Emerging Technology and Innovation Showcase - October10, 2007

2007Smart Card Alliance Annual Conference

Marriott Long Wharf Hotel - BostonMA

October 9-11, 2007

Call For Proposals: DEADLINE is Friday, September 7th


The Smart Card Alliance will be dedicating part of its 2007 Annual Conference program to companies who are bringing innovative technology to the market. In support of the conference theme of “Smart Cards: The Future of Digital Transactions”, we are offering an opportunity for a few selectedcompanies who have developed new, innovative smart card-enabled technologies to have an opportunity to showcase their new technology or application at this important industry event.


On Wednesday, October 10th, from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm, a food and beverage networking reception will be held for all conference attendees. Selected companies will be provided a draped 6’ table todemonstrate and explain their new technology innovation to the conference attendees who will attend the free food and beverage networking reception. The estimated 350 conference attendees will include many integrators and user organizations who seeking new technologies and solutions to address their business needs. In addition, attendees will be given ballots to vote for the “Best of Show” of the smart card solutions that they see during the reception. The top vote getter will be announced at the Thursday Luncheon and the selected company will be permitted to make a 15 – 20 minute presentation about their company and their new and innovative smart card technologyduring the Thursday afternoon Emerging Technology Track sessions during the regular conference agenda lunch to share more information.

Selection Criteria:

  • Companies must complete the application and return it to the Smart Card Alliance by September 7th, 2007. Notices will be sent out by September 14th, 2007 informing each applicant if they have been selected. Applications are available at Annual Conference Informationpage at or by email to .
  • Applications will be judged by uniqueness and innovative nature of the technology with consideration given for solutions targeting new markets and new uses for smart card technology as well as those that promise significant end user benefits.
  • The smart card technology or application must be NEW to the market. Only technologies or solutions commercially available AFTER January 1, 2007, ornot yet commercially available but beyond the prototype stage (no laboratory models should be submitted) will be considered
  • The company’s product or service offering must use smart card technology as a component or integral part of the complete solution.
  • Companies DO NOT have to be members of the Smart Card Alliance, although members are encouraged to apply.
  • Companies must email or fax their application no later than September 7, 2007. Selected companies will be notified by phone on or before Friday, September 14th.
  • Display tables will include a company logo sign, 6’ x 30” white draped table, and (1) electric connection (but excluding internet). No booths are allowed. Free-standing graphic signs, banners, posters are permitted, but these must fit in the space behind the table.
  • THIS IS NOT AN EXHIBITION. Due to time and space limitations and to maintain the informal nature of the showcase, a maximum of 12 companies will be accepted for the Emerging Technology and Innovation Showcase. The decision of the selection committee is final.
  • Set-up will begin at 4PM, approximately 2 hours prior to the start of the reception. All displays and equipment must be removed from the room 1 hour after the reception ends at approximately 8PM.


  • There is no cost to submit a proposal. All applications and committee voting results will kept confidential.
  • A fee of $250 for Alliance members and $500 for non-members to cover the cost of the meeting space, display tables, set-up, and removal. Fees must be paid in advance of the Wednesday evening reception.
  • One representative for each company selected (member or non-member) for the showcase must be registered for a full 3 day conference pass in order to participate in the Wednesday evening reception and Thursday luncheon. 2 additional passes per selected company will be provided at no charge for the Emerging Technology showcase reception only to assist with the set-up and demonstrations(Cancellation terms will be waived for individuals who register but are not selected)

Complete the Emerging Technology and Innovation Showcase application and email it to . If you have any questions, call 609-587-4208.

For more information about the 2007Smart Card Alliance Annual Conference, visit the web site at