.00
1391 / David Jardine / Travel expenses / 27.00
1392 / Viking Payments / Stationery / 55.74
Total / 1243.57
19.Members Reports
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on
22nd November 2013 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Cynthia Jardine