Enerbuild Thematic Group 4
PV in Buildings
Co-ordinator: Peter Toggweiler, Enecolo AG
Strategy for the 6th framework programme
Summary of discussions and telephone interviews with PV - specialists according the list in the attachments.
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PV is a unique and very attractive way to generate electricity in terms of environment, sustainability, flexibility and application potential. As a consequence of that, the market has been increasing with an average growth rate of about 20 – 25 % during the past 10 years. At present, this development tends to continue or speed up due to market stimulation initiatives in a number of countries. Although PV covers a broad range of applications, the following strategy focuses on PV in Buildings. In Europe most of the installed capacity will be in the built environment with a focus on roof and facade integration.
PV can deliver clean electricity and therefore reduce CO2 emissions by replacing diesel systems or other fossil fuel fired power stations. Further more PV helps to save raw materials with limited availabilities and reduces other toxic emissions such as CO, SOx and micro particles.
Goal and intentions
In several previous paper goals for the future expansion of PV applications are set. Presuming good quality in term of aesthetics and operation, there are no limitations known which could hinder a very broad implementation. The limits at present are due to costs and production capacities. Therefore main focus must go into cost reduction, increase of production capacity, support the market and maintaining the good overall quality.
Focus for future RTD and P&D
Result of discussions and interviews
Clear and strong indications by several persons:
-Support marketing, market development, BIPV applications
- Coexistence of different technologies such as c-si, a-si and special cell materials for a longer period such as eg. 10 year, as consequence no priority settings for certain technologies
-Standards, certifications and guidelines
-Improvements over the entire value chain
(silicon feed stock, cells, modules and applications)
-Architecture, esthetical aspects of module design and building integration
-Same boundary conditions for mains access, market conditions and market -support measures in all EU-countries and associated states
-Education programmes
Single or double mentioning:
-EU shall support investment in production facilities
-PV as part of an entire energy concept for buildings and communities
-Building integration technology for roofs and facades, PV modules as building products
-More RTD support towards costs reduction and higher efficiencies
Most of the PV market in Europe will be building integrated. Therefore building integration has to be an integral part of the EU-PV – program. Any extra activities for building integration must be part of the general PV program or going to have a strong co-ordination. The following therefore does not specifically mention the building integration, because it is considered as integral part.
For the PV program the following activities are recommended:
4 integrated projects and 5 network projects or accompanying projects
The four proposed integrated projects
1 & 2.Low-cost PV modules based on mono- and polycrystalline solar cells for the
building integration and other applications
3. & 4.Low-cost PV modules based on thin film solar cells for the building integration and other applications
PV is a multi-disciplinary technology. Cost reduction is one of the major topics. In order to achieve significant cost reductions, all steps in the production and value chain have to be improved and optimized. This requires a highly qualified and experienced team of experts. The integrated projects shall focus on two basic technology lines: crystalline silicon and thin film cells. Two integrated projects shall run in each technology in order to keep the competition also within Europe. The contracts can be signed based on a call for tenders. The contracts shall include clear and binding goals for cost per Wp, quality, production capacity and a timetable for procurement. The projects will be fairly large in order to include to whole production chain. Beside the mentioned goal for the PV applications it will help to increase and strengthen the market position of the European PV Industry in the world-wide competition.
Network projects or accompanying measures
Research co-ordination
Fundamental research will mainly be done on a national level. The co-ordination of these efforts is recommended as done in the existing network PV-EC-NET.
Link to the building design, technology and operation
Link of PV applications with other topics related to buildings, such as energy, architecture, roof and facade utilization, built environment, etc.
Standards, Guidelines and Quality issues
The existing standards have to be adapted to include PV as construction element and building product and to consider wide spread use. The network has to enable EU-wide quality and safety standards for product, including installation, operation and performance.
A network with members of all countries shall verify the different market deployment measures and procedures and give recommendations for a common strategy. The results and experiences with past or current subsidies and taxation schemes shall be analyzed. New marketing stimulation and guidance measures shall be developed and implemented.
An education program as part of the large deployment is recommended in order to reduce costs for the installations and to keep a high quality and performance level. It shall address several level of involvement, such as students, apprentice schools, professionals in engineering and architecture.
A1: Technology indicators PV
A2: List of Contact and Status
J. Bellido IsofotonES
A. BjörsethRECNWok
T. BrutonBP SolarUK
J. Goulding ERG-UCD, IRok
Ch. LuebkemannARUPUKok
St. NowakNET AGCHok
M. RealAlpha Real AGCHok
W. SchmidtRWEDE
G. TravagliniEuresearchCHok
R. van Zolingen Shell – SiemensNLok
A3: Strong and week points of the past programmes
The number of involved groups, companies and individuals was big and a lot of ideas and innovations were presented.
PV in Buildings was not covered sufficiently; mainly the architectural integration did not receive enough attention.
Often the success of the project is not visible or did not happen. Furthermore it is difficult to validate the results, as the commercial, scientific or technical follow up is not anymore accessible.
EnerBuild, TG4: PV in Buildings, Strategy Report – FP6