Please answer whether you disagree or agree with these statements about you by making a check mark in the appropriate blank. Yours answers are kept confidential.
Strongly Strongly
DisagreeDisagreeAgree Agree
1. My use of alcohol or drugs has caused
many problems in my life……………….….. ___
2. I can quit using alcohol or drugs on my
own………………………………………….. ___
3. I am glad to be in the study………………. ___
4. My problems are caused by alcohol or
drugs ………………………………………… ___
5. I believe I am addicted…………………… ___
6. My use of alcohol or drugs has hurt others ___
7. I want to change my life and get away
from alcohol and drugs……………………… ___
8. I came to the study on my own………….. ___
9. There are many good reasons for me to
stop using alcohol or drugs…………………. ___
10. I am in the study because of bad luck…... ___
11. I know why people are so upset about
my alcohol or drug use……………………… ___
12. I need help for my chemical problems….. ___
13. Using alcohol or drugs is a real problem
in my life…………………………………….. ___
Strongly Strongly
DisagreeDisagreeAgree Agree
14. I can control my alcohol or drug use………… ___
15. I have a bad alcohol or drug problem……….. ___
16. I came to the study because of school
or legal problems………………………………… ___
17. It will be a struggle for me to stop using
alcohol or drugs…………………………………. ___
18. People sent me to the study to get me out
of the way……………………………………….. ___
19. It’s okay for me to use alcohol or drugs
now and then……………………………………. ___
20. I need to stop using alcohol or drugs
completely………………………………………. ___
21. I have more important things to do than
to go to a study……………..…………………… ___
22. I need help to stop using alcohol or drugs….. ___
23. I am willing to give up my old friends so
I can stop using drugs or drinking……………… ___
24. I was forced into coming to the study……… ___
25. I think the study is the best thing for me…… ___
Scoring the Problem Recognition Questionnaire
Ken Winters, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
1. Assign these values to the response options:
Strongly Disagree= 1
Disagree= 2
Agree= 3
Strongly Agree= 4
2. Compute unweighted total score with these four steps:
(Note: Some items have reverse scoring and some are not scored)
Step 1Compute:Q1 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 + Q6 + Q7 + Q9 + Q11 + Q12 + Q13 + Q15 +
Q17 + Q20 + Q22 + Q23 + Q25 = PRQ1
Step 2Note:Reverse the scores assigned to Q2, Q14, Q19, Q21, and Q24
Such that:
1 = 4, 2 = 3, 3 = 2, 4 = 1
Step 3Compute:Q2 + Q14 + Q19 + Q21 + Q24 = PRQ2
Step 4Compute:PRQ1 + PRQ2 = PRQ Score
3. Interpretation guidelines (Based at this time on rationale judgment)
Low recognition for treatment:PRQ Score = 21 – 39
Moderate recognition for treatment:PRQ Score = 40 – 59
High recognition for treatment:PRQ Score = 60+